DFWFSC and Limit's comments are tied together -- L5 on up are under blanket non-disclosures, so I really can't comment on a lot of what I do to earn my keep every year. What I can say is that my group of employees regularly comes up with ways of saving us from spending on the order of $1M annually with companies like EDS and Sabre.
Bravo! I can do no more than thank all the employees in your department.
If you wrote this in response to my invitation comment, forgive me, but I fail to see why cost cutting measures, especially finding ways to reduce vendor expenses is not part of everybody’s job description.
Am I wrong?
Your answer also suggests that all the employees in your department are receiving this type of compensation.
Are all the employees in your department middle or senior management?
If not how are they compensated?
If they do not receive these bonuses why is this?
Did they contribute less to the process?
Or did they come up with the idea and will not get a bonus because they are not at a certain level or above?
The latter is a fact at my department.
As a matter of fact I was present at a meeting where a manager stated:
“I want to thank all of you guys, for the job that you did, especially since this will look really good on me at the end of the year, if you know what I mean".
There was a big smirk on his face.
The atta boy was welcome.
It was nice to hear that they were appreciated.
No big deal. Just doing their job, you know.
It would be nice if the manager's boss gave him an atta boy, along with the nice bonus of course.
Sorry I don’t think you guys have a leg to stand on.
I find your point and argument rather weak.