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Aa Contract Workers Seen As Security Risk.


Sep 22, 2002
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At Kennedy, the contract workers for American had not undergone the necessary background checks but were allowed into the sensitive areas of the airport earlier this summer under escort by a worker with authorized access, at a ratio of one escort per five workers. But an airline employee who asked not to be identified said he saw the contract workers on the ramp with no escort on several occasions. American disputes that. "They were escorted at all times," said American spokesman Tim Wagner.
Here's a better one for you, the Manager of Ramp Services at LGA has decided there is no need to have a CSM on duty overnight to coordinate/QC the cleaning work.

Which explains how 737 safety cards end up on 757's.

So when the last CSM leaves at 0130, there is no AA management on the property until the morning CSM's roll in at 0530.

Although there is a GFO in maintenance, he has his hands full with his overnight work packages and shouldnt be expected to ride shoutgun on the green card team.

As far as workers without ID's, I can tell you there are at least dozen here at LGA every night being escorted around.

No bomba on El Aeroplane Si? :blink:
Are the contract workers just doing overnights or early morning turns as well? Is the TWU being notified of these security infractions?

No AA employee should have to work near any aircarft, that has not be secured.
Are any of these contract workers doing any TWU contractual work? Where is the oversight?
LGA Fleet Service said:
Which explains how 737 safety cards end up on 757's.
If this is happening, it is a serious violation of the applicable FAR. Even if the safety card is for the right a/c, but has been superceded by a later version, it is a NO GO ITEM. You must have the correct safety cards, period.