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Moral and Operations in the dumps...

I will disagree with that statement. Yes, we as well as every airline have miserable employees, but I respectfully disagree that we have "MANY MANY mean, disgruntled nasty" ones. Come on, Trav. That's pushing it. 🙄

Here is something to think about:

I live in Philly, and at almost every social or business activity I go to, the subject of how bad US has gotten almost always comes up. This includes, among other items, how mean, surly and rude the employees have gotten, and how many of them don't even make an effort to be nice or help passengers.

This conversation happens at dinner parties, condo meetings, work meetings, etc. So I'm not sure what your definition of "many" is - but what I can tell you is that anyone who lives in Philly and travels on US is talking about it - so it must be a fair number of employees to make it such a hot topic of conversation.

Sad but true.
I will disagree with that statement. Yes, we as well as every airline have miserable employees, but I respectfully disagree that we have "MANY MANY mean, disgruntled nasty" ones. Come on, Trav. That's pushing it. 🙄
You can honestly say that you don't see a large majority of flight attendants with that "me against the passenger" mentality? The "they only need one beverage across country" flight attendant? The I don't do predeparture beverage flight attendant? The "they get what they pay for" flight attendant? C'mon now. I'm not saying we don't have some really great flight attendants but we certainly DO have a big majority of crabby assed flight attendants that feel its a "service" to the passenger to do a service? I don't know about "other" airlines though I'm sure we have bad apples in every bunch. We have a pretty beaten down group here though and many let it show.
You can honestly say that you don't see a large majority of flight attendants with that "me against the passenger" mentality? The "they only need one beverage across country" flight attendant? The I don't do predeparture beverage flight attendant? The "they get what they pay for" flight attendant? C'mon now. I'm not saying we don't have some really great flight attendants but we certainly DO have a big majority of crabby assed flight attendants that feel its a "service" to the passenger to do a service? I don't know about "other" airlines though I'm sure we have bad apples in every bunch. We have a pretty beaten down group here though and many let it show.

As you know I don't fly US any more unless I have to, but it has nothing to do with the f/a's. In my thirty plus years of flying US/PI I can count on one hand the truly poor f/a's that I had. I always found them to be the greatest actually. I still remember my days with US fondly because of the f/a's so it saddens me to read your post.

Hopefully it will all work out in the end because you have gone through more than most. Don't let the bad apples get you down.
Sometimes it's more draining to work with someone like those I mentioned. Maybe it's just me but I like to work with a crew that's not so damn negative all the time. Hey, I realize we are working for a company with it's SHARE (SHARES) of troubles but some folks REALLY carry this around with them. Stand by them for too long and they'll suck the good mood right out of ya.
You can honestly say that you don't see a large majority of flight attendants with that "me against the passenger" mentality? The "they only need one beverage across country" flight attendant? The I don't do predeparture beverage flight attendant? The "they get what they pay for" flight attendant? C'mon now. I'm not saying we don't have some really great flight attendants but we certainly DO have a big majority of crabby assed flight attendants that feel its a "service" to the passenger to do a service? I don't know about "other" airlines though I'm sure we have bad apples in every bunch. We have a pretty beaten down group here though and many let it show.
Oh yah, sure, there are plenty of lazy flight attendants. Being lazy, however, is a little different than "MANY MANY mean disgruntled nasty" ones, tho.

I have not flown with one FA recently that has had a "me against the passenger" mentality. Most of us feel sorry for them. I will say that I have never comped so many cocktails/ headsets at this job than I have in the last 2 months! :up:

Oddly enough, I find the passengers to be quite calm as well, all things considered. I mean, they are extremely frustrated, but most realize FA's have little to do with it.

Oh, and I am not beaten down. FA's are the most overly dramatic people I have *EVER* met. If I was in Iraq or Afghanistan,(or an agent :shock: ), I might feel "beaten down." Listen, Mgmt can do whateva they want to this company and its product, but they will never be able to affect my sanity or my personal happiness. Plus, how can I be beaten down on ~60 hrs a month? :lol:
well I don't know who you luck out on flying with or sitting in the crew room around the table with. we are filled with crabby, mean folks. Sit around that table and have ONE complain and be bitter and watch how quickly the vortex swirls and everyone gets sucked in. I usually have to get up and walk away. Passengers are usually calm yes. I cannot count how many times I have heard flight attendants talk about how folks up front are "all upgraded anyway" and they couldn't care about service levels. People that do a bev, pass the basket and read the paper all flight. When I commuted and stayed at the Lagoon, My god some of the people on that van. I guess you just really luck out with whom your around because I see it as a VERY different group of people. MANY cannot seperate themselves from what is OUT of their control. Luckily I have found "the secret". great book for a lot out there to read. Go buy it for $16.99 at Target. 😉
I will disagree with that statement. Yes, we as well as every airline have miserable employees, but I respectfully disagree that we have "MANY MANY mean, disgruntled nasty" ones. Come on, Trav. That's pushing it. 🙄

I agree with Trav. The only ones that aren't disgruntled are the ones that have life by the balls with their 4 trip international month.....or the ones with 20+ years.

Those people are not effected by anything that any of the rest of the f/a froup is going through.
well I don't know who you luck out on flying with or sitting in the crew room around the table with. we are filled with crabby, mean folks. Sit around that table and have ONE complain and be bitter and watch how quickly the vortex swirls and everyone gets sucked in. I usually have to get up a

It's employees like you that I really can feel compassion for. You still have a good attitude, and although many things may suck, you at least don't appear to complain about things that are out of your control, and don't take it out on customers who have nothing to do with why things are the way they are.

As a FF - it just drives me nuts when I would be upgraded - get one drink - and then FA sits there the rest of the flight - Trans Con no less - reading and doing cross words - in plain veiw of first class no less.
As a FF - it just drives me nuts when I would be upgraded - get one drink - and then FA sits there the rest of the flight - Trans Con no less - reading and doing cross words - in plain veiw of first class no less.

Well, I can tell you this. I work first alot and I do what I have to do.....I will read the paper, People Magazine, US etc. Where do you think we are going to sit? We have to sit in view as that is where our jumpseats are and we need to be VISIBLE to the pax if they do need something. What do you think we are going to do for 5+ hours. I would get on your nerves if I kept coming by every 10 minutes asking you if you needed anything. We have to do something! :up:

I will walk through first periodically to see if someone needs something. Many pax don't want to be bothered every ten minutes.

Well, That's all with that lol
When I work f/c I dont care if you were upgraded, paid full fare, slept with the agent 😉 , it should be a more pleasant experience hence the word "upgrade" or "first class". I like to take care of my folks. Sure sometimes your on your last leg of a trip or on a back to back 3day but it is what it is. I'm not always peppy and ready to do cartwheels but I don't treat passengers the way I certainly DO see many a flight attendant do. I have witnessed other employees do it as well. Though frustration is running through every group that makes this machine run (barely) we cannot take it out on a passenger. Now that being said, speak horrible to me, swear or cause a scene of ANY kind while at the gate and your gone. Hell, midflight too. Sally open the back door and give 2A a parachute. :lol: Back to getting the job done though. As an employee you can only be expected to do SOOOO much. Keep "getting it done" and it will never be fixed to work properly by management. That WILL hurt the customer sometimes and though we'd like not to, how else do we get management to listen? You simply can't. Oh yeah, I am MORE than up to date on the current lives of the Hollywood A-listers and STILL get the job done. Thank you!
well I have 25+ years and I was very effected by the paycuts and everything else that has happened in the last few years, But I thank god every day,and if my job ends tomorrow, I have my family and my health, and I'll survive.. Do I have crap days? yes, but do I take it out on my crew and passengers?? hell no, if It gets that bad I'll leave.. I'll find something else to do, probably not as much glamour :blink: :blink: Sometimes people get caught up in the negative, we all have to stop and think.. Don't let this place suck you down... 😛h34r: ok, I think I just vented!! :shock:
I would get on your nerves if I kept coming by every 10 minutes asking you if you needed anything. We have to do something!

Ah yes - that is true - but one drink on a 5 hour flight in first class - with no checking ever again as to if I need anything isn't exactly what I would call first class service!
well I have 25+ years and I was very effected by the paycuts and everything else that has happened in the last few years, But I thank god every day,and if my job ends tomorrow, I have my family and my health, and I'll survive.. Do I have crap days? yes, but do I take it out on my crew and passengers?? hell no, if It gets that bad I'll leave.. I'll find something else to do, probably not as much glamour :blink: :blink: Sometimes people get caught up in the negative, we all have to stop and think.. Don't let this place suck you down... 😛h34r: ok, I think I just vented!! :shock:
Thank God. I can put you on my "OK to fly with list". :lol: 😉
People wonder why passengers get so upset with the PAX or F/A.. The reason is probably the person who helped them before was rude not helpful or lazy and they need to let someone know about it. Employees must realize that by affecting a customer with laziness or rudeness is only going to hurt your fellow co-workers that now have to deal with the PAX. If you dont like your job and are pissed and feel lazy go some where else. I know many of employees who got fed up with US for whatever reason left and then thought back and said wow, that was the easiest job i had, i wish i never left. Some of you F/A that have 20+ yrs and are pissed or crabby where are you going to go or do, Wal-mart?? Even there you have to have a smile

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