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AA and Restraint of Trade to Employee Family

Just out of curiousity, what did the union do? Stand by and condone illegal activity by their members?
You mean the union that's run by punks, drunks, cowards, felons, multiple DUI's offenders, etc. etc. etc. 😉 Condone it, more like leading by example. :shock:
Just out of curiousity, what did the union do? Stand by and condone illegal activity by their members?

Don't bother answering, because we already know the answer:

No. You don't know the answer.

The union does neither, for both moral and pragmatic reasons.

I can only speak for my own station from the sixties on, but illegal activity has never been condoned. To a man, every local office-holder has tried to discouraged such. Not only from altruistic the standpoint of saving us from ourselves, but from the pragmatic standpoint that they are the ones who use up valuable time, money and energy in defense of guys who get into trouble. Usually, the union just tries to mitigate the punishment, not get the guy off.

Some office-holders even get tired of saving guys, and wish everyone would behave so they could work more at improving our lot. Time and again, they preach that we are out own worst enemies.

Don't let your anti-union feelings impel you into such quick unthought-out answers.

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