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Pension Fairness Act Of 2004


May 22, 2004
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Representative George Miller (D-CA), Senior Democrat, US House of Representatives, Education and Workforce Committee, introduced legislation which places the retirement security of workers and executives on more equal footing. The Pension Fairness Act of 2004, H.R. 5292, would prohibit a company from paying or promising executive deferred compensation for directors and officers for a five-year period, in the event that a company's defined pension plans are terminated in connection with bankruptcy reorganization or converted to a cash balance plan.

Under the Pension Fairness Act, if workers' plans are terminated or converted into a cash balance plan, the company's executives and directors may not enhance their own deferred compensation deals for five years. If any new deals or packages for executives or directors were cut the year prior to an underfunded termination, payments to those executives or directors would also be suspended for five years.

"This is about fairness and common sense" Rep. George Miller stated when he introduced the legislation. "Employees cannot be asked to absorb the full brunt of bankruptcy by having their pension plans terminated and dropped on the Federal Government. Executives should share in that pain."

The bill would create more of a level playing field in the corporate retirement world, where an increasing number of large companies are dumping their underfunded multibillion dollar pension plans onto the taxpayer-backed Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). When companies terminate their underfunded pension plans, the federally established PBGC takes over those liabilities.

Please take action today! Call your US Representative and urge him/her to cosponsor Representative George Miller's bill, H.R. 5292, The Pension Fairness Act of 2004.

To reach your Representative's office in Washington, DC, you may call the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. Non-U.S. citizens should contact Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (R-IL) 202-225-2976.
that sounds wonderful now the question is can they get that passed? if so then why not see of they can also do something about the outrageous pay that current and former losers of usair's mgmt get/received. it is only fair if the employees have to suffer hugely that mgmt has to suffer worse because they make the most
It doesn't do enough. The problem still exists with the very nature that the pension as it exists today is flawed.
SKY HIGH said:
Under the Pension Fairness Act, if workers' plans are terminated or converted into a cash balance plan, the company's executives and directors may not enhance their own deferred compensation deals for five years. If any new deals or packages for executives or directors were cut the year prior to an underfunded termination, payments to those executives or directors would also be suspended for five years.


This is a waste of time. This guy should spend his time and energy on something more productive.
So what if they (executives) enhance their pensions in the year prior. It's only SUSPENDED for five years. Heck, if you want to enhance my pension and then SUSPEND it for five years, I'll hang around for the five years or go work at another job until the big bucks start rolling in.
Just like Congress. Shut the gate after the cow is long gone.

a320 Driver
The clowns in Congress and the ringmaster at 1600 Penn Ave. aren't going to do anything substative. Dems or Reps, they're going to protect their buddies in the corporate boardrooms, screw the working man, and try and make it look like they did something.
Winglet said:
The clowns in Congress and the ringmaster at 1600 Penn Ave. aren't going to do anything substative. Dems or Reps, they're going to protect their buddies in the corporate boardrooms, screw the working man, and try and make it look like they did something.
Your part of the problem.......clowns in congress?..... ringmaster at 1600 Pa avenue? Its all about the corporate board room being protected, and the "working man" getting screwed!!!! Get a life, gain knowledge, and UNDERSTAND how the government is supposed to work! Until then, don't waste space on here with your... BLAH...BLAH...BLAH!!!!!
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Your part of the problem.......clowns in congress?..... ringmaster at 1600 Pa avenue? Its all about the corporate board room being protected, and the "working man" getting screwed!!!! Get a life, gain knowledge, and UNDERSTAND how the government is supposed to work! Until then, don't waste space on here with your... BLAH...BLAH...BLAH!!!!!

If you believe anyone is wrong as per your signature then you are indeed closed minded...

Life isn't black or white, it's a muddy gray, until you find your own light to guide you that is. That light isn’t found via Rush Limbaugh or Jerry Springer, or Jim Quinn....

The world functions with the sum total of all everyone including those who you believe are dead wrong.

As for pensions, I agree the individuals in congress especially the GOP end couldn't care less if a working stiff loses his life savings and a CEO walks with millions. Think I am wrong, then why in the hell is it happening? Hmmm?? Clowns is a kind term for people who don't walk in our shoes and understand our plight and until we stand together and firm they will continue to be the clowns they are.
deano said:
Life isn't black or white, it's a muddy gray, until you find your own light to guide you that is. That light isn’t found via Rush Limbaugh or Jerry Springer, or Jim Quinn....

The world functions with the sum total of all everyone including those who you believe are dead wrong.

As for pensions, I agree the individuals in congress especially the GOP end couldn't care less if a working stiff loses his life savings and a CEO walks with millions. Think I am wrong, then why in the hell is it happening? Hmmm?? Clowns is a kind term for people who don't walk in our shoes and understand our plight and until we stand together and firm they will continue to be the clowns they are.

I actually agree with your point that the guys at the top get the better deal while the working stiff gets shafted!! This is one reason why i left the Co!!! There is NO FUTURE left there. THAT was my choice! I decided to leave and try a different avenue, not to be held by a union trying to negotiate for me in a losing proposition. Don't give me the "ditto" crap!! Believe it or not, I dont listen to Rush...He is too boring! I have advanced to Glenn Beck, and Mike Savage!! LOL
BTW, I plan to sell alot in Fla, if you ever find yourself there, give me a call, I'll get you a good deal!! GOOD DAY!!!!!
regards..............???????????Mr Moderater.........TODD.....Where are you??