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A Little Fairness

Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
RAPTOR represents probably 90% of Tulsa in his views on the twu/AMFA debate. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that AMFAs structure is far more superior than the twus. He keeps playing the hand he is dealt and will more than likely always resign an AMFA card when asked. The AMFA and twu are far more than just the few people on this board. Everyone around the base that I've been talking to the last couple of weeks will resign if necessary. I've also had a few who hadn't signed before tell me they will sign next time. Seems the twu/aa love affair has hit home to many in Tulsa. Raptor, I signed my first "AMFA" card in 1989. I've had my eye on the AMFA since and have been all over the country going to AMFA info meetings throughout the airlines. It's about keeping the faith. All the AMFA represented airlines have gone through the same thing we are right now. It will happen. The AA flight attendants sent the twu packing as well as the Horizon Air mechanics.
Our turn is coming up!!

Keep the Faith.....AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you 😉 , I am just messing with some of these guys, who get overly emotional about this whole thing, I know AMFA would be better for Aircraft Mechanics but there are some who are not realistic in my opinion of what AMFA can and cannot do for us, I think this Industry is in alot of trouble and while AMFA can help some, Airline employee's are still in for some hard times.
It is good to see there are some level headed not so emotional guys like you in the AMFA drive, I think being overly emotional is more of a liability than an asset when it comes to business. 😉

I wish you had run for Vice President of AMFA local 12 then I would have had somebody worth a danm to vote for, there would have been 2 decent lead officers Don Rodgers as President and Stop the bus I want off as Vice President but instead the worst guy possible is Vice President Dave Stewart 🙁 :down:
tell me he is not the best AMFA has to offer Pleeeeeease. :shock:
Raptor said:
I agree with you 😉 , I am just messing with some of these guys, who get overly emotional about this whole thing, I know AMFA would be better for Aircraft Mechanics but there are some who are not realistic in my opinion of what AMFA can and cannot do for us, I think this Industry is in alot of trouble and while AMFA can help some, Airline employee's are still in for some hard times.
It is good to see there are some level headed not so emotional guys like you in the AMFA drive, I think being overly emotional is more of a liability than an asset when it comes to business. 😉

I wish you had run for Vice President of AMFA local 12 then I would have had somebody worth a danm to vote for, there would have been 2 decent lead officers Don Rodgers as President and Stop the bus I want off as Vice President but instead the worst guy possible is Vice President Dave Stewart 🙁 :down:
tell me he is not the best AMFA has to offer Pleeeeeease. :shock:
Never forget it is the structure of AMFA that we want. If someone is in there who's not getting it done, we oust them!! One of the many, many positives of the AMFA. I've know Dave since he came on board last drive and I'm glad he's around. He does have alot of knowledge when it comes to the AMFA and especially the twu. When the transition is complete and we have our constitutional elections, you will see alot of very capable people stepping up to the plate. The AMFA will be what WE make it, not what some appointee that we have NO control over makes it. The truth will always be the truth. The members know..........we will get the AMFA on the property!!

Keep the Faith.........AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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