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AA flight attendant arrested at ORD checkpoint on Friday with gun

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"But what greater gun controls will do is limit the number of people who can gain access to weapons that can take the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do with the situation."

No it doesn't you really are not that niave are you?
The unlawful guns in this country will not be surrended and then it is open season on the public just like it is in Chicago and DC now. Both from a crime issue, terriost and mass shooter scenario the single bigest deterent is a well aremd populace with little to no restriction of where and whom is armed.
Most schools, more so inner city schools have signs everywhere saying "THIS SCHOOL IS A GUN FREE ZONE". Would you feel safer sending your child to that school or this one? "SCHOOL STAFF ARMED AND TRAINED TO PROTECT OUR STUDENTS WITH DEADLY FORCE IF NECESSARY" Retired cops,any teacher/principle/asst.principle who volunteers can get training at local municipalities.Take one cop off of traffic duty writing moving violations and put him in our schools to do something much more important to protect our kids. He would be the lead for the security of that school.
"But what greater gun controls will do is limit the number of people who can gain access to weapons that can take the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do with the situation."

No it doesn't you really are not that niave are you?
The unlawful guns in this country will not be surrended and then it is open season on the public just like it is in Chicago and DC now. Both from a crime issue, terriost and mass shooter scenario the single bigest deterent is a well aremd populace with little to no restriction of where and whom is armed.
Americans like to think they have all the answers but other societies deal with crime too (do you think crime is just an American problem?) and their citizens fare no worse off than Americans.
In fact, most crime, even in the US is not stranger on stranger crimes but involves drugs or other factors including knowing the assailant.

As such, the argument that guns are needed to protect oneself is not supported by the experience of other countries and it is not supported by the nature of crime even in the US.
In the UK 50% of burglaries occur when the resident is home in the US that numbers is 20%, I bet guns or the threat of guns has a lot to do with that number. Also if you look before the UK had strict gun laws (They are relatively recent) the difference in crime rates between US and UK have not changed, we are and where a more violent culture.

The number of guns in the US keeps going up and crime keeps going down, I realize that does not necessarily mean a corrilation but is certianly worth looking into. Also Chicago has had 463 School Children shot and 65 killed in a City with the toughest guns laws this year, where is the liberal do-gooder outrage? Or do they only care about white middle class kids with fake looking asualt rifels? I bet none of those Chi town kids where killed with anything that a ban or ristrection would have covered.
In the UK 50% of burglaries occur when the resident is home in the US that numbers is 20%, I bet guns or the threat of guns has a lot to do with that number. Also if you look before the UK had strict gun laws (They are relatively recent) the difference in crime rates between US and UK have not changed, we are and where a more violent culture.

The number of guns in the US keeps going up and crime keeps going down, I realize that does not necessarily mean a corrilation but is certianly worth looking into. Also Chicago has had 463 School Children shot and 65 killed in a City with the toughest guns laws this year, where is the liberal do-gooder outrage? Or do they only care about white middle class kids with fake looking asualt rifels? I bet none of those Chi town kids where killed with anything that a ban or ristrection would have covered.

First, I would love to see your facts that we are/were always more violent than the British.
Second, yes, there have been a lot of unnecessary deaths in Chicago. It is unknown how many you have been stopped by a ban/restriction of assault arms, but why focus on Chicago? Even if it only stopped one tragedy, wouldn't it be worth it? As far as the liberal outrage, you don't live here and see all that happens every time someone is shot senselessly. You want to see every gang shooting on natl news?
" Even if it only stopped one tragedy, wouldn't it be worth it? "

No it is not worth it! That is just idiotic. Lets don't drive cars, eat anything but fruit & vegetables and think of all the lives saved?
Anyone that will give up liberty for peace (or saving one life) does not deserve liberty themselves and is a danger to every freedom loving person on the planet. Unfortunately their are way to many non thinking "Feeling" people in this world gladly willing to turn over all aspects of life to government for the false appearance of security!
No ! .... HELL NO ! Do I have to remind you of the tens of thousands of lives already lost to preserve these freedoms ! And your willing to just GIVE IT AWAY ??... Stop dreaming of a Utopian life here on earth..... it will never happen. 320 million plus people here,.. there will always be a few pent on evil and you can not make a law to stop it,...they will find a way to carry out their deed....
Guns in the homes are why the Japanese never seriously considered an invasion of the west coast.

"There will be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
In the UK 50% of burglaries occur when the resident is home in the US that numbers is 20%, I bet guns or the threat of guns has a lot to do with that number. Also if you look before the UK had strict gun laws (They are relatively recent) the difference in crime rates between US and UK have not changed, we are and where a more violent culture.

The number of guns in the US keeps going up and crime keeps going down, I realize that does not necessarily mean a corrilation but is certianly worth looking into. Also Chicago has had 463 School Children shot and 65 killed in a City with the toughest guns laws this year, where is the liberal do-gooder outrage? Or do they only care about white middle class kids with fake looking asualt rifels? I bet none of those Chi town kids where killed with anything that a ban or ristrection would have covered.

Probably has more to do with the fact that Americans work a lot more hours than their Brittish peers which means the homes there are occupied more.
Just to make it clear, I wasn't referring to doing away with guns, I was speaking of high capacity clips. I don't think it is your god given right to have 30 round clips or 50/100 round drums. Unless, you need that many bullets due to your bad aim...
Why do we Americans own guns??

Because if I'm in a restaurant eating with my daughter, or at a movie and some lunatic comes in and thinks he's going to shoot people at random, he's going to be in for a BIG surprise. Because I'm pretty damn good with my (CCP) Sig 45.
Which would you rather? Be at the mercy of the deranged lunatic and hope that next shot isn't in your or your girls head, or would you rather ease out/quickly aim at center mass, tap twice and drop him?

Some of you people amaze me with your logic. My God, it's no wonder..........................ahh never mind.
And yes, our right to firearms are there to counter an oppressive and tyrannical government-that seems to in motion right now-and seems some of you guys are perfectly willing to assist them.

I say let's all go back to the day of open carry. "Wild wild west!-o.k. corral", ya say. OK....we'll cull/take care of them in short order.
You think a few goons will think a little longer about trying to pull off a heist of a bank, if they think at least 2 or 3 people in there are packing? (or are there more??) I do too.... I personally believe society as whole would be FAR better off and respectful of peoples rights and property.

That all said....I wouldn't be opposed to some "tighter" laws on assault rifles for the common good of Americans. But our "politicians" scare me when they utter the word "complex".....And if the federal govt is involved, you know it's gonna get screwed up. They have lost all trust by me. They've got way too much power already, IMO. Leave it up to the states.

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