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A Little Fairness

Buck said:
So your solution is to abandon the industry and therefore the profession that your union and its form of unionism of choice has decimated.

In a deregulated industry, your form of unionism has catered to the airline companies in the form of concessions instead of letting the market thin itself out.

As for your claim at working hard to get AMFA on the property, from what I understand is that you are like a fish out of water.

I for one will never be satisfied with the concessions that the TWU has provided, I will not get used to this nor will I, in my 40's give up on my fellow coworkers.

You will not make any new purchases because you have chosen the path of concessions. It is those like you that I despise the most.

Yea, I got mine or I will soon, that is the mentality that has destroyed the profession and the unionism in general.
Buck the TWU is not my form of Unionism any more than yours as you said I have basically given up on the Industry and the Union and now I’m just going to deal with it as best I can. 😉

As for concessions I am thinking all of the Airlines will be taking some form of concessions sooner or later unless the Airlines start making money. 🙁

Sorry you despise me but hey I will get over it. <_<

You might be right about the I got mine theory on Unionism at least, I don’t know, I have never really been big on Unionism but was willing to go along with anything to get mine. 😀

Hey Buck I will let you in on a little secret I use to get all upset about things when I thought there was hope and I thought that AMFA was the answer to the problem but now that AMFA did not get the vote due to corruption in the NMB, I just don't care anymore about really anything ( except maybe getting laid ) 😉 and taking care of my son, I really just come to this board to have fun, now that the emotional attachment is gone for me, I can do that without getting upset, don't get yourself to upset with anything I say cause it ain't worth it. 😉

Save all of your anger for the strong TWU supporters like CIO and TWUer cause when they say something it is coming from their heart as I believe they really do care just as you do, they are just on the opposite side for their own reasons.

Did I mention I saved a bundle on my car Insurance with geico and I did stay at a holiday in last night. :up:

"All this proves is that amfa doesn't have all their eggs in one basket,"

I thought that common sense says NOT to put all your eggs in one basket?
Raptor said:
Buck the TWU is not my form of Unionism any more than yours as you said I have basically given up on the Industry and the Union and now I’m just going to deal with it as best I can. 😉

As for concessions I am thinking all of the Airlines will be taking some form of concessions sooner or later unless the Airlines start making money. 🙁

Sorry you despise me but hey I will get over it. <_<

You might be right about the I got mine theory on Unionism at least, I don’t know, I have never really been big on Unionism but was willing to go along with anything to get mine. 😀

Hey Buck I will let you in on a little secret I use to get all upset about things when I thought there was hope and I thought that AMFA was the answer to the problem but now that AMFA did not get the vote due to corruption in the NMB, I just don't care anymore about really anything ( except maybe getting laid ) 😉 and taking care of my son, I really just come to this board to have fun, now that the emotional attachment is gone for me, I can do that without getting upset, don't get yourself to upset with anything I say cause it ain't worth it. 😉

Save all of your anger for the strong TWU supporters like CIO and TWUer cause when they say something it is coming from their heart as I believe they really do care just as you do, they are just on the opposite side for their own reasons.

Did I mention I saved a bundle on my car Insurance with geico and I did stay at a holiday in last night. :up:

As I stated, you and your type of unionism.
Buck said:
As I stated, you and your type of unionism.
I'll tell you Buck this is the first Union I have ever been in and I really don't like the whole Union thing very much cause there is too much relying on what choice someone else will make and how those other peoples choices will affect you, the concession is a classic example, I had no choice in that decision, basically many other people made that choice for me, I don't like depending on other people or being helpless as too how they may vote, So as I said if I could do it all over again I would not be in Aviation or in a UNION instead I would go into the Medical field where I would be completly in charge of my destiney not relying on what decisions many other people might make for a whole group of people.
The group thing just does not really work for me, I like doing what I want to do my way and that just does not work very well in a group Union type situation.
I screwed up and went into the wrong career the work is not so bad but the whole group strenght in numbers thing is just really not my thing, I am kind of stuck with it now, after over 17 years of seniority and only 14 years left I am over the hump it is a little to late to make a change, some people really get into the Union thing while some of the rest of us just never can really get into it.

I guess I have become one of the many apathic Tulsa Mechanics, apathy in Tulsa I believe is contageous, I think more and more people in Tulsa get it every year, we will soon find out if that is true on your next card drive.

But hey I do have some good news other than the car Insurance thing and the Holiday Inn thing and that is if AMFA ever does manage to get past the NMB corruption and get to a vote, I will vote for AMFA, not sure how much good it will do in this dieing apathic industry but it can't hurt. Right 😉

Now go back to hateing and despising CIO and TWUer I think you will get more out of that than with an apathic ass like me. :up: ( did I just type that out loud ) :unsure: I hate it when that happens.
Raptor said:
I'll tell you Buck this is the first Union I have ever been in and I really don't like the whole Union thing very much cause there is too much relying on what choice someone else will make and how those other peoples choices will affect you, the concession is a classic example, I had no choice in that decision, basically many other people made that choice for me, I don't like depending on other people or being helpless as too how they may vote, So as I said if I could do it all over again I would not be in Aviation or in a UNION instead I would go into the Medical field where I would be completly in charge of my destiney not relying on what decisions many other people might make for a whole group of people.
The group thing just does not really work for me, I like doing what I want to do my way and that just does not work very well in a group Union type situation.
I screwed up and went into the wrong career the work is not so bad but the whole group strenght in numbers thing is just really not my thing, I am kind of stuck with it now, after over 17 years of seniority and only 14 years left I am over the hump it is a little to late to make a change, some people really get into the Union thing while some of the rest of us just never can really get into it.

I guess I have become one of the many apathic Tulsa Mechanics, apathy in Tulsa I believe is contageous, I think more and more people in Tulsa get it every year, we will soon find out if that is true on your next card drive.

But hey I do have some good news other than the car Insurance thing and the Holiday Inn thing and that is if AMFA ever does manage to get past the NMB corruption and get to a vote, I will vote for AMFA, not sure how much good it will do in this dieing apathic industry but it can't hurt. Right 😉

Now go back to hateing and despising CIO and TWUer I think you will get more out of that than with an apathic ass like me. :up: ( did I just type that out loud ) :unsure: I hate it when that happens.
Ok why don't you pack your bags and find a non-union job?

Of course you as a TWU supporter are admitting that it is someone other than the members who make the contractual decisions for the TWU.

As you have stated, you are in your 40's and would rather stay with the TWU than attempt to improve. You could resign and let a union man or woman have your place. Of course you could be an OSM and no one would want to start at that low salary. Or you could ask the company for a position. I am sure that they could find a place for a non-union man that has been working in a union. It is a historic fact that many former TWU members have gone to work for the company. That would save your company time at least.

I really do not want your vote for AMFA, if you do not believe in the mechanic profession.

While CIO and TWUer are my opponents in this representational issue, I have more respect for them than someone like you.

Of course by your own admittance, you opinion does not matter.

And do us all a favor and install IESPELL on your computer.

Buck, if you represent AMFA, as you state you do , then by your post you reaffirm why I will stay with the TWU.

Ok why don't you pack your bags and find a non-union job?

Where do you get off suggesting that anyone goes anywhere, typical AMFA jargon.

I really do not want your vote for AMFA, if you do not believe in the mechanic profession.

You don't want his vote? Are you running for office? Typical AMFA jargon. You are a real jewel, is Dave Stewart a good friend of yours, bet he is. Raptor was stating why he believes as he does and you rip him because he sees things different than you, typical AMFA style. You don't want my vote either.
I see that you understand, I don't want your vote if you also despise the mechanic and related profession.

Actually it is TWU jargon, TWU supporters have suggested that AMFA supporters leave AA for several years now. Of course you are new here.
I also suggest to you that if you are not happy with your choice in profession that you also have the right to leave.
Buck said:
I see that you understand, I don't want your vote if you also despise the mechanic and related profession.

Actually it is TWU jargon, TWU supporters have suggested that AMFA supporters leave AA for several years now. Of course you are new here.
I also suggest to you that if you are not happy with your choice in profession that you also have the right to leave.
And what type of credentials do you hold that allow you to suggest anything to anybody? Typical AMFA style. If I would vote I wouldn't be giving it to you regardless. AMFA supporters have suggested that the TWU leave for years, what's your point? It's quite obvious we do not care for each other, live with it or leave, not a big deal really.
And what type of credentials do you hold that allow you to suggest anything to anybody?

I guess the same ones that the TWU supporters who tell AMFA advocates that if they "dont like it, leave" have.

Typical AMFA style.

No, its actually TWU/AA style.

If I would vote I wouldn't be giving it to you regardless. AMFA supporters have suggested that the TWU leave for years, what's your point?

If it were just that simple. The fact is we are forced to pay dues to the TWU. They take our money, then accept money from the company, then invest the money they got in stocks and bonds. So thier income from us is guaranteed, they can earn more from the company, then take that money and alter our work conditions to increase the performance of their investments.They dont have to worry that the members will become irate at the fact that their standard of living is in a constant state of decline because they have constructed an elaborate system of blame deferral and deception, and even if the members do figure it out the members cant remove them from office anyway. The "no raid" clause of the AFL-CIO protected them from other more effective unions and upstart unafiliated unions have usually lacked the resources to mount an effective campain, until recently. Just look at how the TWU is opening up the pursestrings to mount a high financed campain to stop AMFA. An this is just to stop it from coming to a vote!

Why does the TWU fear a vote so much? The answer is obvious.

It's quite obvious we do not care for each other, live with it or leave, not a big deal really.

Maybe not to you.
Nightwatch said:
And what type of credentials do you hold that allow you to suggest anything to anybody? Typical AMFA style. If I would vote I wouldn't be giving it to you regardless. AMFA supporters have suggested that the TWU leave for years, what's your point? It's quite obvious we do not care for each other, live with it or leave, not a big deal really.
I can suggest anything I want, to anybody I want.

Typical AMFA style = No concessions

Typical TWU style = 20 years of concessions.

I do not care for anyone who is out to destroy the mechanic craft and class.
Buck said:
I can suggest anything I want, to anybody I want.

Typical AMFA style = No concessions

Typical TWU style = 20 years of concessions.

I do not care for anyone who is out to destroy the mechanic craft and class.
Then I guess "by your own admission" Buck-O that you don't care too much for Mr. O.V. Delle-Femine!!!! Because he has done more damage to the Mech craft and class than any union has or ever could!!!!!! And has accomplished this in less than 5 years!!!!! :shock:
Buck said:
Ok why don't you pack your bags and find a non-union job?

Of course you as a TWU supporter are admitting that it is someone other than the members who make the contractual decisions for the TWU.

As you have stated, you are in your 40's and would rather stay with the TWU than attempt to improve. You could resign and let a union man or woman have your place. Of course you could be an OSM and no one would want to start at that low salary. Or you could ask the company for a position. I am sure that they could find a place for a non-union man that has been working in a union. It is a historic fact that many former TWU members have gone to work for the company. That would save your company time at least.

I really do not want your vote for AMFA, if you do not believe in the mechanic profession.

While CIO and TWUer are my opponents in this representational issue, I have more respect for them than someone like you.

Of course by your own admittance, you opinion does not matter.

And do us all a favor and install IESPELL on your computer.

Ok why don't you pack your bags and find a non-union job?

Sorry Buck it as I stated it is a little to late for me to make that decision, I sure wish you would have suggested that 17 years ago though. 🙁

Of course you as a TWU supporter are admitting that it is someone other than the members who make the contractual decisions for the TWU.

I didn’t say I was a TWU supporter, I said I was a me supporter there is a difference, I really think it is the members that make the decisions more than the leaders, I never vote the way the leaders tell me to vote, but hey that is just me. 😉 I voted against this last concession but I am thinking I might vote for the next one, would that be ok with you :unsure: I am sure you don't want my vote against concessions either right

As you have stated, you are in your 40's and would rather stay with the TWU than attempt to improve. You could resign and let a union man or woman have your place. Of course you could be an OSM and no one would want to start at that low salary. Or you could ask the company for a position. I am sure that they could find a place for a non-union man that has been working in a union. It is a historic fact that many former TWU members have gone to work for the company. That would save your company time at least.

Sure I could do all of that stuff but I am not going to I think I will just stay where I am for another 14 years and vote in a way that is best for me and my family, but hey there is some good news after that 14 years you will be rid of me, and you won’t have to deal with my vote anymore, of course the bad news is somebody just like me will probably just replace me. <_<

I really do not want your vote for AMFA, if you do not believe in the mechanic profession.

Ok If it comes to a vote I won’t vote for AMFA does anybody on the TWU team want my vote ? :unsure:

While CIO and TWUer are my opponents in this representational issue, I have more respect for them than someone like you.

Great did you hear that CIO and TWUer I have got Buck warming up to you, so you owe me 😉 OK

Of course by your own admittance, you opinion does not matter.

Now here we agree. Except it is your opinion not you opinion as long as were picking apart spelling. :lol:
And do us all a favor and install IESPELL on your computer.

Sorry can’t do it man I like misspelling words does it bother you ? :lol: How about everybody else does it bother you Nightwatch ?

Have you heard of the art of Zen Spooling it was pioneered at AA, it took me a while to get the hang of it but after over 17 years I am officially a Zen Spooling Master.
As evidenced by how spooled up you are right now. :lol:
Hey Buck I changed my mind and did you a PERSONAL favor as requested, I installed IESPELL so now you owe me. 😉

How do you feel about oweing me. ?
come on let it out it is not good to bottle up feelings.

Hey how about the latest letter from Jim Little that was a real tear jerker wasn't it as a former AMFA organizer I can't wait to see what he is willing to offer me to become a TWU supporter, I can be bought but I AM NOT CHEAP 😉 Well not that cheap anyway, I do live in a low cost of living area, but I am greedy like everyone else, come on let's all admit it we are greedy, but like Micheal on the movie wallstreet said Greed is good 😉
Ok If it comes to a vote I won’t vote for AMFA does anybody on the TWU team want my vote ?

Come on back Raptor!!! :up:

Great did you hear that CIO and TWUer I have got Buck warming up to you, so you owe me OK

Hey Raptor, no more favors if that's what I get, OK??!! 😉
RAPTOR represents probably 90% of Tulsa in his views on the twu/AMFA debate. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that AMFAs structure is far more superior than the twus. He keeps playing the hand he is dealt and will more than likely always resign an AMFA card when asked. The AMFA and twu are far more than just the few people on this board. Everyone around the base that I've been talking to the last couple of weeks will resign if necessary. I've also had a few who hadn't signed before tell me they will sign next time. Seems the twu/aa love affair has hit home to many in Tulsa. Raptor, I signed my first "AMFA" card in 1989. I've had my eye on the AMFA since and have been all over the country going to AMFA info meetings throughout the airlines. It's about keeping the faith. All the AMFA represented airlines have gone through the same thing we are right now. It will happen. The AA flight attendants sent the twu packing as well as the Horizon Air mechanics.
Our turn is coming up!!

Keep the Faith.....AMFA NOW!!!!!!!!!

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