This is Tommie Hutto-Blake, APFA President, with the APFA Hotline for Friday, January 06, 2006.
Today it was announced that many of AA’s management – about 1,000 employees from mid-level all the way to top-management – would be receiving bonuses. In light of this development, APFA has decided to defer our participation in the Base Briefings with AA set to begin next week. We will let you know if and when APFA decides to participate in these Base Briefings.
Yesterday, APFA received a draft letter announcing the fact that there would be bonuses awarded to management in April. Today we received more information that included details on the total compensation at today’s stock price, which would equal a $20M payout. A copy of the plan is available as of today on Jetnet .
The irony of this is that even though AMR has lost $8B over the past four years, recently our stock has most outperformed the airline industry. It must be noted that we have ALL played a key role in driving stock prices up at AMR, resulting in healthy bonuses for both mid-level and top management employees.
APFA has expressed its serious concerns with management that at a time when we are attempting to work together with AA to bring this company back to profitability, the very poor timing of management bonuses is clearly not in the best interests of this Company and its employees who have worked so hard to turn this airline around. To say the least, we are disappointed at this information considering the Company’s substantial debt.
All top-level management on AA Payroll at the time these bonuses were conceived accepted the incentive but for one – CEO Gerard Arpey. These bonuses, which will be in the form of “units,†will be vested on April 18, 2006. The recipients of the plan will receive the equivalent in cash at the stock price on that day.
Each recipient is set to receive a specific number of units. For example, Dan Garton, the Senior VP of Marketing is at the top of the list with 44,000 units. If AMR’s stock price goes unchanged, Dan Garton is set to receive $1.7M in April. The lowest amount to be paid out at today’s stock price would be $2,000 for 50 units, which goes to the lowest level manager invited to participate in the plan. The units will be multiplied by 175% of the stock price on April 18, 2006, due to the fact that AMR’s stock price was the industry’s best performing stock. Since 2003, the stock price has increased 169%.
APFA would like to commend Gerard Arpey for having the resolve to lead by example and turn down a very large amount of money when this plan was offered to him more than two years ago.
Now please stay on the line for the rest of the APFA Hotline. Leslie…
Thanks, Tommie.