A Plea To The Judge!


Aug 30, 2002
USAirways only hope is to have a CEO who knows how to run a airline. The current mis-management team has presented to the court (in their own admission) how they have no clue! There has got to be a better plan than just chopping heads and moving work to Alabama! Please give some of the finest airline employees in the industry a chance.
I agree...

First I can't see the judge agreeing with the company on their request...

I don't believe the company as done anything to get their company on the right track since the last bankruptcy...

They have not exausted all other options,..... rather picked on the unions as their target for cost savings....

Has not seeked out other investers...RSA is worth billions and can't cry poor on this one....Hey sell a golf course or shopping center...free up some of those other billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........

As report in local newspapers the manangers received a 4 % raise in April...How do you justify that you have money for management raises, but need money back from everybody else...

Their plan is no plan....Just take from the workers.....

The pilots may be in their pocket, but I believe one of the other unions will shut down this airline ....mechanics, flight attendants, etc...
If they ram this down their throats..... (Don't worry I know about that Railway Act....lol)

Here's hoping the judge has some common sense to be impartial....to really save the airline... and come to a fair decision that won't put this company in a liquidation position....

A trustee might be a very good idea....

And... mabey a look at why the company has scoffed at proposals from the unions to save money....
I would have to agee 100%, purge U of their upper managment starting at the top and appoint a trustee who has experience and wants to run the company. U employee's need someone they can somewhat trust not a Chairman with a big mouth driving away business with every word from his mouth who appoints a CEO with no airline experience as his puppet.

I feel most would not be so against giving back under those circumstances.
First, the judge needs to void the stock of UAIR, which would eliminate ALL of RSA's investment (other than the UNSECURED portion of the ARSB loan), then appoint a trustee, but it has to be someone that can run an airline. I don't think that Gordon B. would want anything to do with this place, but maybe someone should approach him about it. If he wouldn't do it, I don't know off hand who might have the experience to whip this place into shape. Just another reason UAIRQ is probably doomed already!
i strongly agree to the fact that it is high flying time we get a court appointed trustee to run this ship. if there was only a way we could convince a judge or the unions of this it'd be great!!!
A trustee, first of all wont be appointed, no need....... Second, the idustry is dictating what is going on here in the airline buisness, look into it..... look into amr nwa dal cal, and youll see everyone is having the same problem.....
Agree with you there. Don't need a trustee just to liquidate, which is where UAIRQ is headed. The only reason you won't see a trustee apponited is that there is no one qualified and available to be one, unless someone from inside the industry steps up to the plate. I'll bet the judge would far rather appoint a trustee than let these incompetents continue to run it.
usfliboi said:
A trustee, first of all wont be appointed, no need....... Second, the idustry is dictating what is going on here in the airline buisness, look into it..... look into amr nwa dal cal, and youll see everyone is having the same problem.....

i guess we'll have to ask congress to help these ailing carriers and of course it wont stop them from using bk to stop and terminate the penisons

usfliboi said:
A trustee, first of all wont be appointed, no need....... Second, the idustry is dictating what is going on here in the airline buisness, look into it..... look into amr nwa dal cal, and youll see everyone is having the same problem.....
Man, you guys are so delusional.

First off, getting someone new in here would take enough time, that even if they are the greatest thing since sliced bread "management-wise", we will be too short on cash and the ATSB will shut us down.

What is he/she supposed to do if we are being liquidated...?

Second of all, what makes you happy is a distant second to what the creditors want (and will be willing to put up with before pulling the plug)

I find it highly doubtful that any of you, will be any more willing to part with concessions to some outsider trustee than the people running us today. You are on crack if you think anyone taking over would not also expect as high or higher concessions from the remaining work groups.

What you dreamers are asking for, is not just a trustee that can come in, and preside over the bankruptcy (their ACTUAL function). You expect said savior to come up with an innovative and creative plan (nothing like the Transformation Plan already proposed) that asks little from the employees, yet somehow manages to turnaround everything and please everyone overnight...

Is that about right...?

Get off the soap box.

Everyone realizes there has to be sacrifices made, but it is give and take and all this management knows how to do is take.

They have proven not to know what to do with concession except squander it. Go read the court filings where they admit they failed and did everything wrong.

They violate contracts at whim, make the employees the enemy and you expect everyone to bendover , grab the ankles and give again?

Sorry it does not work this way. The majority of the employees would rather see US die before giving one red cent to the thieves at CCY.

And the only reason you still have employment flying your brazilian barbie jet is because the EMPLOYEES have given $2.4 BILLION in concessions in two years all ready, their paycut bought your barbie jet so you can fly it. Funny you seem to lose sight of that, 20,000 less employees and $2.4 Billion all ready given back.k
I am on no soap box, I just wish people would start dealing with their situation and stop daydreaming about some means to keep everything, while some magical solution comes out of nowhere to save the day.


Gimmie a break. Anyone pushing that idea is either delusional or just trying to delay things for selfish reasons.

Honestly, the amount of time wasted in getting approval for, finding, and selecting a canidate of even average capability is far too long. We will have used up enough cash by that point that said Trustee will only be here to divvy up the remaining assets.

Now that I can see happening from a trustee, but kidding yourself that someone is going to drop from above and save the day is just wasting time.

As "bad" as you think this management is, fact is that we are as stuck with them as they are with us. So we better find a way to save this place rather than just another way to help screw it up.
Point of fact. There is an over capacity in the airline industry today. This over capacity is keeping yields down industry wide, causing virtually ALL (yes, ALL) airlines problems with costs and revenue. The creditors know this. The failure of some of the "weak sisters" may help, and if some of the larger ones fail, it would probably help a lot. Unfortunately, creditors at the larger carriers are ALSO the creditors here: GECAS, AIRBUS, etc., and stand to lose a lot less if somebody like UAIRQ disappears rather than UAL; in fact, if their assets could somehow get "gobbled up" by another carrier, they would lose nothing at UAIRQ. Now you see why the fragmentation and scope issues are going away; I personally think that if the pilots agree to it, the airline will be sold (without employees) by early spring. Without the fragmentation and scope protections, the creditors have FAR MORE to gain from UAIRQ disappearing than staying around. Why else would they be after it?
Funny, it took no time at EAL or Hawaiian.

And I guess you do not know the history of the IAM especially DL 142, seems when a contract is signed, the company labor relations people seem to be looking for new work.
And about the "give" part.

Now I know there have been layoffs, and concessions.

But in reality, how much exactly have you given...? You tout the billions given up till now, but in reality it is the pilot group that has contributed the lion's share of concessions, not utility.

How much exactly have you given up a year. I would love to compare this with you and PitBull.

Me...? I went from a Dash-8 Captain making just a smudge under 60K a year to E-170 F/0 making 35K/yr, for a grand total of 25K/year. that works out to around just over 40% (a lot more than your 23% eh?) That is a drop in the bucket compared to what other pilots have given, but I will leave them out of it and concentrate on just you me and PitBill.

Because for some warped reason, you both have been able to make as much as an Express Captain so far, so that is a more fair comparison.

Really, how exact much have you given, because the table I saw the other week made it look like you each made in the range of 3-4K a year less than before all these fun and games.

I am betting that your "one red cent" is a lot less than mine.

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