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Profit Sharing Proposal

SpinDoc said:
Why is it we allow them to set the requirements?

Because, they (managment and investors)
are responsible for running the company
and know what is needed to fix the problem.


Ok, we're still waiting. Whens it gonna happen? :shock:
Right after the BK? I hope you guys actually have a plan in place for running things after that happens.
If what USA320 says is even remotely close to true about UAIR going chapter 11 again in September, then it makes this entire thread unnecessary. Heck, they'd be stealing the money quicker then they stole the Pilot's pension!
This entire profit sharing scheme is another empty promise given the notion that BK is but one month away.

It's the old bait-n-switch routine. They offer this and give you that. PT Barnum must have relatives doing modern day financial consulting for RSA. As the saying goes.......A sucker is born every minute <_<

Is it even possible to devise a profit-sharing scheme that WOULD survive bankruptcy? Is it even possible for any CEO to promis that any profit sharing scheme will survive bankruptcy? Is expecting a profit sharing scheme to last after bankruptcy, kind of like expecting a paycheck to continue after liquidation? But, then I'm not an expert on expecting.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
...does anyone really think...that the crew running the show in CCY would hesitate for a second to tak a walk thru Ch 11 ... just to render the profit sharing plan null and void?
The fact that we all think you're right speaks volumes about the state of affairs at US.
Hummmm...are you saying Messers. Crellin, Glass, Lakefield, et al. would turn around and do such a dastardly deed? Hummmm......

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