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AA Management Bonuses - Despite More Losses

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I cant wait to get back to work and give AArogant Airlines 110 Percent
pull together win together

:up: :up: :up:
I notice NO MENTION of the docile TWU in the "bonus raise ire of unions" article.

Of course the TWU does not have raised "ire" they do have their skirts raised no doubt.
I notice NO MENTION of the docile TWU in the "bonus raise ire of unions" article.

Of course the TWU does not have raised "ire" they do have their skirts raised no doubt.
...Of course not, would you dare to publicly chastise your wife?
Hold on....The TWU is having a meeting to decide on what to print on the T shirts they will give out protesting the bonuses.
New T-Shirt Slogan

2003 Restructuring AAgreement

The results are now in

Management = Bonus

Union = BoneUs

Pull Together Win Together - Everyone gets a "BONeUS"
Let's face it guys...........The TWU no longer has to act like a union. The AMFA threat has passed, and they can go back to being a dues-collecting agency. It is Business As Usual for both the company and the "union".

The 4 oclock press release from usa today mentioned that 2 of AA's unions had their ire raised with quotes from each but the 9 oclock release had been changed to state that 3 of AA's unions were upset but still no quote from the twu. I guess the twu had to get permission from AA management to have their ire raised but hadn't had time to get a shared story put together. I would imagine an emergency joint leadership meeting will be called in the morning to decide whats exceptible for the twu response.

Anyone in Tulsa that can stomach reading the latest version of the joint twu/aa news letter (crib notes) need only read the last paragraph where the guy asks burchette what he expects if we reach the 500 million goal. His response is he would like to see it as a foundation to bring our laid off members back. No mention of reinstated holidays, vac, sick time, etc. etc. Our reward is to establish a foundation to bring back people that had nothing to do with achieving this goal. Bottom line is to increase union dues collection.

I'm just curious what the recipients of these bonuses would think if their reward for making AA 500 million would be to bring back laid off management? These guys didn't make AA a dime yet their getting cash bonuses not stock options (According to USA Today)

These people get bonuses when AA loses over 600 million for superior performance and we get a foundation of hope to bring back laid off members if we produce 500 million in savings. HHHHHHMMMMMMMMM
If you visit the the TWUATD website I believe the TWU has some strong statements about Management incentives in the past. I also believe the TWU spearheaded the recall of Carty concerning this issue.

Did the Unions receive millions of stock options collectively?

Under Amfa wannabees watch, Did other Carriers CEO's make millions without a peep from Amfa? BK carriers ring a bell?

Have a Great Day!!! Gotta Go!!!!
If you visit the the TWUATD website I believe the TWU has some strong statements about Management incentives in the past. I also believe the TWU spearheaded the recall of Carty concerning this issue.

Did the Unions receive millions of stock options collectively?

Under Amfa wannabees watch, Did other Carriers CEO's make millions without a peep from Amfa? BK carriers ring a bell?

Have a Great Day!!! Gotta Go!!!!
I guess a past hollow threat from jim little is good for several management in your face actions. Like I said they had to consult management before they have a response. The twu is in a tough position having to show ire but not disrupt the pajama party with a statement that could be taken as to harsh towards the company or give too much hope to the membership.

Ya i received 400 shares of stock which i'm going to hang on to.

Whats AMFA have to do with this issue?
The disclosure that Arpey is not a recipient of the payouts makes it apparent that he may think he is "Leading By Example", but the next 1000 people down are not following.

So who is in charge here? Is Arpey just a figurehead? Was he a Nice Guy installed to counter the horrible image of the recently departed Carty (who was not a Nice Guy)? This certainly puts his leadership in serious doubt. It would appear that the company is being run by the top 1000 execs with the support of the BOE, while Arpey is out of the loop.

I would like not to believe this, but it appears to still be "Business As Usual". The hope that Arpey gave us seems to have been a cruel joke.
Much has been made of Arpey's nonparticipation in this deferred comp scheme.

I assume there's an Arpey-only variable comp/bonus plan or plans enacted in 2003 when he bacame CEO, but I am far too lazy to look in the regulatory filings for these suspected plans.
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