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Moral and Operations in the dumps...

Everyone needs to take care of their own mess. I will get heat for this but here goes. I know SHARES is a mess but I am soooooo OVER the dupes comming down to "work it out on the plane". I have had 4 sets of parents with odd numbers of children needing placed, kids in the exit row and double seat assignments. I am now sending them ALL back up the jetway. Oh yeah by the way our 757's on the east don't have an 8E. Again we don't have seat 8E on ANY, ANY 757's on the east. Pilots are stopping the calling to agents for dupes as well. It's maddening while the line is STILL comming to do this in the cabin. On top of that the agent is at the door, ready to close, ready to close. Uhhh no we certainly are NOT. I know the agents are having a hellish time with this ghetto system and understand but don't pass it down the jetway. It just makes it worse later. We also can't MAKE people move.

I had a situation 2 day ago, and I tried and tried to swap out seats for pax before boarding. This piece of sh$t computer system would not allow me to move people around
to accommodate parents with children. With Sabre it would have been done in minutes......anyway I could not get a mom and little girl together so I went down on board the a/c and explained the situation. NOBODY would move. After a few minutes I made this announcement..."Ladies and Gentleman, we need to get this mom and little girl together on this flight and unfortunately this a/c will not move off of the gate until we are able to do so."

Ah yes - that is true - but one drink on a 5 hour flight in first class - with no checking ever again as to if I need anything isn't exactly what I would call first class service!
There is always that "Call Button" that you can use. If they aren't coming around, just hit it. The problem would be if they would ignore the call button, but I never witnessed that unless the FA was tending to something more important, as to medical. That happened several times during recent flights. And it is someone who rings the bell is that they are not aware of the situation. Sometimes its a no-win situation that they are put in. If a medical need comes up, they are the frontline. Most people can wait on their drink.
well I don't know who you luck out on flying with or sitting in the crew room around the table with. we are filled with crabby, mean folks. Sit around that table and have ONE complain and be bitter and watch how quickly the vortex swirls and everyone gets sucked in. I usually have to get up and walk away. Passengers are usually calm yes. I cannot count how many times I have heard flight attendants talk about how folks up front are "all upgraded anyway" and they couldn't care about service levels. People that do a bev, pass the basket and read the paper all flight. When I commuted and stayed at the Lagoon, My god some of the people on that van. I guess you just really luck out with whom your around because I see it as a VERY different group of people. MANY cannot seperate themselves from what is OUT of their control. Luckily I have found "the secret". great book for a lot out there to read. Go buy it for $16.99 at Target. 😉
That's your problem, Travelpro, you sit down there at the "Bitter Round Table." I have never sat in there, and don't intend on starting. The "facts" thrown around at that table are priceless, tho.... :lol:

And once again, I completely disagree, we are not filled with "crabby, mean folks"! Who are you flying with? We all know who the miserable ones are, but for the most part, my fellow stewardesses are fine.

Glad you found "The Secret." Whatever works for you. 😉

I agree with Trav. The only ones that aren't disgruntled are the ones that have life by the balls with their 4 trip international month.....or the ones with 20+ years.

Those people are not effected by anything that any of the rest of the f/a froup is going through.
Umm, noooo, I am a reserve, and am not disgruntled. I am completely fed up with the way the airline is run, and with our current contract, and with the pace of negotiations. I will get involved when asked.

That said, am I mean, miserable, and nasty because I am not a 4 trip int'l girl? Not at all.

Thank God. I can put you on my "OK to fly with list". :lol: 😉

Hey! What about me? 😱
You can honestly say that you don't see a large majority of flight attendants with that "me against the passenger" mentality? The "they only need one beverage across country" flight attendant? The I don't do predeparture beverage flight attendant? The "they get what they pay for" flight attendant? C'mon now. I'm not saying we don't have some really great flight attendants but we certainly DO have a big majority of crabby assed flight attendants that feel its a "service" to the passenger to do a service? I don't know about "other" airlines though I'm sure we have bad apples in every bunch. We have a pretty beaten down group here though and many let it show.
Agree completely. Period.
Ah yes - that is true - but one drink on a 5 hour flight in first class - with no checking ever again as to if I need anything isn't exactly what I would call first class service!

Thats when you utilize that FA call button and continue to do it til they get the idea that they need to be out there taking care of you.
So obviously to employees both frontline and behind the scenes and the customers mostly have noticed the horrible morale and operations nightmare that has consumed our airline this past month...

What can we do from our vantage point to help fix it? Obviously we all want our pay increased and our contracts settled fairly, but seriously with "slow downs" and "disruptions" looming everywhere it seems to only be making matters much much worse. Our poor customers are running away at an alarming pace and tempe seems to be missing the clue and point and turning around to blame us.
I am confused by the title and of the post itself. You cite the morality (moral) of the employees, but then in your post you cite the morale of the employees. I'm sure there are those employees that are morally unfit, and those that have a low morale, and some with each. But in the end, if the title of your post deals with the morality of employees, then why do you make a post that deals with the morale? And do you mean that those in operations have low morals, or that they lack morale, or once again, possibly both?
Or could it be (gasp) that there's a typo in the thread title?


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