So if they are better paid they are above critique? Is that what you are saying?
Er, when and where did I say or suggest that? :huh: Quotes please!
Last I knew I was in America and worked for American. If I feel like commenting about anyone's job performance I can do so with impunity. And I will.
Er, when did I suggest you couldn't?
You certainly have every right to voice your opinion. Likewise, I have every right to voice my opinion about your opinion.

Ain't America great?
Especially if my hardship is paving someone's way with gold bricks.
Ah, maybe this is the point at which we begin to talk past each other.
You seem to think the solution is to play the victim, moan about your "hardship" and lot in life, blame someone else, and point to others, stomp your foot, and whine, "If he gets a new expensive toy, I want one too!" without doing the work required to get that new toy on your own.
My solution was to get off my a&& and do the work required to change my situation.
Life is full of choices. Many of them hard, but choices nonetheless.
It also depends on how well you play golf or tennis. Doesn't hurt to have "good old boy" connections either.
Very true. As with much else in life, connections and social interaction help. At least they can't hurt.
Very few in positions of power have earned their way. Once again, "The Peter Principle". lol
This, I disagree with. While it is true that SOME people in power haven't truly "earned" it, there are plenty of people who do very, very well solely as a result of their brains and hard work.