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A Plea To The Judge!

<_< Jack----- Are you really a A.M.F.A. supporter under all that oger outlook?????Or do you just sound like one? :unsure:
jack mama said:
Did CAL employees give in thier BK's??? Are they still around....
First of all CAL employees did not GIVE, it was taken.

Because of their first bankruptcy the laws were changed and section 1113 and 1114 were enacted by Congress to prevent the rape that Lorenzo did to all CAL Employees.

And during the second BK, the employees did not GIVE, it was taken, as they were all non-union due to Lorenzo's first bankruptcy.

Get the fact Jack!
Utility only makes $36,000 take 23% away is $8,300 that hurts more then someone making $154,000 taking a 23% paycut.
700UW said:
Let see a A330 Capt before concessions made in excess of $250,000 a year, a top out utility made $39,000.

You make more you give more, lets see you also had million dollar plus lump sum payments upon retirement, utility did not.

Let see who is hurt more by a 23% paycut, someone making $200,000 or someone making $35,000?

And I made over $9,600 less per year for the past two years and there are some who made $21,000 less per year for the past two years. See you forget, there were mechanics who got knocked back to utility and stock clerks, and there were stock clerks knocked back to utility.

Who supplied you with the table the company? I can show you my W2, that is a bit more accurate then the company's propaganda.

And that does not count the increase medical.

One more thing, don't blame me for what I made, sorry my union did a better job then alpa.
Once again..........The TRUE colors show through!!!!! UNION SOLIDARITY??? Only if you make something compareable to ME!!!!!! LMFAO!!!! This post is nothing but typical, union brain-washing, CLASS ENVY!!!!!!!! This whole argument of you-make-more-than-me-so you can AFFORD-to give-more is ASSININE!!!!!Get a grip!!!! While your at it, 700, get a REAL job!!!! Put that "college" education you have to some use!!! Sure wouldn't want to go to whatever college you attended!! GOOD DAY!!!!

"Me...? I went from a Dash-8 Captain making just a smudge under 60K a year to E-170 F/0 making 35K/yr, for a grand total of 25K/year. that works out to around just over 40% (a lot more than your 23% eh?) That is a drop in the bucket compared to what other pilots have given, but I will leave them out of it and concentrate on just you me and PitBill."

You're on pretty thin ice here. Claiming "concessions" for leaving a pretty senior position at one company (PI Dash captain) and accepting an entry level position at another (MDA E-170 F/O) is a little thin. Presumably your Captain job at PI was filled by a F/O moving up - no savings there. And the MDA F/O job would have been filled by someone else making the same as you are - no savings there either. So exactly where is all that money you're "saved" the company?

If you want to talk real concessions, how about the cut you took in or just before BK 1. How much you give then? But your personal choice to make the move from PI to MDA is hardly a "concession"....

700UW said:
Utility only makes $36,000 take 23% away is $8,300 that hurts more then someone making $154,000 taking a 23% paycut.
2 days later, and still posting CLASS ENVY GARBAGE!!! Unbelievable!! 700, Your brainwashed!!! Whatever happened to.....well, thats what THEIR UNION N E G O T I A T E D for them????? HHHMMMM????? Your ignorance is such fun for conservatives like me!!!! By the way......genious, do the math, being that you conveniently ommitted it. $154,000x23%= $34,420. That pay CUT is damn near what YOU make!!!! Now, you tell me, if your LIVING on $154,000, that doesn't hurt????? GOOD DAY!!!!
"Utility only makes $36,000 take 23% away is $8,300 that hurts more then someone making $154,000 taking a 23% paycut."

I'll take 700's side on this one. I can take 23% better than someone making $20,000 to $40,000 per year. But I'll admit that the 46% cut in pay/pension contained in the ALPA TA will pinch - not even counting the other changes. That's why my vote is "No".

The key is in the statement "Now, you tell me, if your LIVING on $154,000, that doesn't hurt?????" Any pilot who has been living paycheck to paycheck is pretty foolish in my book. The handwriting has been on the wall for some time now. Only those who chose to ignore it are feeling the heat.

For myself, I've been putting away between 10% and 20% of my pay for a decade, having spent the previous decade using that amount to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 10 years. So a 23% pay cut will pretty much be life as usual for me. Of course, my wife and I don't live high on the hog, either.

Utility only makes $36,000 take 23% away is $8,300 that hurts more then someone making $154,000 taking a 23% paycut.
yegads......mechanic's are soon to make utility class wages.... :mf_boff:
Thanks Jim,

At least you can see clearly.

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