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End of PIT hub???!!!

On 10/23/2002 7:04:32 PM Bob Owens wrote:

when you make enough to only take home half of what your employer pays you, you will vote Republican too.

We dont have to worry about that, the Republicans will make sure that we never make that much.


maybe if you didn't let your union give your dues to the Dems all the time you would find them more supportive. Although I am curious to know what it is that you think the Republicans have done to stop you from making money?
On 10/24/2002 10:52:11 AM chipmunn wrote:

Chip comments: Dakota, if United files for bankruptcy there are reports they could downsize by one-third and UAX flying could be at risk. This has been discussed on Wall Street, thus these RJ operators may have to seek other opportunities to have a code share partner.


There is virtually NO likelihood that either ACA or SkyWest (or Air Wisconsin, for that matter) would switch affiliation from UA to US in any situation short of a Chapter 7 liquidation of UA. And even then it would not be guaranteed to happen.

First, as UA reduces its domestic flying, it will need its United Express carriers even more. This was made clear in UA's recent announcement that it would stop serving five domestic cities in January 2003, where the carrier noted that its own flights (mostly with 737s) would be replaced with more frequent but smaller capacity flights with RJs. So even if a substantial drop in UA's domestic capacity occurs, and I'm assuming that's where most further UA reductions would take place given yesterday's announcement regarding upcoming cuts in UA's international service, the carrier's need for RJ feed at its hubs will only grow.

Second, it is very unlikely that the pilots at either ACA or SkyWest would agree to accept J4J in the absence of UA's total demise. This is especially true at SkyWest where the pilots are not unionized, and that carrier's management isn't going to do anything (like suggesting J4J) that might push their pilots toward unionizing. Moreover, as UA shrinks, whether in or out of bankruptcy, ACA and SkyWest will continue their strong growth, which for the pilots tranlates into more captain's seats and higher pay. J4J would simply negate the benefits of that growth from the pilot's perspective, so why would they vote for it?

Third, even if UA liquidates, it is questionable at best whether ACA and/or SkyWest would switch their affiliation to US. With regard to ACA, approximately 65% of their RJ flying is now done at ORD, often in markets that American Eagle does not serve (like SAV, ROA, LEX, SGF, FAR and FSD, to mention just a few). Since a UA liquidation would almost certainly cause AA to recall all of its furloughed pilots, and probably even start hiring new ones, AA would have the flexibility to start growing its RJ feed again beyond that provided by the current Eagle operation at ORD, and ACA could become another American Connection carrier.

As for SkyWest, most of its RJs are currently operated in the Delta Connection system, and the relatively few (20 or so?) that now operate as United Express would probably be absorbed into the Delta operation with little trouble, other than paint jobs for the planes and new uniforms for the crews. SkyWest would undoubtedly have the wholehearted support of Delta which would also want to increase its feed at SLC and CVG to attract former UA passengers using DEN and ORD, respectively.

Frankly, I feel the above scenarios are much more plausible futures for ACA and SkyWest than what you have suggested. So in short, while I would never say never with regard to events in this turbulent industry, I believe that your (and your unnamed Wall Street sources) possible scenarios for ACA and SkyWest to switch their affiliations from UA to US are so unlikely as to be little more than fanciful dreaming. JMHO.
Flying the 321 the most? So, size does matter eventhough the pay is the same?

So Chip, PSA canceled all projected new hire classes? Guess the old hurry up, be first in line for jets at the WO's, and hope mainline rewards PSA is just another load of bull. If PSA can truly get finanacing outside of USAirways, why are there no jets on order? On Daves last hotline he said he would annouce more RJ deals in the next few weeks, I guess PSA and the other WOs won't be included.

DorkDriver said: Flying the 321 the most? So, size does matter eventhough the pay is the same?

Chip answers: No, I bid transcontinental and Florida flying, which has more A-321 trips.

DorkDriver asked: Chip, what's your domicle?

Chip answers: DCA.

Chip asks: DorkDriver, what’s your name, who do you work for, what’s your position, and where are you based?


O.K., then why don't you personally email me the information.

If I see you in DC I will say hi. No sense in broadcasting personal info accross the internet. Yea, I guess I would fly the big bus too for the FL flying. Did you listen to your MEC's latest code-A-phone? Doesn't sound to optimistic in regards to SJ's or J4J.
On 10/23/2002 9:27:36 AM jcrb wrote:

Why do so many airline pilots vote Republican when the Replublicans are so anti-union/organized labor? This is a concept I will never understand?[/P]

thats easy... because to the Democrats the average pilot is "someone rich who needs to pay more taxes", but to the Republicans they are "someone who works for a living and needs to pay less taxes".

when you make enough to only take home half of what your employer pays you, you will vote Republican too.
If half of what a pilot makes is enough to buy several houses, a boat, and an airplane, then quit your complaining. I know too many (pilots) who drive $40,000 cars, live in giant McMansions on Lake Norman and then have the gall to say their residency is somewhere in Florida to avoid paying North Carolina state taxes. You've got it pretty darn good when you compare your lifestyle to most Americans.
whats with the backlasjh against pilots making a decent living? Are we in Cuba all of the sudden?

Some pilots do real well, most pilots do ok, but all worked for decades to get where they are. We all studied, sacrificed, and earned whatever we are deserve to prosper from today. Excuse me, but that is the flippin American Dream is it not?

I think that people need to remember that pilots are professionals, not just lucky lottery winners in a uniform. We worked hard, and continue to work hard to become the best that we can be. I would not ask for a discount brain surgeon if I needed one. Why would you want to trust you and your family to a bargain priced pilot...?
Please do not take offense. I think most other employee groups feel that in our desperate corporate times we face the pilot group could take additional pay reduction. The very reality could be CH-7. Then it is to late.
[BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Pit Guy:[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]To obtain the maximum bank for the buck, it would have more impact for 90 percent of the employees who now are closer to 75 percent of the labor expense to take a pay cut. In addition, to more closely align the company with Southwest maintenance costs, in the long-term it would help us all out if all heavy maintenance and checks were outsourced.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Since Southwest does this, the outsourcing idea would make us more competitive with our low cost competitors. I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I'm trying to compare Apples to Apples. Thanks for coming up for ways for our labor force to be more like Southwest. Maybe we should suggest these ideas to management to help us all out.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]However, unless things go right in the next couple of days we may not need to have this conversation much longer.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=Times New Roman size=3]Chip [/FONT]
[P]Chip you are a piece of work, you know nothing about unionism and being a trade unionist and you show your true colors. Why dont I e-mail Dave and just have him hire Orenstein to outsource all pilot jobs to Freedom Air.[/P]
[P]You would not make what you earn if it was not for a union. I suggest you learn something about it.[/P]

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