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AA tightens Advantage requirements.

WorldTraveler said:
DL's revenue on JFK-LAX is up while AA's is down; AA has not increase its yield enough to cover its passenger capacity cuts, let alone what it lost with cargo.
Been through this exercise on a different thread but you continue to parrot this nonsense.
By the numbers you yourself have provided AA left about 18-20 LD3 or about 25 LD2 containers of cargo behind (about 1 B767 plane load, if I'm not mistaken). 
But if that leads to DL domination .........................
WorldTraveler said:
or is it a place for Josh to charge DL with false advertising?

I still want to see where DL is advertising that JFK-SEA is 100% lie flat. or that DL is advertising 100% lie flat BE on JFK-SFO.

he can reply on the DL thread of the same subject.
Josh and Dawg provided links and text with the advertising on the DL thread.  Today.  Don't know why you continue to pretend it doesn't exist.
Anyone know if the new AA program will carry over the US award processing fees? A nice way to treat your best customers,NOT!
no, we have been thru the guesstimation of some AA employees who clearly don't send actual statistics to the DOT>

if you think AA has not given up 2 million pounds of cargo, plz contact the DOT and whoever is responsible at AA.
WorldTraveler said:


AA is increasing requirements to obtain top benefits in the Advantage program, proof that consolidation in the industry is targeting higher fares and reduced perks.
It's actually not - you still earn the same benefits with 100,000 EQM or 100,000 EQP. Only difference is that for segment qualifiers, 120 segments will now be required instead of 100. But you already knew that, it didn't fit your spin. 
AA already awards it's higher revenue customers with EQPs, which allows status to be earned based on a multiple of how expensive one's tickets are.
Good to see AA maintain an industry leading FF program and elite customer benefits that neither DL nor UA can come close to matching. 
WorldTraveler said:
no, we have been thru the guesstimation of some AA employees who clearly don't send actual statistics to the DOT>

if you think AA has not given up 2 million pounds of cargo, plz contact the DOT and whoever is responsible at AA.
Nice spin & deflection.
I used the cargo data link which you provided. 
Remember, AA cargo at JFK was approx. 8-10% within what FedEx and DL transported at JFK.
You harped on and on and on and on and on and on and on about how DL is winning cargo. 
When the math was done, it turned out to be about equal to the capacity of 1 B767 per day.
we've discussed this before and it isn't part of the AAdvantage discussion. If you want to discuss it further, start another thread. here is my reply which are free to copy into that thread if you want. I'm not replying to that issue in this thread.

AA was the largest cargo carrier from JFK before they ended 762 service. they lost that position and DL assumed it.

the actual market level data for JFK-LAX is available and it shows that AA lost 75% of the cargo it once carried.

a 767 might be able to carry 75K pounds of cargo per flight but that was the total AA carried on all of its JFK-LAX flights and which DL now carries.
So let me translate for everyone

So basically a change was made to the program so get on the site and trash AA

Then because things aren't going so well let's change to JFK to LAX market

The cargo is accumulating sky pesos

Hail to DL
So let me translate for everyone

So basically a change was made to the program so get on the site and trash AA

Then because things aren't going so well let's change to JFK to LAX market

The cargo is accumulating sky pesos

Hail to DL
So let me translate for everyone

So basically a change was made to the program so get on the site and trash AA

Then because things aren't going so well let's change to JFK to LAX market

The cargo is accumulating sky pesos

Hail to DL
uh.... frugal change the topic to the cargo market, not me.

and DL's revenue went up in the JFK-LAX passenger market while AA's down.

given that the entire market saw yield go up, including B6, AA's yield increase was only a few percent better than their competitors.

you can let us know how AA won better than the competitors it helped but the data sure doesn't say so.
Let's see once again AA made more money and intefration is going well

It's not complex to write a program to accumulate spend just because DL did it does not mean it's perfect

If I was running the integration I would not change tonspend level either - it's stupid to take a system risk to a program change customers hate - so let DL piss customers off for now
WorldTraveler said:
uh.... frugal change the topic to the cargo market, not me.

See post #10:
WorldTraveler said:
DL's revenue on JFK-LAX is up while AA's is down; AA has not increase its yield enough to cover its passenger capacity cuts, let alone what it lost with cargo.
There's your Whole Truth!
But  getting back to the AAdvantage changes:  it seems to be for the most part just minor tinkering. 
At least for now. 
Hopefully it doesn't get devalued, but I have a feeling that more series of changes are coming to eventually take it to the lowest common denominator (e.g SkyMiles  😛  ).
I received a reply stating the AAdvantage program has no plans on incorporating the award processing fee as US does presently. My miles have just gained more value.
But  getting back to the AAdvantage changes:  it seems to be for the most part just minor tinkering. 
At least for now. 
Hopefully it doesn't get devalued, but I have a feeling that more series of changes are coming to eventually take it to the lowest common denominator (e.g SkyMiles  😛  ).
of course they are coming.

the only reason why AA hasn't moved to a fare based FF program is because AA doesn't have the ability to do it across two res systems.

instead, AA will be faced with missing one of the key components that have driven fare increases at DL and UA. Is it a surprise that AA's average fare growth is now pushing their RASM to the top of AA and DL after months of lagging DL in the FF upgrades?

the FF upgrade is one part but not the whole of why AA is underperforming the industry on RASM production.

DL and UA have the systems in place to maximize their revenue which AA does not.

AA will pay the price with lower RASM now and will be playing catch up from a position that is further and further behind DL and UA by the time AA is finally able to cut over.
DL put in a $'s threshold so it must be the best thing since slice bread - see they don't call Skymiles - Skypesos for nothing - anything DL can do to cheapen their FF program is a great thing - last I checked AA invented the entire product feature - however I could never give credit to anyone for anything good they do - I can only trash competitors as my teachings and preachings focus on trashing thy neighbor
DL's job is to maximize revenue, not give out benefits.

A frequent flyer program is used to incentivize passengers to use your airline and for them to maximize their benefits thru higher fares.

There is a very clear correlation between DL's RASM increase when it switched to a fare-based FF program and when UA did the same.

There is also a correlation between AA's below average revenue performance on the domestic system and that of carriers that have fare-based FF programs.

we don't even have to talk about int'l markets... we're talking about the domestic system. It hasn't even been a year since the merger and AA's RASM is trailing the industry.

feel free to offer your explanations as to why AA is underperforming even domestic RASM less than a year after the merger but I will submit to you that will likely continue until AA can change to fare based FF program.

Giving away the most benefits is rarely the same formula to gain the most in revenue.

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