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Aa Operations At Jfk During Power Outage.

Airlines9 wrote:

Sorry hound. You are right it was ment for AAmech. Im having a bit of trouble with this new format

I know. I think lots of folks are. That's why I copy and pasted your post. 😉
If power outages like this happened every year, then I would fault AA for dropping the ball.

But they don't. The last major one happened 26 years ago, in 1977. Before deregulation. Before AAdvantage. When AA's modern jets were the 707 and 727. And the one before that happened in 1965.

They don't happen frequently enough for me to care how well AA handled the situation. And I sure hope AA doesn't waste any money preparing for an event that only happens three times in 38 years. It just ain't worth it.
FWAAA said:
If power outages like this happened every year, then I would fault AA for dropping the ball.

But they don't. The last major one happened 26 years ago, in 1977. Before deregulation. Before AAdvantage. When AA's modern jets were the 707 and 727. And the one before that happened in 1965.

They don't happen frequently enough for me to care how well AA handled the situation. And I sure hope AA doesn't waste any money preparing for an event that only happens three times in 38 years. It just ain't worth it.
Unfortunately, if shrub gets his way, they are going to happen a lot more now that there is banter about a taxpayer bailout of the electrical utility industry to rebuild the grid! That always means power outages when a utility starts replacing lines and such.

I gotta wonder though if the utility companies will handle their bail out money like the airline industry did. . . . or didn't. 🙄
LGA Fleet Service, all of the articles above and the news reports I have read indicate a large number of B6 employees got the word somehow. Maybe they simply called in - land lines were working OK. Those at JFK on Thursday simply stayed as the airline improvised to get planes in and out and word spread that the same would happen on Friday, regardless of the power situation.

Why take out your frustrations with your job and your employer on any who point out a weakness of AA. You surely do your share in other threads. As others have also pointed out, the words in the Press Release are pure spin; and the numbers are just plain pitiful. I am amazed that the PR people at AA would admit to such miserable numbers and some anecdotal instances of isolated assistance to pax.

My ‘fetish’ is for good service and as a Lifetime PLT on AA, I have enjoyed a lot of it in the past. But recently B6 has been getting some of my business.

BTW, your knowledge of the modern Aviation Phonic Alphabet (with the exception of ’Ocean’ and the lack of ‘trot’ behind ’Fox’) is noted. My exposure is not as recent (since I flew military in the ‘Able-Baker days and most of the words have changed); but I was able to recognize the first letter of the words you put in bold. Yes, I ‘read you’ ‘loud and clear’. But 'read' nothing of substance in your post – only coded curses and epithets that mean nothing to me and reflect more on you than anything I could say!

‘Over and Out’

Airlines9 said:
That is why I hear dozens of times everyday at work from our customers how much, "they LOVE JetBLue." When is the last time anyone heard that said about AA?

This is a question I would like to answer.

Until recently, I have spent most of the last two and a half years being around American Airlines passengers. For your information, there was probably NOT ONE flight, inbound or outbound, which failed to produce favorable comments about American Airlines.

The words: “I love American Airlinesâ€￾ were very common. “This is the only airline I flyâ€￾ were heard most often. “I wouldn’t fly any other airlineâ€￾ came in third.

We (You and I) heard similar expressions about TWA for many years and this made us very proud.

Certainly you are proud to hear these words as you enjoy your new ninth career, with Jet Blue, but don’t think for a minute that there are not other F/As and airline employees doing a similar professional job. And, yes, I am referring to American.

Randy Kramer
upsilon said:
Why take out your frustrations with your job and your employer on any who point out a weakness of AA.
Why? Because I take pride in who I work for, and I take issue with those who delight in doing nothing more than extolling the vitures of their airline while gleefully highlighting the shortcomings of mine.

Don't presume to know me, my work ethic or anything else about me based on what you read on this or any other message board.

I apologize for the outburst, and that is my last comment on this matter.
Airlines9 said:

Didn’t you work for TWA. When did you turn into such a turncoat. How can you try to come to the defense of AA. Don’t you remember what they did to the TWA F/As? How could you support a management that not only abused the TWA F/As but is now abusing AA F/As too? I have friends in both camps and the abuse is really bad. Are you so desperate to work for such an airline that you feel compelled to defend such action? You said that you voted yes for the contract that sealed the fate of all TWA F/As by putting them all on the street without any furlough pay. The F/A contract in place was never voted for and is just like the one if AA had gone bankrupt. Yet you are the first to try to defend AA with an article, "from another site," you couldn’t admit it was from the AA site written by AA.

How much money did you and AA make from fellow TWA F/As being a traitor, I mean trader?

007, is that you?

Your style is unmistakable.


extwacaptain said:
Airlines9 said:
That is why I hear dozens of times everyday at work from our customers how much, "they LOVE JetBLue." When is the last time anyone heard that said about AA?

This is a question I would like to answer.

Until recently, I have spent most of the last two and a half years being around American Airlines passengers. For your information, there was probably NOT ONE flight, inbound or outbound, which failed to produce favorable comments about American Airlines.

The words: “I love American Airlines” were very common. “This is the only airline I fly” were heard most often. “I wouldn’t fly any other airline” came in third.

We (You and I) heard similar expressions about TWA for many years and this made us very proud.

Certainly you are proud to hear these words as you enjoy your new ninth career, with Jet Blue, but don’t think for a minute that there are not other F/As and airline employees doing a similar professional job. And, yes, I am referring to American.

Randy Kramer
Capt Kramer,
It was always an honor to come through LAX and see you there in your uniform greeting our passengers. You are and were the true spirit of our airline. You always made me proud to be a part of aviation history.
It's a good thing class can be AAquired.
LGA Fleet Service, your gracious apology is both accepted and appreciated. I in turn apologize for my last response to you. We all have bad days and the events of last week were trying for all New Yorkers. I have been educated about airline operations from your informative comments over on the S'J board and am glad you reminded me of the potential problems with BB rhetoric, my own included.

I have been and still am a dedicated AA pax going back to the days it was HQ’d in New York. I was then, and still am, an investor in AA, now AMR. I have been just as outraged at the way they have recently treated me as a FF customer as you employees have been at the AA attitude toward your group for an even longer time. In many instances I am in your corner – not so much in others

But in my mind and heart (and I hope in my posts), I never blamed non-management employees for the AA operational performance last week. You asked earlier why I started this thread. Look back and you will see I simply asked what happened at JFK and for comments from AA people. Unfortunately Kirkpatrick (who I also know and respect from the S’J board) chose to post the unidentified AMR press release, which set me off. To him I also apologize.

From all I have observed and read here and elsewhere, I have what I consider to be the answer. It was a complete top-down lack of leadership. AA is simply too management top-heavy. I could speculate about how that has developed since the days of C.R. Smith. But the problems are systemic and management at all levels could never have done the things that were done at B6 - because there is no authority given to anyone to go beyond a given set of Rules. To us pax, it is evident every day in our relations with RAs, TAs, and GAs, even when the outcome is admittedly ridiculous and the results are more costly to AA.

‘Nuff said, thanks again for your last response. My wife and I are off to a combo (my) business/(our) pleasure trip to ARN via VIE on OS, burning *A/UA miles. I have a lot more faith in my mid-six figure total on AA. I don’t think it is misplaced.

Best Wishes,

Airlines9 said:
Didn’t you work for TWA. When did you turn into such a turncoat. How can you try to come to the defense of AA.
AA has approximately 100,000 employees, most of whom are dedicated to doing the best job they can. Pointing that out isn't a defense of AA management.

I'll ignore the rest of your rant, but just for the record I voted "no" on the contract, and AA doesn't get a penny from licensed traders other than the initial license fee.

Airlines9 said:
AAmech said:
Airlines9 said:
Dc10hound said:
Operations Return to Normal

That is why I hear dozens of times everyday at work from our customers how much, "they LOVE JetBLue." When is the last time anyone heard that said about AA?

Here is an article in the Post about it:


We hear it each time they RETURN for another AA flight!

Even though JBLU has nearly doubled in size in just one year its load factor is running over 90%. It doesnt appear that there are very many customers "returning," to AA.

On the contrary Airlines9, I love looking at AA's LF's on JFK-LGB! We're bursting at the seams with 95-100% LF's!! Lots of happy repeat customers. Not bad I'd say! :up:
Stop the presses!!!

For all you JBLU types. Relax. You are no different than any other airline. The coolaid is running fast and everybody is taking a gulp. JBLU has convinced everybody that they are some mythical bunch who do no wrong. Not so. There are many airline folks who do great things every day working for other airlines. What JBLU has is a young(cheap) workforce and young(cheap) fleet. JBLU is not paying for the airplanes yet and there is no MX to speak of. You have just signed a MX deal with Air Canada. Welcome to reality. I have alot of friends at JBLU and I wish them well, remember, some of the other airlines have been around 75 years and JBLU 2, don't pat yourself on the back just yet.

Play nice,
heavy767 said:
JBLU is not paying for the airplanes yet and there is no MX to speak of. You have just signed a MX deal with Air Canada.

You don't really believe this do you? Not paying for airplanes? Not paying for maintenance? Air Canada has been doing C checks for us for years. In addition, some C checks have been going to the EADS facility in Louisiana. The maintenance agreement you mentioned was to set up a long term heavy maintenance pipeline for C and D checks. But it doesn't represent the first time these planes have seen a wrench, or that JetBlue has paid for it. What turnip truck did you fall off of?

BTW, I think you're wrong. At the moment, we are different from most other airlines. Most of that has to do with trusting our leadership and each other. That's rare enough that it does distinguish us. I'm not saying at all that JetBlue can do no wrong, but if you're going to bring us down to earth, you'll have to do it with correct information. We've heard this one so often it just makes us roll our eyes. Next you'll say that we get free fuel. I actually heard that one from a jumpseater a few months ago. 🙄
Weather Heavy767 has ALL his facts correct is besides the point. He's dead on correct when it comes to some of these JB people. JB is a fine well run airline with competent management and motivated employees. But that doesn't mean everyone else stinks. Some of these JB people are just down right obnoxious. "Everything at AA is bad, AA employees dont care, AA employees hate their jobs". Just because we don't have Kim Jong Neeleman as CEO doesn't mean we don't know what we're doing! Give it a break!
We all know how this will play out because we've seen it before. Soon, JBlu employees will see quarterly profits posted just one too many times before they decide that they are the ones responsible for those profits (and they are) and decide that they want a bigger share of the pie. At that point - a union will be able to eeek it's way through the door and then JBlu employees will find out exactly how much corporate appreciates what they do. :elvis:

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