Buck the TWU is not my form of Unionism any more than yours as you said I have basically given up on the Industry and the Union and now I’m just going to deal with it as best I can. 😉Buck said:So your solution is to abandon the industry and therefore the profession that your union and its form of unionism of choice has decimated.
In a deregulated industry, your form of unionism has catered to the airline companies in the form of concessions instead of letting the market thin itself out.
As for your claim at working hard to get AMFA on the property, from what I understand is that you are like a fish out of water.
I for one will never be satisfied with the concessions that the TWU has provided, I will not get used to this nor will I, in my 40's give up on my fellow coworkers.
You will not make any new purchases because you have chosen the path of concessions. It is those like you that I despise the most.
Yea, I got mine or I will soon, that is the mentality that has destroyed the profession and the unionism in general.
As for concessions I am thinking all of the Airlines will be taking some form of concessions sooner or later unless the Airlines start making money. 🙁
Sorry you despise me but hey I will get over it. <_<
You might be right about the I got mine theory on Unionism at least, I don’t know, I have never really been big on Unionism but was willing to go along with anything to get mine. 😀
Hey Buck I will let you in on a little secret I use to get all upset about things when I thought there was hope and I thought that AMFA was the answer to the problem but now that AMFA did not get the vote due to corruption in the NMB, I just don't care anymore about really anything ( except maybe getting laid ) 😉 and taking care of my son, I really just come to this board to have fun, now that the emotional attachment is gone for me, I can do that without getting upset, don't get yourself to upset with anything I say cause it ain't worth it. 😉
Save all of your anger for the strong TWU supporters like CIO and TWUer cause when they say something it is coming from their heart as I believe they really do care just as you do, they are just on the opposite side for their own reasons.
Did I mention I saved a bundle on my car Insurance with geico and I did stay at a holiday in last night.
