A Good Trade-Off

And an elephant eating itself one bite at a time.

Self consumed on your side.....................

Here's the empty suit during his run for POTUS discussing his 16 month timetable.

Liar, Liar pants on fire. Once again Ron Paul was right about the withdrawal.

Yes we left at the end of the agreement and IIRC we did try to extend it. Seems I do remember correctly.

MORE of the story

OOPS!! Another Obama lie shot square in the arse. Note the article is NOT from Fox it's from the Left. It's always so much fun skewering the Parasite Political Class with the words of their supporters. It's why I read Huff Post among others

So you think the Obama administration was really trying to keep troops in Iraq even though he promised to withdraw the troops? You dont think the negotiations were just for show?
So you think the Obama administration was really trying to keep troops in Iraq even though he promised to withdraw the troops? You dont think the negotiations were just for show?

Honestly? NO!

Barack aka Black Bush Obama is beholden to the big banks and financial houses, while George aka White Bush is beholden to the Bechtel's and Halliburton's of the world and war is good business for all of the above.

It's only bad business if you're the parent or loved one who gets to greet your returning soldier at Dover AFB. In case you don't know Live soldiers come home through Mcguire AFB, dead through Dover AFB.


One morning when the office was opened
a man quite old in years
Entered the express office
showing signs of grief and tears
And when the clerk approached him
the old man then did say
I'm waiting for my boy, sir
he's coming home today

Well. you have made a silly mistake
and you must surely know
This is the telegraph office, Sir
and not a town depot
If your boy is coming home
the clerk did smile and say
You'll find him with the passengers, Sir
at the station just all the way

You do not understand me, Sir
the old man shook his head
He's not a-coming as a passenger
but by express instead
He's coming home to mother
the old man softly said
He's coming home in a casket, Sir
he's coming to us dead

Then a whistle pierced their ears
the express train someone cry
The old man rose in a breathless haste
and quickly rushed outside
Then a long white casket
was lowered to the ground
The scene was filled with the grief and pain
of those who gathered around

Do not treat him harshly, boys
it contains our darling Jack
He went away as you boys are
this way he's coming back
He broke his poor old mother's heart
Her fears have all come true
She said, it’s the way that he'd come back
If he joined the boys in blue

Lyrics and song, G.B Grayson & Henry Whitter

A lot of them come back this way thanks to the Parasite Political Class
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Do you really think there will be a president who will be willing to take out an entire city in that manner? Do you think the rest of the world would support such and action?

Well I remember Prez. HST did so, probably (somewhat) reluctantly, but it sure worked against Japan.