You think so?
I hear plenty of complaining and engine changes that typically took 8 hrs now take three days, or 72 hrs. So for a 25% reduction in pay it takes 6 times longer than it used to. Seems to me that a 25% reduction in pay that results in a 600% increase in turn time is not a great way to do business, especially when you factor in how much leases cost and lost revenue.
The company reduced their expenses by eliminating workers in addition to slashing compensation. Like I mentioned on other threads they doubled the savings they claimed they needed to be profitable. However they are not doing that great. What I have to wonder is, if they had just laid off and kept compensation where it was, how profitable they would be today? The loss of morale resulted in a huge loss of productivity, along with the 8 hour engine changes a lot of other things that made the difference between an "on time" flight and a cancellation are gone. While the numbers may not indicate a huge rise in delays and cancellations (although from things I've read there is a rise throughout the industry)a lot of this can be attributed to a surpluss of expensive aircraft that sit around throughout the system. Without all these "spares" my guess is that delays and cancellations would be at an all time high.
So if the goal of mangagement was destroy morale by bankrupting their employees but hoping that the golden handcuffs of debt will keep them showing up for their assigned shift then yes their plan is working. However if they want a workforce that goes above and beyond, resulting in very high productivy, profits and loves their job, then they have lost.
It used to be that most would do "what they could", now they do only "what they must". The margin between the two is huge.
Could not have said it better.
There are all ways spare Aircraft here in MIA.
We no longer work on anything at the gate.
We simply pull it out of service and bring a spare up to cover the trip.
Before the ILC (industry leading concessions) 99 percent of the equipment was worked on at the gate and usually made the trip.
Now its easier to take it out of service and let it sit at the hanger sometimes for days.
Loss of pay and benefits means no more going the extra mile to save a trip.
Let it die I still get paid the same weather I go the extra step or work by the book.
Now days I work by the book. 😀