Hi ken, What point exactly did you say bob was trying to make? How long have you worked for AA? How long have you been represented by the BA? You know, the TWU. Have you ever heard of the Constituntional Convention? It is a gathering of elected individuals from within the bargaining unit. They take forward the agenda of the represented body of the membership. You know, the majority! They who carry the voice of the membership to this convention. You should really educate yourself before spewing rhetoric about a topic you apparentley know little about. Join a real union you will be alot happier 😉
This may help......See below
He was then elected to a full four year term to that post by TWU's 22nd Constitutional Convention in September 2005.
HSS, you truly are brainwashed.
Its about as Democratic as the USSR was.
I've been to a TWU Convention.
Technically Stalin was elected every time, and lo and behold just like at our conventions by "Unanimous Vote". The elections were not secret ballots, this way the International can identify opposition, and in the past the International has worked to silence and eliminate opposition just like Stalin.
Just like the TWU the USSR had "elected representatives" from all over the country but all those representatives knew that opposition was not tolerated. Thats why nobody usually ran against Stalin and thats why usually nobody runs against the International.
During the 2001 Convention things were different, even though the outcome was the same. Rojer Toussaint was fired after he started opposing Sonny Hall back in Local 100, he sued to get his job back and won. Sonny Hall was later convicted of violating members rights.Rojer ran against Sonny. Jack Sullivan of Local 501, opposed the International at the 2001 Convention was later fired by AA in a company/ union conspiracy to eliminate dissent. Jack was a union officer and the International did nothing, because they were in on it. Most Employers love the TWU because its better than having no union at all for them,so they will assist the International by firing opponents at any opportunity. Rojer, Jack and the other board members of Local 501 are just a few examples to opponents to the International who were fired by "friendly" employers.Jack Sullivan currently has a lawsuit in progress, the International has offered several out of court settlements, but as with most of the lawsuits the International settles when they violate workers rights (rights that we have due to the LMRDA, not the TWU Constitution) the International wants a gag order . I nominated Jack at the Convention and was removed by Sonny Hall. Sonny Hall pressed charges, then he appointed the board, all subordinates of his, to render judgement. Just as all Stalins victims are automatically guilty, after going though a sham trial anyone that the International accuses is automatically guilty.
The former President of the Chicago Local, Joy Calloway sued, she was a very outspoken opponent of Hall who was also attacked by the International, she won enough to keep her quiet.The International has settled scores of lawsuits this way, always with a gag order so the mebers will not know their rights and so that the International can continue with their lies.
The removal of Calloway, Sullivan, Shalk and myself were warnings to all the other Local officers who have any inklings whatsoever on delivering their promises of change and representation to remember that they do not really work for the members. Sure the members can vote them into those positions but the International can remove them, and will, anytime it sees fit to. So the International is in fact elected by people who work for them, not the members. However the LMRDA dose give us rights but the International routinely violates them. They may lose in court, but then they just pay, in the meantime they got what they wanted.
Look at the oath of local officers, it doesnt mention the members at all, however it does mention the International, "to bear true allegience to the International".
Stalin never used the fact that his opponents opposed him as the basis for charges, after all the USSR was a democracy, just like the TWU, instead he made up other charges and ran kangaroo courts to convict and eliminate his opponents, just like the TWU.
A vote does not make a democracy. No one in this country would agree that the USSR was democratic just because Stalin was elected. Just as we would not say that Iraq was democratic because Saddam Hussain was elected. The fact is the structure of the TWU is not democratic in either theory or practice. It is pretty much a carbon copy of the USSR and any other dictatorship that claims to be a Democracy.
So while its true that the International is elected by people from the locals the locals are represented by people who for the most part are officers who according to the International have sworn an oath that puts the Internatioanls intrests ahead of the members. Dont believe it? Read the Oath for officers in the back of the Constitution. The Internationals interpretation of that oath as it relates to the membership is that if the local officer puts his members ahead of the International the officer is violating his oath. Do you want proof? I'll send you the Internationals own words.
HSS, you are the one that needs to educate yourself.