AA flight attendant arrested at ORD checkpoint on Friday with gun

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When was the last rise up against the government?

Seems to me the last time there was an uprising was a little over 150 years ago...

The fact there hasn't been a move towards facism/dictatorship in the US like there has been throughout Africa and Latin America underscores the benefit of having a well armed populace --- the government knows there's only so far they can push things.
please don't tell us you really think that Washington is motivated by knowing that constituents back home are armed.

Washington is motivated by doing what it takes to stay in power and office.

And they are equally motivated by not doing what will cause them to lose power.

The American people are smart enought o know what kind of government they should have and aren't afaid to hold their leaders accountable based on that standard - at the ballot box.

The American people know what kind of government they should expect to have and are willing to hold their leaders accountable - at the ballot box.

The American people know what kind of government they should expect to have and are willing to hold their leaders accountable - at the ballot box.
The ballot box is far, far more powerful than guns in explaining life and effecting change in Washington.
Seems to me the last time there was an uprising was a little over 150 years ago...

The fact there hasn't been a move towards facism/dictatorship in the US like there has been throughout Africa and Latin America underscores the benefit of having a well armed populace --- the government knows there's only so far they can push things.

Yeah, and that uprising ended so well for the south.

As far as a well armed populace, let me know how well your handguns and rifles stand up to drones, bombs, tanks, and missiles..
Seems to me the last time there was an uprising was a little over 150 years ago...

The fact there hasn't been a move towards facism/dictatorship in the US like there has been throughout Africa and Latin America underscores the benefit of having a well armed populace --- the government knows there's only so far they can push things.

Please. How long would it have taken to fire off 100 rounds using the fireams available when the second amendment was written?

Making todays weaponry available to anyone who wants them makes it easy for someone to walk in and slaughter 20 first graders but certainly does not give them enough firepower to prevent the government from imposing whatever they want.

How about this? Lets say that anyone can own the type of weapons that were available in 1776, no questions asked, but anything newer than that requires registration, testing etc?
How many times do you see someone taking a car and barrel it down a crowd with the purpose of killing everyone? I bet you - not many... You don't see it in the news, that someone snapped, decided to take a vehicle, and go on a rampage to kill people. You don't see it in the news that someone took a knife, and decided to kill 30 people. Yet you see it, time and time again, how people with guns go on shooting sprees like the one today.

I find it disturbing that all these gun advocates always resort to the excuse that the gun is just an object and that any other object could've been taken to commit the same act - and that it is about finding the sick people out there. The point is that it was not any other object, it was a gun - only because of the impact that it leaves behind.

Am I missing something here? It is the fascination with the gun in the first place and the fact that a person with a gun, that has had enough of society or whatever problems he/she has been having, has the ability to leave behind that gigantic psychological impact associated with going on a shooting rampage. Again, had there been no gun, then a fantasy to wipe everyone and their mother would have not become reality.

I also would like if, for everyone of those mass shootings that we have had in the USA, has there ever been a (hero) in the crowd carrying a gun to fight back and defend themselves and the other potential victims? I also believe the answer to be 0.

A car is designed to move people from one place to another, could it be used as a weapon? Sure, to a limited extent. Those weapons from yesterday are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time.
When the second amendment was written individuals could not posses the firepower now available. It still does not give them an advantage against tyranny, it just gives them an advantage against people in an Elementary School.
I'll grant you that - mass murder by vehicle is pretty rare. Generally, it's elderly people and unintentional (not murder). About a decade ago, a 90 year old mowed down about 30 people, killing 10 of them, with his car at the Santa Monica Farmer's market. A few weeks ago, an elderly man backed over a crowd of children in South LA, killing some of them, as they waited for ice cream.

Apparently you missed the news from China on Friday morning. An unemployed loser slashed 22 children and one adult outside an elementary school in China just as the children were arriving for Friday morning classes:


Nobody died, but it wasn't for lack of effort. Of course, on Saturday, anti-gun crowd is trumpeting the absence of death in the Chinese school incident as proof that we'd be much better off with no guns because the maimed children in China didn't die:


In the USA, we've gone soft on the mentally deranged. In most mass-murder cases, post-mortem investigation generally reveals plenty of clues that the person was mentally defective and should have been locked up to protect society. The lunatic who shot up the theatre (Dark Knight premiere) was one rare exception that trend. In most others, like the Tuscon incident (nearly killed Congresswoman Giffords), the shooter's mental problems were no secret. Society just didn't act on the available info and protect itself.

But instead, many focus on the weapon/object instead of the lunatic. Go ahead and make it even more difficult to obtain or keep a gun. The next lunatic who wants to slaughter children will simply fill a few glass jars with gasoline and once he's forced his way into the school and backed the children into a corner, he'll incinerate them with his molotov cocktails. Then you can bemoan the availablility of gasoline and glass jars.

Four airplanes were used to kill nearly 3,000 people on September 11, 2001. Why no calls to ban the airplane? 700 million people fly without incident in the USA every year on millions of flights, that's why. Yesterday, tragically, two or three guns out of hundreds of millions in the USA were used to slaughter some innocent children. And predictably, rather than focus on detecting and locking up the mental defectives, we once again hear about those terrible, scary guns. I guess once the guns are gone, we can dance in the streets every time a lunatic manages to kill or maim with something that's not a gun - and we can pat ourselves on the back for getting rid of the guns. No thanks. I'd rather we concentrate our efforts on detecting and incarcerating the mass-murderers before they slash 22 children with a knife or detonate a bomb.

One question: Friday's tragedy has nothing to do with a flight attendant who inadvertently tried to carry a gun thru an airport checkpoint, so why is the Newtown tragedy being discussed here? Why not in the water cooler?

You still completely fail to see my point. I am very aware of all these other things that happened including the Ice-pic gay lover/cannibal murderer from Montreal. These, while very shocking cases, are isolated cases. They happen far less than these heavy gun crimes.

We will never be able to eradicate people killing people. The big difference between all these examples that you worked so hard on to put them together and the topic that we are talking about - is guns. Gun related rampages continue to repeat themselves, especially here in the United States, and only because guns are so readily available to everyone who wants one.
I'll grant you that - mass murder by vehicle is pretty rare. Generally, it's elderly people and unintentional (not murder). About a decade ago, a 90 year old mowed down about 30 people, killing 10 of them, with his car at the Santa Monica Farmer's market. A few weeks ago, an elderly man backed over a crowd of children in South LA, killing some of them, as they waited for ice cream.

Apparently you missed the news from China on Friday morning. An unemployed loser slashed 22 children and one adult outside an elementary school in China just as the children were arriving for Friday morning classes:


Nobody died, but it wasn't for lack of effort. Of course, on Saturday, anti-gun crowd is trumpeting the absence of death in the Chinese school incident as proof that we'd be much better off with no guns because the maimed children in China didn't die:


In the USA, we've gone soft on the mentally deranged. In most mass-murder cases, post-mortem investigation generally reveals plenty of clues that the person was mentally defective and should have been locked up to protect society. The lunatic who shot up the theatre (Dark Knight premiere) was one rare exception that trend. In most others, like the Tuscon incident (nearly killed Congresswoman Giffords), the shooter's mental problems were no secret. Society just didn't act on the available info and protect itself.

But instead, many focus on the weapon/object instead of the lunatic. Go ahead and make it even more difficult to obtain or keep a gun. The next lunatic who wants to slaughter children will simply fill a few glass jars with gasoline and once he's forced his way into the school and backed the children into a corner, he'll incinerate them with his molotov cocktails. Then you can bemoan the availablility of gasoline and glass jars.

Four airplanes were used to kill nearly 3,000 people on September 11, 2001. Why no calls to ban the airplane? 700 million people fly without incident in the USA every year on millions of flights, that's why. Yesterday, tragically, two or three guns out of hundreds of millions in the USA were used to slaughter some innocent children. And predictably, rather than focus on detecting and locking up the mental defectives, we once again hear about those terrible, scary guns. I guess once the guns are gone, we can dance in the streets every time a lunatic manages to kill or maim with something that's not a gun - and we can pat ourselves on the back for getting rid of the guns. No thanks. I'd rather we concentrate our efforts on detecting and incarcerating the mass-murderers before they slash 22 children with a knife or detonate a bomb.

One question: Friday's tragedy has nothing to do with a flight attendant who inadvertently tried to carry a gun thru an airport checkpoint, so why is the Newtown tragedy being discussed here? Why not in the water cooler?

I think that people have a better shot at neutralizing or evading someone with a molotov cocktail than a couple of guns. Please, those were the saddest arguments you ever made here. Ban airplanes? If Contunitus figure is right, 10,000 gun deaths in one year, in one year guns killed more people in the US than commerical airplanes have in 25 years, and a lot more poeple use airplanes than own guns. Gasoline, Airplanes even knives and box cutters were not designed specifically to kill as many people as possible.

You want to incarcerate people before they commit crimes?

Our mentally ill people need treatment but the same mentality that denies these people treatment, which may or may not include incarceration, that helps put guns in their hands.
I suppose this California guy just wanted to remind the world that he is just exercising his constitutional right to own a gun....
He really wasn't shooting at anyone....


I'm sure ya gun-lovers would have felt comfortable in this situation and just went on with your normal business at the mall. Nothing really to freak out about. Just someone owning a gun, and letting you know...

I suppose this California guy just wanted to remind the world that he is just exercising his constitutional right to own a gun....
He really wasn't shooting at anyone....


I'm sure ya gun-lovers would have felt comfortable in this situation and just went on with your normal business at the mall. Nothing really to freak out about. Just someone owning a gun, and letting you know...


As far as a well armed populace, let me know how well your handguns and rifles stand up to drones, bombs, tanks, and missiles..

If you're right, then why are the Taliban still in control of Afghanistan?... Seems to me they're still very much around and in control of large parts of the country, despite all those drones, bombs, tanks and missles...
If Contunitus figure is right, 10,000 gun deaths in one year, in one year guns killed more people in the US than commerical airplanes have in 25 years

Yet the vast majority of those 10,000 gun deaths due to homicide are due to gang-on-gang and drug related violence -- somewhere around 60-70%. Another 20-30% are pre-meditated events (like the NFL player two weeks ago) where the shooter and victim knew each other.

The number of bystanders innocently killed due to someone who was mentally defective?

Somewhere around low single digit percentages, and likely well below the "killed in plane crashes" statistic.
Seems to me the last time there was an uprising was a little over 150 years ago...

The fact there hasn't been a move towards facism/dictatorship in the US like there has been throughout Africa and Latin America underscores the benefit of having a well armed populace --- the government knows there's only so far they can push things.


Which well regulated militia do you belong to?
Seems to me the last time there was an uprising was a little over 150 years ago...

So you feel on that the southern salve states were correct and justified? I just cant imagine anyone believing in owning or fighting for rights to own another, was either correct or justified.
Yet the vast majority of those 10,000 gun deaths due to homicide are due to gang-on-gang and drug related violence -- somewhere around 60-70%. Another 20-30% are pre-meditated events (like the NFL player two weeks ago) where the shooter and victim knew each other.

The number of bystanders innocently killed due to someone who was mentally defective?

In other words since the lower classes are killing each other off its ok?

The fact is guns are very efficient at killing people, and you dont have to be very determined to get the job done with one. A 20 year old kid walked in and killed 27 people, 20 of them children aged 5 to 7 years old, and he did it in a few minutes. This type of killing power simply was not available 200 years ago when the second Amendment was put in place.

10,000 in one year, vs 10. Are you saying there are no drug gangs in England?
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