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A/C 330

Good thing the pilots wrote it up, otherwise it wouldn't have been sent to the hangar for investigation.

It's a -200, so my guess is it will be considered a write-off.
They didn't find the problem they simply proved that there was a problem.

:lol: "BOOM!!!" "HEY!!! We found the problem!"

Good job though guys but next time lets not destroy the aircraft while we are looking for the "problem".

Also I would like to add that running an engine at full power to find oil consumption problems is ludicrous. Either the oil is leaking, which idle provides more than enough pressure to locate it. Or the oil is being consumed internally which running the engine at high power settings is going to do nothing to help you determine "where the oil is going."
WTF do you know about engine runs master baiter? you and your SCAB buddies take two days to complete an engine change on a dc9 and that makes you qualified to comment? :lol: :blink:
Yep, NWA would have pencil whipped it.
Some time ago, NW used our gates at LAX for international flights. We did the maint for them, and often found ourselves in conflict with their MOC. We had a higher standard of maintenance than they did. That was during the Nyrop years, but I suspect little has changed.
This has to be one of the stupidest comment I've ever heard out of Hdq.

Mechanics were doing some type of procedure with the engine when a malfunction occurred, causing a fuel line to rupture and spark the blaze, said American Airlines spokesman Tim Wagner in Texas.

"The damage will be evaluated and the engine will be replaced, that's why we do maintenance work on our planes," he said.


Ramble over to the hangar and find out why 9861 had an engine that went "boom" on it's (aborted) take off run this afternoon....
Kev3188, don't misconstrue (aborted) with (normal). See you fail to understand the fact that over at SCABTAIL This means a flawless high speed taxi that was interrupted by a calibrated malfunction.. :lol: :lol: :blink:
Good thing the pilots wrote it up, otherwise it wouldn't have been sent to the hangar for investigation.

It's a -200, so my guess is it will be considered a write-off.

Would it make more sense to try to repair the damaged airframe, or write it off and pull one of the 767's from the desert and do a heavy "D" check to maintain status quo on the -200's. Or do you think the company will write it off and just cut more capacity?
Thank god it happened at AA where professional mechanics were diagnosing the engine instead of at NW where passenger and crew lives depend on scab "maintenance."
Thank god it happened at AA where professional mechanics were diagnosing the engine instead of at NW where passenger and crew lives depend on scab "maintenance."
Its just a matter of time over at SCABTAIL! 🙁
...and often found ourselves in conflict with their MOC. We had a higher standard of maintenance...
These guys are usually pretty sharp but sometimes you have to wonder. We had a hydraulic sys over temp causing a return to gate. This was the third write-up in four days for the same system. MSP-MC's solution was to cool the system with ground air until the fault went away and kick the bird out. I asked, "What reference am I supposed to use to sign that off?" I refused to do it, which resulted in three more mechanics showing up and two managers. A plane change was eventually called and the aircraft was sent off to the hangar.
At US we had the same problem and the whole wing would have had to been replaced along with numerous fuselage holes, our plane looked a bit worse then AA's and it was a total loss as I suspect this one will be also, replacing a wing in the field is not an easy task.
These guys are usually pretty sharp but sometimes you have to wonder. We had a hydraulic sys over temp causing a return to gate. This was the third write-up in four days for the same system. MSP-MC's solution was to cool the system with ground air until the fault went away and kick the bird out. I asked, "What reference am I supposed to use to sign that off?" I refused to do it, which resulted in three more mechanics showing up and two managers. A plane change was eventually called and the aircraft was sent off to the hangar.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So how were the other two discrepancies handled? you guys could'nt trouble shoot a bleeding hemoroid. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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