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Garfield1966 said:
Then get a new freaking job. I'll never understand how people like you and hotel boy et al, who seem to despise this company and yet continue to work for it. You think it’s going to get better in the near future? How about in the next 10 years or may be 20 years?

Piss or get off the pot boys.
I could leave tomorrow and only the name and face of my replacement would change.The attitude would be the same as AA management would make sure of that in short order. Have a nice day! 🙂
Hi guys! That interview was the most challenging and awkward interview I have ever been to. I was so nervous to begin with as soon as I walked into the office and I tried to calm myself by talking with the employee sitting next to me and that helped but she did not know how the interview process goes since she never got her job through an interview but through a job attachment programme going on at school so she didn't really help in telling me what to expect but we had a good conversation about the company and her job. When my name was called I was relaxed and ready for what was about to happen and I just tried to think of it as a typical interview.

When I entered the interview room the first thing that came to mind was the fact that the room seem so crowded and five faces were looking in my direction and at that point my anxiety, nerves and an overwhelmed feeling to be there all came to me at the same time since I was never interviewed by so many people at the same time. They introduced themselves and we all shook hands and they asked me to sit at the main chair behind the main office table. I was still nervous and anixous since so far the interview was structured in a way that I had not expected but I was hoping that the questions that were about to be asked were the ones I had already prepared and practiced for since I prepared for it like a major exam. My hopes of getting most of the questions I had practiced so hard went right out through the window in when they asked me some awkward questions along with challenging scenarios based mainly around working with other people in the organisation that may be different to you or who may not appreciate you since they may be new there and to be honest they almost had me floored with these questions and I had to pause for a few seconds and come up with (at least I hope) intelligent and mature answers which I found difficult since I was so anxious and nervous and that affected my ability to be flawless in my answers for them but I really tried to put up a good fight to calm myself. The questions mainly dealing with customer service was a minor part of the interview (which I found strange but AA prides itself on team work) and I think I did a job in answering those and the ones I could remember were:

1. What is the first word that comes to your mind about Customer service?
My answer was satisafaction based on the fact that in any organsiation where you are working with customers it should always be the aim of the satisfy the customer's needs in order for that person to return to your business.

2. Do you think that the customer is always right?
I said no and I created a scenario based on an unsettled passenger in a plane who is behaving in a threating manner and futher stated that I will warn the passenger to settle down and if he/she doesn't I would have to remove her or him because that they may be a threat to the other passengers safety.

I think that they were other questions but I believed I handled well but the jury is out and my fate is in there hands.

Before I forget, when I told them about the restructuring going on at AA and I asked them how they feel about the future of the company, their responses were very positive and they seem to be on the side of top management at the company about the changes made and how they stand compared to their major rivals. There were a few questions that I did not remember to ask but I did ask them quite a few about their company and I forgot to tell them that I am looking forward in joining their team since I was so anxious and was not thinking as clear as I should but I will definetly do a follow up call a week from now to find out if I would be still under consideration.

Once again thank you for your responses.
Well, if the rest of your answers we similar to the ones you stated here, I would say you did a bang up job.

How long till you find out?
goingboeing said:
Garfield1966 said:
Then get a new freaking job. I'll never understand how people like you and hotel boy et al, who seem to despise this company and yet continue to work for it. You think it’s going to get better in the near future? How about in the next 10 years or may be 20 years?

Piss or get off the pot boys.
I could leave tomorrow and only the name and face of my replacement would change.The attitude would be the same as AA management would make sure of that in short order. Have a nice day! 🙂
Not sure how or why you assume the next person will be pissed off as well. I have been with AA for close to 20 years and still enjoy comming to work. Yes I have had to make adjustments because of the pay cuts. Yes I am doing more work for less pay. But the economy in this country is in the crapper. It's happening all over. I'm just gald I'm not one of the thousands of people who have no job.

So don't let the dorr hit you in the ass on the way out.
Garfield, I wish I knew when they intend to get back to me but they told me soon (soon in my books is about a week) so I will just wait and see but I don't want to get my hopes to high and then be heart broken if I am not chosen since they are interviewing for 3 positions (PSA and security) so all I can do right now is pray and hope they over look my short comings (if they were any since after interviews I don't remember everything that goes on since at that point I was so nervous that one of the interviewers suggest I calm down) and realise that I want to work in this industry and the company for the long run. The main point that came accross about this interview was the fact that AA seems to be seriously looking for individuals who are team players and who can work with the toughest types of people in the business and I think that is it a good move especially when aviation has become very competitive so I would not have any hard feelings towards the company if I am not chosen (but I will be disappointed).
Garfield1966 said:
Then get a new freaking job.

get off the pot boys.
Speaking of new jobs, have you found one yet?

Since the flight attendant job is safety sensitive, we have random drug tests. So, the drug of your choice that you mentioned above can't be used by flight attendants, due to random tests. 😉

Did you get that CHEESE for that whine?
Today I got a call from the manager in charge of the city ticket office in Bridgetown because she wanted to 'see me' which in my words meant interview for this afternoon and it went great and she told me that she was interested in hiring me as a ticket agent which I also found to be an exciting career choice although I preferred working at the airport but as long as the job is aviation I am happy. Therefore she have to get confirmation from the head office and she will get back to me within the next two days about my first steps before I am offically employed. That call caught me off guard since I was expressing doubt about how I handled the first interview which at times was awkward at times even though I believed I did a pretty good job in handling those challenging questions but I taught that someone may come along and do a better job to those questions. But I am going to be on the look out for this call and I am really looking forward to working at American and doing my part to make AA the best airline in the world. TC
Congrats Andre. Most people feel a bit akward in interviews, but it sounds like you are on your way.

Welcome aboard.
Garfield1966 said:
Congrats Andre. Most people feel a bit akward in interviews, but it sounds like you are on your way.

Welcome aboard.
Speaking of new jobs, have you found one yet Garfield1966? Remember you can't collect unemployment because you got a pink slip. I gave you three links to check for a new job. I will post them again in case you have had some trouble.

1. Employment for Garfield1966

2. Employment for Garfield1966

3. Employment for Garfield1966

4. As an added bonus for you Employment for Garfield1966
Congrats!! You are on your way-today BGI tommorow the world-
Hope you enjoy-take care
Thanks for asking Garfield, but unfortuanately I have not heard anything as yet. Although I am a little worried about it, I still feel confident about myself and have began learning as many airport codes as possiable although I have already knew a few the interviewer was actually suggesting that I begin learing that aspect of the job. I have also began thinking of ways to bring more sales in the ticket office among other things. I am still trying to not to think about it (the interview) too much since if I do I may worry too much get fustrated, lose sleep and be miserable and depressed. If I do not hear anything till Tuesday or Wednesday I will do my follow up call to find out want is happening since I do not want to do it in a hurry despite the interviewer saying that it will take 2 days for approval the most but remember this is business and in business some decisons can be put back a day or two and I do not want to be seen of over anxious by doing a folow up call too soon and then be a turn off and lose my chance I am really trying to be patient and relaxed while I wait. It is only 3 working days since the last interview and today Friday is a holiday (Good friday) and Monday is another holiday (Easter Monday) which takes 2 working days out of the callender. So far now I am just trying to be positive but not too confident since any thing can happen but I am hoping that it goes my way and I hope my dreams come true. So once again thanks for asking and I will keep you and everyone else posted about any developments.
Be sure to look them in the eye when talking with them.
In the lobby waiting for your interview, be friendly and talkative. A lot of times they have AA personnel out there posing as interviewees etc. to see who is outgoing and friendly.

Have all paperwork ready, done neatly and have it all in some type of folder.
They may ask you 'why' you want the job?
EVERYONE says, I love people and the travel.
Think of something creative, peppy and original.
Best of luck.

Also, it is only the Flight Attendants who are known as sky nAAzis! <_<

He already had the interview as well as a second. He is in waiting mode for a response from AA.

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