Just to use this as a sample statement.US doesn't have to do wonders for AA, but did you stop and think that a with merger a company can take away another competitor (us) to help raise fares? Even if they don't merge I laugh at the fact that you think US will just go never has and never will, it will just keep morphing into somthing else. Sure without a merger US may not thrive but it will always survive as it has profitable hubs in PHL, CLT with phx being marginally profitable. Like a cockroach it won't go away and be a thorn in deltas side. ha
If US and DL want each other to go away...oh sorry, US is the victim...why did you have a slot swap, er, ah, I mean auction. Why is there a monkey-see monkey-do attitude among your airlines. Why is there a cut-throat agreement when a competitor enters the market?
Yeah I know many will say this never happens...Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
A LUVers quarell perhaps???