Garfield, for your info, it is a common practice to run an engine up to full power to check for vibration that is out of limits. You also have to run the engine at full power,if possible,to trim balance the FAN assembly. My guess on this one is that there is going to be an airworthiness directive on the hardware that holds the HP turbine to the HP turbine shaft. That one picture they have is a complete HP disc sitting on the ramp and the other picture shows the HP section missing on the engine.
Does anyone know if the LP turbine is still in the engine or did it completely disinegrate and get blown out the back?
What you say sounds perfectly reasonable.
Perhaps I did not explain my self sufficiently. The point I was attempting to make was that if you had an inkling that there was somethignn wrong with the engine that could result in the above failure I would think that you would not run the engine up. Right?