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A Question On Concessions

I agree with everyone, but I spent 9 month looking for a job and the grass is NOT greener on the other side.

I'll second that one! I'm working twice as hard, for almost half the pay, and no retirement at all. I feel lucky to have found this job! You guys will have to decide for yourselves what you are willing to take or not to take. Don't let anyone kid you though. Furlough ain't no picnic! :unsure:
Well, this is what I do know.... the job as we know it today will change. So, what you all remember the job to be, isn't going to stay that way. Management won't permit it to stay at "status quo". And as far as pension, if we stay here, mangement will make us pay for the pension out of our hides. Rest assured. If we give, we will go broke, and if we don't, we will go broke. Either way, U won't be the same. And I personally believe, we are being sold. Even if we conceded to new conditions tomorrow, does not ensure job security on any level what so ever.

The "bar" will lower, for us and the industry, and then folks will be looking for work no matter what. You should be happy you were smart to leave when you did. Having work that doesn't pay to sustain you or your family is not a profession.

As for the rest of us that are left, we will decide what we can live with once we know the expectation.
As a former employee now employed by the airport, I'd like to say a few words. Thank GOD I got another job at a time when I COULD CHOOSE the timing.

It may be of interest to note that as I went around and told my fellow employees of my plans to leave and the date my employment would end with USAIR, not one person I spoke with had anything negative to say about my decision. In fact some seemed a bit jealous - perhaps my imagination, who knows.

I do hope U makes it, I really do. After all, I still have my 68 shares of stock. My friends remaining ARE important to me and if they need a recomendation, they will get one. But in the long run I said to myself, it matters not who flys into and out of the airport - the airport WILL still be there regardless. I choose to work for an entity that will remain.

If the concession stand is truely closed, my friends and you begin the tough task of looking elsewhere. It took me 18 months to find a job that would pay and suit me and my family. I urge you NOT to wait in your quest IF you think U will not survive. If you think U will survive, then put all your efforts to that goal and make it happen for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

I will continue to check in on this board and see whats up. I can't help it-- after 22 years, it's still a part of me. Good luck, whichever way YOU decide to go.
PITbull said:
Management won't permit it to stay at "status quo".
Management won't permit it to stay at "status quo?" How about the market won't? If things stay as they are, you won't have to worry about concessions much longer, I can assure you.

YOU can't assure anyone, "squat"! 🙄 SW is not having any problems paying their folks higher than U.

As far as the Industry...It's "industries! American livable wage jobs are in trouble.
"Status quo" is defined as the existing state of affairs. In the existing state of affairs, US Airways is losing money every month. For a company that recently exited bankruptcy, maintaining the existing state of affairs guarantees the imminent end ot the business. I don't have to assure you of it. The facts speak for themselves.

American livable wage jobs are in trouble.
Something we can agree on. The difference is you seem to think you have the power to stop it.
Why would a Mechanic want to have their contract opened up just to have their job eliminated? If the company can get rid of Mechanics by getting rid of the Airbus work than so be it. Frankly I believe the IAM has strong language which should prevail in arbitration. I just can not see why someone should expect the Mechanics to just give up their jobs. If they are on the street why would they care if the company continues. Please don't say so they would have a place to recall to because the Mechanics I talk to say when they are gone they do not want to come back. I have noticed most Mechanics that have been laid off are coming up with other jobs. Some at more and some at lower wages. Very few at much lower wages though. One would have to be nuts if they think the Mechanics are just going to vote their jobs away 'or' if they are going to vote to make less for such a crummy place to work. It just is not worth it. Most would rather even make less at a place that is not so hostile. If you do not understand this then there is probable no use in you trying.

--All or nothing baby. Let it all ride.
mweiss said:
Something we can agree on. The difference is you seem to think you have the power to stop it.
You don't know what I think.
PITbull said:
You don't know what I think.
You're so right there! :lol:

But I actually said
...you seem to think...
(italics added) specifically because I don't, in fact, know what you think. I'm just inferring it from your posts.

Hey, you can save me the inference. Do you think you have the power to stop the erosion of American livable wage jobs?
Good for you, Oliver Twist, that you did find a job elsewhere and yes, it probably was not your imagination... there probably was a bit of jealousy there! 😉

While the job market may not be what it was 10, 15 years ago or more. There are a lot more opportunities out there for people who are willing to open up their mind to a little vision and positivity.

Many US employees started working at the airline straight out of high school and sometimes college. Unfortunately, it hinders....... they now of nothing or little else. Many, if they left the airline today could not make the same wages. But regardless, even if the airline survives, we will suffer and perhaps worse than we can imagine now.

I have met many wonderful US employees who have talents in Carpentry, decorating, gardening, design and more. I have no doubt that if things get worse and they have no other choice, putting those talents to work may end up being the best life change possible.

I truly believe that God does not give you more than you can handle and that there is MOST DEFINITELY a reason for all things...... even if it is a door that closes.... it only serves to allow another one to open!
deleted and moved to another thread "Labor and Management".

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