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A letter to Doug

I believe the letter is frankly, condesending. Not only is LCC stating the embarassment of such an action, LCC is also implying throughout the letter that Doug had his eye off the ball and is totally inept. And unless he does what is outlined in the letter, there will be no support or forgiveness. What the letter is actually saying, IMO, is "we really want to forgive you", but you better do this, this and this.

I agree with PITbull. Do you really think it will help the company or Doug to have a chastising, finger-wagging letter from an anonymous employee published anywhere? The less said by anyone in the company outside of here the better.

Like NASA has done with their most recent embarrassment, we should not run off at the mouth about our own.
I really like LCC#1's letter. Not so much because of specific content but rather that even Stevie Wonder could see it was deeply personal and from the heart.

And that's exactly where it came from. 😉 Putting it here may get to him much quicker than the thousand of emails Im sure he has gotten in the past 72 hours.

All are entitled to their opinions, but i find it interesting that so far two of the very few critical of my letter are an ex employee and someone who has a negative word like doubt in their screen name.

Perhaps it is because I have known MANY in the same situation as Doug that I actually see the need for him to make amends to his family, friends, employees, shareholders, and the customers of US Airways.

Doug probably will not care about my "chastising, finger waving letter", but as an employee and more importantly a human being on a public forum, I have a right...no, a responsibility to call our leaders out when they have done something that could endanger the better good of thousands. What DOUG DOES with that will show his true character.
And that's exactly where it came from. 😉 Putting it here may get to him much quicker than the thousand of emails Im sure he has gotten in the past 72 hours.

All are entitled to their opinions, but i find it interesting that so far two of the very few critical of my letter are an ex employee and someone who has a negative word like doubt in their screen name.

Perhaps it is because I have known MANY in the same situation as Doug that I actually see the need for him to make amends to his family, friends, employees, shareholders, and the customers of US Airways.

Doug probably will not care about my "chastising, finger waving letter", but as an employee and more importantly a human being on a public forum, I have a right...no, a responsibility to call our leaders out when they have done something that could endanger the better good of thousands. What DOUG DOES with that will show his true character.

Oh Puleeeze.....if screen names are any indication of a person's actual mind set than you are delusional because LCC is not #1, and Pineybob is either a rube or a porn star wannabe. I'd change it to Mrs. Faithflier except I'm afraid it would inspire me to do some of the same pulpit- pounding writing that you and Bob have put on here.

I don't have any problem with your letter being here on this forum, I agree it is from the heart as it has alot emotional language. "What WERE you thinking" IS a finger wagging phrase and the multiple use of the words screw and frankly sucks is fine if that is what you need to use to get your point across, but please don't send this to be published anywhere but here. I agree you are entitled to question your leaders but this is a bit preachy....... well actually alot preachy and I for one don't want to open up USA Today and see this in the editorials.

My reference to NASA is not to say that information should not be in the media. However when it comes to an employee's personal problems they make the necessary statements to the press but support their very errant employee in a dignified and professional manner.

Sorry that two writers didn't join the choir for you but we all post here to get reactions pro or con. I'll change my name as soon as I can think of something neutral enough that you can read my posts without the knee-jerk reaction to a poorly spelled reference to a Robin Willliams movie.
Like NASA has done with their most recent embarrassment, we should not run off at the mouth about our own.

That's not the intent of my response. I was commenting on what I believe the message implies. It has ambiguity, and I'm not sure if its saying "hey we forgive you" or "hey we forgive you but you need to do this, or "hey we may forgive you if you do this, this, and this because currently your inept and the product sucks".

No doubt, it came from an attempt to be reasonable and fair, its the ideas jump around.
I'm just looking to lynch a man for being human.

Did you mean to add the word "not"?

I also don't think being sober is required to lead a company. Churchill lead Britain through WWII in a fog of booze and did a pretty damn good job.

I disagree with the first. I think being sober is, or should be a requirement. I am not saying he/she can't drink, but drinking to excess in that kind of position is something that bears investigation and is a possible disqualifying character trait. Ask HR types what they think in general about someone who has had known drinking issues in their life. Better yet, ask a psychologist about what, in general, a pattern of excessive drinking means about the ability of the person to make sound decisions and deal with everyday stress.

Now, with that said, note that nowhere in this, or any other, forum have I said that Doug should be shown the door.
The sentiment in LCC's letter is spot-on. But, that said, this has NO place in any sort of "letter to the editor" or other media outlet. Don't draw any more publicity to this than has already been published. Let Doug take his lumps with the courts, and let US move on, but do NOT fan the flames by having this appear in USA Today or the local PHX paper.
That's to tough a question for a "rube" and wannabe porn star like me :up: Maybe MrsDoubtFlyer knows???
OK, let's think some names up for ya!

"Piney Bob Holmes" Stars in "Sex in Coach" Featuring a Reconfig US A320!!!!!
There are valid points on both sides of this argument, but I, for one, do not think it OUR place to pour fuel on the fire. I think Doug has a conscience and will do what he feels is right--for himself as well as US. It is more a personal issue than it is a corporate one, regardless of what you naysayers think.

There is nothing to be gained by perpetuating this by adding the letter to any press or media outlet. We have no say in how this plays out nor should we.

Enough already folks, let's help them get back on the target of fixing US Airways.
Just curious as to why you feel that way???

For me I'm so tired of the endless plotting & spinning that goes on.

Hell I don't even know what "is" is anymore.

The glove didn't fit so we had to aquit!

Where does it stop????

Whatever happened to "I'm Sorry, I made a HUGE error in judgement, I've learned my lesson and I won't dodge the issue"

Imagine if a CEO went on the talk shows and discussed it openly and honestly with candor & sincerity. Think of the good that could be accomplished.

Whatever happened to "Taking it like a man"?

I'm NOT saying he should get off the hook. He needs to face the music, legally speaking. But to ADD negative publicity is just dumb. He can be open and honest with employees all he wants, but there's just no sense in going public (any more than it already is) with this story. The media seem to have let go of it. It just doesn't make sense to dredge it back up. Spin is one thing. Voluntary generation of negative publicity is another.

One man's opinion.
There is nothing to be gained by perpetuating this by adding the letter to any press or media outlet. We have no say in how this plays out nor should we.

Enough already folks, let's help them get back on the target of fixing US Airways.

My apologies if I somehow came across as wanting this to be a media event. I think Doug has already done this. I cannot control who reads or chooses to copy what I have written. I WROTE it! I know where my heart was and IS!! And I do not regret or apologize for it.

The last sentence Art wrote sums it up and was ONE of the reasons I wrote this letter.

The love of and dedication of USAirways is apparent here and I hope the message doesn't go unnoticed by Doug or any of his team.
My apologies if I somehow came across as wanting this to be a media event. I think Doug has already done this. I cannot control who reads or chooses to copy what I have written. I WROTE it! I know where my heart was and IS!! And I do not regret or apologize for it.

The last sentence Art wrote sums it up and was ONE of the reasons I wrote this letter.

The love of and dedication of USAirways is apparent here and I hope the message doesn't go unnoticed by Doug or any of his team.
You have NO need to apologize. Great letter. Just don't send it to Reuters.
Allow me to clarify my comments--they were NOT aimed at LCC1. I thought it was one fantastic letter, and from the heart.

I was referring to others on these and other boards who might have chosen to send this or similar letters to media outlets--I draw the line there, and will not be part of any more pot-stirring.

LCC1 you should be proud of the letter as it stands...No need to apoligize for ANYTHING.

Also--check your PM's.

Thanks all,

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