WorldTraveler said:
again, it is great to see AA's stock moving up... but let's keep in mind that AA is getting a big earnings push because of the combination of low fuel prices and no hedges which allow fuel prices to go directly to the bottom line.
This is a very shallow 'analysis' of why AA is profitable.
I thought somebody with so much mental horsepower could do better.
But then he would have to remove a certain bias, which he has demonstrated to be incapable of.
WorldTraveler said:
It is still likely that for the first quarter and possibly beyond, AA will have revenue shrink.
Didn't DL have a crappy Jan and Feb too?
WorldTraveler said:
the reason why UA equity fell is because it screwed up a lot with its merger. AA might not come anywhere close to doing the same - and I doubt if they will - but there are a lot of external factors that could affect AA.
External factors such as?
Again, what a shallow statement.
An intelligent discussion could result if you would actually list these external factors, real ones, not fabricated ones.
WorldTraveler said:
further, the Latin situation continues to deteriorate with analysts expecting a 2 to as long as 10 year recession in Brazil, AA's largest revenue market in Latin America
You keep on harping on the recession in LatAm, specifically Brazil, concluding doom doom doom for AA.
I find it interesting that Japan has been in economic stagnation for as long as 10 years, yet mighty DL managed to survive.
You do realize that Japan is DLs largest revenue market in Asia?
At the same time while you're harping on Brazil, you conveniently forget, nay, intentionally don't mention that France, Italy and most countries in the Europe/Eurozone have had terrible economies for at least the last 5 years, if not since 2008 - and yet mighty DL has managed to survive. (Well at least you've decreased your drivel about Venezuela - for now).
WorldTraveler said:
Further, low cost carriers are growing. Latin America will be a bleak spot for AA for the foreseeable future.
Speaking of low fare carriers, if Ryanair decides to offer long haul flights, you do realize that NY will definitely be on their list of USA destinations, and more importantly, weak European carriers such as AFKL and AZ will be the ones after whose markets FR goes first.
WorldTraveler said:
if AA was a more viable competitor on the Pacific, then the evidence would show up on existing AA's ORD and LAX to Asia flights.
AA's improvement to Asia is due almost entirely to replacing JFK-HND with DFW to Asia flights which are doing better because of AA's hub strength at DFW and the lack of any US carrier competitors.
I think you are contradicting yourself here.
Having the ability to cut unprofitable JFK-Tokyo flight and replace as well as increase their presence in Asia via DFW is a strategic business decision.
You know if DL did something similar, you would be heaping untold amounts of praises on the DL management team.
And speaking of viability over the Pacific, how is DL's seasonal SEA-HND flight doing? The blind optimist like you would say 'great' as they are operating half full B767s on the route. The reality is that if DL was such a powerhouse over the Pacific, the evidence would show up on their ability to operate DTW-HND and/or SEA-HND with bigger aircraft and higher frequency. But I digress.
jcw said:
Please your grasping - you can't cherry pick one thing - to spin a story you do it all the time - DL is a very good airline however it's not perfect as you portray and is not the best at everything - AA is kicking it and has become a very formible competitor to your precious DL - if that were not the case you would not be on here trashing AA every chance you get
But cherry picking, and then deflecting & spinning once the flaw is pointed out is all that he is capable of.
To him, DL is God's carrier of choice.
The best he could do for any other carrier is to offer a backhanded compliment.