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A letter to Doug

...It is more a personal issue than it is a corporate one, regardless of what you naysayers think.


As usual, you are a voice of reason amongst more emotional or agenda-based responses.

Having been in a predicament very similar to DP (albeit on a much smaller organizational scale) quite a number of years ago, I would suspect that he is going through a period of intense introspection and soul-searching. And if he's like most good leaders, he's beating himself up much more profusely than the media or posters on this board could ever do.

He will need some time to sort this thing out and decide what is best for US, his family, and himself personnally.

I would hope he is given the space and consideration he needs to take stock in his situation and make the decisions he needs to make to move forward.

It is indeed a personal issue...and I, for one, wish him well as he sorts it out.
If you don't like pulpit pounding find another church :up: Did I insult you? Call you a "Rube" or in any way do anything more than say what I thought WITHOUT insulting or impugning your intelligence? Extend me the same courtesy please. quote]

Bob, please read my previous post. My statement was in response to LCC #1's inference that the doubt in Mrs. Doubtflier alluded to my attitude. I used your screen name to to illustrate that a screen name is not indicitive of who or what a person is.

So....I did not call you a rube or insult you, you just took it that way because you wanted to.

And no.....I do not like pulpit pounding as communication and I am leaving it at that before my urge to draw an analogy between pulpit pounding and a old George Carlin routine concerning the many names for male self gratification occurs........
Would Churchill survive in this era of 24/7 news cycles, blogs and chat board posters like you and I?

Probably not, and neither would Generals U.S. Grant or Wm. T. Sherman, both of whom were well acquainted with the ol' "Devil in the Bottle".
Didn't Lincoln reply, when some bluenose tut-tutted about Grant's fondness for liquor, something along the lines of "Find out what he's drinking and send a case to all of my other generals"?
I'm on board with the letter. I think those are great ideas that Parker needs to address.

In between flights, everyone likes to kick around ideas, and PIT is no exception. A majority of those I've talked to agree that there is an appropriate punishment for DoUgIe, and if he's willing to accept it, I promise I will lay off the DUI threads and give him a break.

So? What is it? Pretty simple.

We want him to slog as a ramp rat in PHL for a month, at the starting pay rate, living a humble existence off his meager wages, and no cheating by accessing his vault of cash in Tempe. No credit cards, no fancy cars, no eating out, no goofing off and no authority to tell anyone what to do. It's appropriate, and it's better than sitting in the slammer every weekend......or is it?

Failing that, CLT or PIT will work as well. CLT might be better since they have been quite shorthanded lately. If it were PIT, we could keep aqn eye on him and make sure he follows through.
Not that it matters LCC, but I thought it was a great letter. You and I have disagreed before, but I could see this one was from the heart and you truly do care. That my friend is what matters.

Best of luck to you......
I'm on board with the letter. I think those are great ideas that Parker needs to address.

In between flights, everyone likes to kick around ideas, and PIT is no exception. A majority of those I've talked to agree that there is an appropriate punishment for DoUgIe, and if he's willing to accept it, I promise I will lay off the DUI threads and give him a break.

So? What is it? Pretty simple.

We want him to slog as a ramp rat in PHL for a month, at the starting pay rate, living a humble existence off his meager wages, and no cheating by accessing his vault of cash in Tempe. No credit cards, no fancy cars, no eating out, no goofing off and no authority to tell anyone what to do. It's appropriate, and it's better than sitting in the slammer every weekend......or is it?

Failing that, CLT or PIT will work as well. CLT might be better since they have been quite shorthanded lately. If it were PIT, we could keep aqn eye on him and make sure he follows through.

Live on a wage for a month? YGTBSM! He is too proud to show his face amoungst the "employees". Has anyone seen him latley?

After 4 DUI's the guy needs to be fired. How do you know he wasn't drunk when he makes daily decsions about company policy that affects all employees?

Remember, Doug represents all USAir employees. Richard A. Bartlett, a BOD member of LCC, just sold millions of stock. I think he may know more than we all know. Looks like "distancing" to me.

"Oh, you work for USAir? Didn't your CEO get arrested for a DUI and this will make his 4th? Does everybody drink at USAir? Are the pilots drunk too?

Please Doug, resign. Don't ruin everybody else's reputation because of your problems.
Not that it matters LCC, but I thought it was a great letter. You and I have disagreed before, but I could see this one was from the heart and you truly do care. That my friend is what matters.

Best of luck to you......

Thanks L4P. I REALLY appreciate that!!
Dear Doug,

First of all, we have all made stupid mistakes. Just because you are the CEO of US Airways does not mean you are super human. I for one sense your embarrassment and regret and accept your apology.

Having said that, what WERE you thinking? Doug, while you may not be the wealthiest CEO in the world, you make enough money to either have a personal driver, a car service, or heck...calling a cab. While the timing of all this frankly sucks, you ARE a high profile CEO and you HAD to know that one misstep would be well publicized through out the country. PLEASE...if you are going to be the charismatic ceo that seeks to change the world and so happens to be OUR ceo, use better judgement.

There has been alot of discussion about your future and what you should do to make up for your own lack of judgement and embarrassing 35,000 employees as well as your family. Here is what I have come up with.

Screw the call for donations to any organization.

Screw resigning.

If you REALLY care about US Airways, please do the following:

Get the contracts signed with labor and take the BEST of both instead of the worse PLUS 5% pay increase.

Focus on US AIRWAYS!!! You and your team have turned US into a laughing stock. LCC now means Low Class Carrier. If Wall Street has THAT much faith in you as well as the banks, I am sure a fraction of that could be found to ......
*renovate the interiors of each aircraft
*retrofit the aircraft as to not anger our FF's
*invest in live satelite tv/or radio. (BTW, Jetblue and Airtrans are TRUE LCC's and offer
*UPGRADE First/Envoy to level of the other carriers that OFFER the same service
*upgrade the pathetic website
*upgrade food quaility sold on a/c
*upgrade the contracts of cleaning companies to do a better job.
*provide an adequate widebody for ALL European/Hawaii/Asian flights

Doug, I would like for you to do the following:

*Fly from CLT-LGW on the back row of the A330. Only leave that seat to go to the lav.
*Fly from CLT-SEA in row 9 of the A319 for 5 hours and only go to the lav.
*Fly to LAX from CLT in FC of the A320 East. Come on last with a rollerboard and
second bag when the entire flight is full.
*Price all the f/c tickets of all the other airlines, fly f/c on those airlines. and take
note of what they offer. Is our price the same? Is the value the same? If not, I ask you to either upgrade our service, yank f/c out, or call it something else. But NOT F/C.

I feel that you and your team have lost focus on our company. While other companies are enhancing their service, you are taking away. It appears that the bean counters in Tempe are making all the decisions. SIR, these people DO NOT WORK WITH THE CUSTOMER!!! WE DO!!! You are driving away our BEST customers by doing EVERYTHING on the CHEAP!! We have become a GENERIC airline only interested in profit. Don't get me wrong. I NEVER want us to be in a position of years past. I want us to make money and produce revenue, but there is a limit. Pimping credit cards and Sky Mall is no big deal. Advertisements everywhere is fine. As long as I never EVER have to give a dime back, you can put me in a jumpsuit with velcroe strips for advertising. But we now treat our customers as cattle. Please, get out here and see the REAL US AIRWAYS...not the one you would LIKE us to be but can't seem to fullfill.

There seems to be a huge problem with decision making in Tempe. Decision making is NOT well thought out and implementation is worse. These are decisions that I feel will save money in the short term but lose in the long term.

Doug, this is a moment when you will reflect on your life and that includes your position at US Airways.I have seen an increasing arrogance with you and your team, drapped in an awe shucks persona. It is time to take a look at choices, both personal and professional. Whether your DUI is a reflection of a larger problem is not for me to judge, however IN this time of reflection, please do not forget about your loyal employees. We have ALL sacrificed and are told how great we are, but your actions speak differently through terrible working conditions and the WORSE contracts in the industry.

If you REALLY want to make amends for any embarrassment you may have caused the employees, take a hard look at this letter. Make US Airways the BEST airline. Change the poor imaged ONCE AND FOR ALL. CAL did it. SO CAN WE!!

I respect you for being honest with the employees. Now show us some TRUE respect and LISTEN to our concerns and settle these contracts with the pay and benefits we deserve.



That was probably one of the more intelligent and heart felt things I have read on these boards in a while. Know that your west family totally agrees with you and this one at least, will fight with you guys to get back some of what you gave.

Safe travels!
Live on a wage for a month? YGTBSM! He is too proud to show his face amoungst the "employees". Has anyone seen him latley?

After 4 DUI's the guy needs to be fired. How do you know he wasn't drunk when he makes daily decsions about company policy that affects all employees?

Remember, Doug represents all USAir employees. Richard A. Bartlett, a BOD member of LCC, just sold millions of stock. I think he may know more than we all know. Looks like "distancing" to me.

"Oh, you work for USAir? Didn't your CEO get arrested for a DUI and this will make his 4th? Does everybody drink at USAir? Are the pilots drunk too?

Please Doug, resign. Don't ruin everybody else's reputation because of your problems.

I don't know who you are, but you certainly remind me of the uglier parts of US culture.

First off. While Dougie can certainly resign, he rules USAirways at the behest of the Board. They determine whether he stays or not.

Second. Bartlett, the USAirways board member, is not known as an intelligent person. There are nepolistic questions as to how he got on the board. In fact, someone might wish to delve into his past, as related to DUIs.

I do admire someone in Dougies position willing to take chances. (Not with substances, tho) Okay, the guy has "issues". Who among any of us does not?

Believe me, USAirways does not have much of a reputation to "defend". It seems to me you have an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. Instead of cutting off your hands, gouging out your eyes, you may wish to try a different course, this time.
I do admire someone in Dougies position willing to take chances. (Not with substances, tho) Okay, the guy has "issues". Who among any of us does not?

I for one do not have "illegal issues". And I would venture to say that the majority of people do not. Othwerwise the jails would be filled with the majority of the U.S. population.

Probably not, and neither would Generals U.S. Grant or Wm. T. Sherman, both of whom were well acquainted with the ol' "Devil in the Bottle".
Didn't Lincoln reply, when some bluenose tut-tutted about Grant's fondness for liquor, something along the lines of "Find out what he's drinking and send a case to all of my other generals"?

I don't think at that time in history it was against the law to drink and drive a horse. :blink:
Great letter... LCC #1 !
I agree!

Doug and the BOD should and must concentrate on making US Airways the 'best dang US Airways' as can be! The brass should think straight and think smart. Then it might be for the better... for the pax and the employees!

Never stop trying to your very best!
I don't think at that time in history it was against the law to drink and drive a horse. :blink:

Actually, from time to time out here in Baja Arizona someone does get hauled in for being drunk on horseback. Usually because they are riding on a public street and their uncontrolled animal is a danger in traffic...

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