AA SVP Jim Ream on Last Best Offer Video

There are two types of fear rational and irrational. Knowing that we will get spanked and lose over 4,000 union brothers and sisters jobs - of which I am a long way from being one of them - is rational fear.

But there's only one type of TWu CompAAny whore, one like yourself, a minion that sells the BS message of the current management team that has run this company into ground since 2003...and profited every spring regardless of the BILLIONS IN LOSSES. Excuse me while I step into my hip waders and artfully step through the river of bovine excrement flowing from Centrepork and it's bought and paid for TWu compAAny union buffons.

Why haven't the Centrepork PUP folks produced a cheesey "Buy It Now" video for the APA and the APFA? No sale there I guess? Only the TWu International and it's sheep are that stupid and corrupt I would surmise. Nice try.

Try as you might Overspeed, most who are not it the compAAnies pocket are not buying the companies lies again, this BS T/A, or whatever you try to call it.

Management overplayed their hand this time, and after 9 years of "Shared Sacrifice"....it's now time for the margin call.

Doesn't speak well for the company, when they can't even keep a you tube video on line. Was that labors fault too?

Maybe AA and BOD should listen to the employee's more. I don't remember one employee saying that buying Reno would be a great idea, or taking seats out of the airplanes was pure genius (how many man hours did that cost AA?) And certainly nobody saw buying TWA as the Einstein move of the century. As a matter of fact the employee's thought those were all bad, and we mentioned that to Arpey when he did his road shows until he stopped coming around, the show I attended was mostly him saying why the executives deserved bonus's, you know the same ones that ran the company into BK.

Think of the hubris at AA HQ to think they could make money with TWA's route structure, when TWA's management couldn't do it. After working with the x-TWA employee's we know it wasn't their fault.
Doesn't speak well for the company, when they can't even keep a you tube video on line. Was that labors fault too?

Does anyone know for a fact that AA posted the video?...

I watched it, and found the quality of it a bit jumpy, like it had been captured as a stream as opposed to uploaded in native form. Was this perhaps posted on Jetnet somewhere, and intended only for employee viewing?

It wouldn't be the first time someone posted material on YouTube they didn't create...
tell me no one downloaded it I missed it. Sounds like they are getting desperate to sway the people. Now you have to believe this is a snowjob come on wake up
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Does anyone know for a fact that AA posted the video?...

I watched it, and found the quality of it a bit jumpy, like it had been captured as a stream as opposed to uploaded in native form.

It wouldn't be the first time someone posted material on YouTube that they didn't create...

E it was filmed on the same set as the Apollo moon landings. Just kidding. It was there a while ago, have no idea why the account was closed.
I can't now they took it down. What he said was that the LBO offered and early out and new language that is not in the March 22 term sheet. Simply put, the assertion in the vote no video that we get the 1.5% and many other conditions will be there after a vote to reject.

I am not telling you how to vote just that Bob and the rest of his coalition of the misinformed and misguided have not stated the all the facts.

Vote no and we will see. Test your theories but remember, you can't unwind your decision. AMR's lawyers will push for abrogation and after 33 out of 33 in the last decade the lawyers are batting a 1.000

I have seen the UAL video and your point is what? They did better after BK?

I'm not telling anyone how to vote: but, I'm saying that given that Ream stated AA was following the path that all US International Carriers had followed; we would do well to listen to their testimony of the course of action they pursued.

In the link that I provided, and is still operative, the lead attorney for UAL during their BK reorg states during the 10 MIN, 10 Sec beginning section that the three years required for UAL to complete and emerge from BK were required by the adjustment of employee expectations without losing those employees to job actions.

The steps that UAL and US Airways undertook to adjust their employees expectations are a current reality for the TWU M&R at AA. Step one was the 2003 reduction in pay and vacation; step two is the freeze of the DBP and the continuation of the '95 contract 1.5%/yr pay increase coupled with the loss of overhaul in one base coupled to the loss of overhaul on company determined fleets and checks.

The number of steps that AA will attempt to conduct is directly related to the amount of resistance we are willing to conduct.

At the current stage, the only level of resisitance that we are legally able to raise is the rejection of further concessions: if we refuse to resist, we greenlight further concessionary demands from AA.
Does anyone know for a fact that AA posted the video?...

I watched it, and found the quality of it a bit jumpy, like it had been captured as a stream as opposed to uploaded in native form. Was this perhaps posted on Jetnet somewhere, and intended only for employee viewing?

It wouldn't be the first time someone posted material on YouTube they didn't create...
next you will tell us, it isn't jim
next you will tell us, it isn't jim

No, it's Ream, and I watched it while it was still up, hence the comment about it being jumpy in spots... I was just asking who originally posted it. If it wasn't AA, they probably complained and had it pulled.

Either way, I was just able to get the video to play (again) and I also downloaded a copy just for gits & shiggles...

Nice crap selling there Baghdad Jim. Saddam Hussein could have used you as one of his minister of DISinformation.

NEVER in my 44 years have i've EVER seen a company stick up for a union as AA does for the Totally Worthless Union. The sad part is that there will be plenty of dumb F's that will believe everything Baghdad Jim is pushing. They should realize the only thing that AA/TWU/Baghdad Jim wants to push in is the memberships stools with this LBO.
I don't even waste my time anymore listening to Horton or his subordinates.If their mouths moving,well enough said....Same with the TWU(Little).This is classic company strategy,nothing has changed...
No, it's Ream, and I watched it while it was still up, hence the comment about it being jumpy in spots... I was just asking who originally posted it. If it wasn't AA, they probably complained and had it pulled.

Either way, I was just able to get the video to play (again) and I also downloaded a copy just for gits & shiggles...

he said it was a consensual outcome in the first 25 seconds, according to ALL our negotiators it wasn't a consensual agreement, someone is not being truthful.

consensual - existed or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony.

It reminds me when Arpey said it was important for AA to keep the executives and their bonus's because otherwise we might wind up in BK.
A side note:
I'm pretty sure when Roger Starbach was in Annapolis, he wasn't taught to blame his sailors when they were following the orders of the admirals.
Maybe I'm not understanding this whole thing. If the term sheets are WORSE than the LBO, why would the company feel desperation in attaining a yes vote? Because if the term sheets are imposed, AA gets the original ASK.

The only desperate ones are the TWU.
he said it was a consensual outcome in the first 25 seconds, according to ALL our negotiators it wasn't a consensual agreement, someone is not being truthful.

consensual - existed or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony.

It reminds me when Arpey said it was important for AA to keep the executives and their bonus's because otherwise we might wind up in BK.
A side note:
I'm pretty sure when Roger Starbach was in Annapolis, he wasn't taught to blame his sailors when they were following the orders of the admirals.

Roger "I am an AMR board member"Staubach?
Maybe I'm not understanding this whole thing. If the term sheets are WORSE than the LBO, why would the company feel desperation in attaining a yes vote? Because if the term sheets are imposed, AA gets the original ASK.

The only desperate ones are the TWU.

Because if the company gets us locked into this 6 years POS, they will celebrate for 6 long years, they cannot even fathom that they stand a chance at actually getting this deal. They are watering at the mouth, in hopes that we show there is no limit to what we would give up.

I cannot even believe we are voting on such a piece of crap. And the fact that the TWU,AA,Chamber of Commerce is all advocating a yes vote together is just beyond belief.


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