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30/7 And Other Favors


Apr 7, 2003
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Just had to get this off my chest.

I know this does not apply to all of you. Hell, it probably only applies to a few but they are lousing it up for the rest of you.

We have just been advised that we are not to advise FA’s of their 30/7 problem. Some of us, my self included, have called FA’s to see if they want to keep their trip before we pull them and dump it into open time. Now, apparently there are a few of you out there who thought that we (crew skd) are required to do that (please find me the page in the contract that says that) and when they were not called they got all huffy. So, instead of being a responsible adult they went and complained. So now you will not be getting a call, you will just be removed.

I cannot even count the number of times that I have tried to go out of my way to help someone and it has bit me in the ass. I had an AVBL one day who was out flying, they begged and pleased to have a certain trip if it came open. The trip came open and they did not get it. Someone else plotted it. The person called in and bitched that I did not give them the trip. All I said was that I will see what I can do at 12n when I plot. The trip was gone my 11am. So now, I do not plot any AVBL’s. I don’t care if your PC is broken or you have a sucking chest wound. I do not do trip trades, OE’s change options, place people on MU or II lists. All because I have done so in the past and someone has bitched and moaned.

For those of you who I have had to tell “noâ€￾, I am sorry. To those of you who seem to think that the world is their to wipe your a$$ for you, .. oh never mind. I doubt you even understand the problem.

I have not posted on this board before because I, quite frankly, enjoyed the various and diverse opinions offered, and didn't feel that I needed to jump into the fray.

However, I am compelled to post today because your last message, about the 30/7, is, unfortunately, very representative of the hypocrisy which is rife throughout your posts. You chastise flight attendants for allegedly doing things which would otherwise harm the company and its reputation, while you freely post internal issues, and your own personal gripes with flight attendants, which, ultimately portray, AA, its flight attendants, and ALL AA employees in a bad light.

Is there no other outlet for your ire? You claim to need to get this "off your chest." Please take this advice in the constructive spirit in which it is offered... a support group, or some form of peer counseling, would help you with your anger and bitterness. It appears that your job has gotten the best of you, and perhaps, a change of job might do you some good.

If you are as unpleasant and as unhappy at work as your posts would indicate, I think a new job might be in order. This advice would also apply to what appears to be your other on-line iteration, "Operaations."

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.
This is my therapy. Aside from one individual at work that I have to deal with and the “holiday flu†on a yearly basis I actually enjoy work. Besides, I have never had much faith in the ‘medicines of the brain’.

Hypocrisy? I guess some of my posts span the spectrum of bitter to what ever. I guess it just depends what kind of mood I am in. My blood pressure and health are fine according to my Dr.

When I said I needed to get something off my chest it is because human nature amazes me. I try and not bit the hand that feeds me. When someone tries to help me (above and beyond what is required) and is unable to do so for what ever reason, I thank them for their effort and go on. I don’t throw a hissy fit.

Opps is fine also. He uses this board as a form of entertainment much the way I do.

I notice you have not said anything about some of the FA’s who seem to be more “bitter†than I am like WRX (where is he anyway? I miss his insane rants), Wing and prayer, RV4 and NHB (now there are 2 bitter SOB’s) so forgive me if I think you’re not being a bit partial.

Not sure how posting about the 30/7 can harm the company. Can you please clarify that for me? Striking, sick outs, theft, work slow downs … etc. Those are things that harm the company. This entire forum is about internal issues with the company. Not sure how this is any different.

If your rants about flight attendant behavior and work ethic constitute your own version of therapy, I truly feel for you. It appears from your posts that you have a serious axe to grind, and are blind to the efforts of the vast majority of AA flight attendants, good, honest, hard-working professionals who are simply trying to earn a living.

Trust me, even admittedly self-described "bitter" crew schedulers, such as yourself, do not hold a patent on complaining about alleged abuses. I am sure that most flight attendants can come forward with a story, or two, or a hundred, about lazy, inhumane, incompetent crew schedulers whose own unique "issues" make them impossible to deal with, thereby hindering the efficient operation of the airline.

If you are so utterly miserable, and your sense of morality is so insulted by the alleged behavior of a small minority of flight attendants, why not seek alternate employment, and spare all of us your endless whining about the work habits of those you are supposed to be assisting?

Like Straaight Taalk said, if you're so bitter and unhappy with the group you work closest with then find a new department or quit. I have several stories regarding incompetent crew schedulers. I'm sure between 26,000 of American's finest we have thousands of stories. So many we could write a movie and 10 sequels.

Not all schedulers are bad. When you're rude to us on the phone and try to say we're legal when we're not then that shows disrespect and incompetence. I will admit some f/a's don't know their contract, trust me I have flown with lots of them. Don't forget some of us do read it and know it.

operaations, is a scheduler that is nice and doesn't try to screw us. I have spoke to operaations several times on the phone and I want to say thank you for your professionalism. :up:

Like Straaight Taalk said, if you're so bitter and unhappy with the group you work closest with then find a new department or quit. I have several stories regarding incompetent crew schedulers. I'm sure between 26,000 of American's finest we have thousands of stories. So many we could write a movie and 10 sequels.

Not all schedulers are bad. When you're rude to us on the phone and try to say we're legal when we're not then that shows disrespect and incompetence. I will admit some f/a's don't know their contract, trust me I have flown with lots of them. Don't forget some of us do read it and know it.

operaations, is a scheduler that is nice and doesn't try to screw us. I have spoke to operaations several times on the phone and I want to say thank you for your professionalism

Thanks for the nice compliment...it means alot. And I do apologize ahead of time. Rumor has it on the 23 of this month there will be a non sanctioned sick out ( i hope there isnt). If there is I will apologize ahead of time to the men and women flight attendants and who show up to work during these trying times and try to make this airline run. We as schedulers are told to get the flight out with out delay or cancellation...and unfortunatley they will start to go min crew no matter what the load is...and many of you will have 2 day trips turn into 4 day trip turns into two or three day trips. We hate when this happens. I just wish that during a time when we all need eachother we would come to work and show how professional we all are.

And as for Garfield ....he truly is a good scheduler and a great person. He has been #### on way too many times by Management and flight attendants. That is why I think he is bitter. He loves his job and he knowes that the majority of the flight attendants at AA are hard working excellent people. But we all know the minority is the loudest and unfortunatley we Crew Schedulers only hear from the minority.
Have you considered PROZAC ?????

Just take it in the morning with your AA KOOL AID.
One quick "GULP", and your on your waay. :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:


Rumor has it that hollywood might be "re-making" the thriller "FALLING DOWN"
Michael Douglas is'nt available this time.

I nominate you. :shock: :shock: :shock:
I guess I must be slow or something but I just don’t get where the bitter part is coming from.

For the most part I enjoy going to work. I am thankful that I have a job and that AA did not file BK. As Opps said, most of you are stand up folks. There are the handful of people we have to deal with on a day to day basis who are a pain in the ass and a discredit to FA’s and people in general but every barrel has them.


You calling me bitter is rich. If I am bitter you are the equivalent of a rabid dog that needs to be put down.

All I was trying to point out in this thread and apparently failed was that most of us at crew skd have tried to do the right thing and try to go out of our way to help out when it is contractually allowable. I did not have to call for 30/7 problems. When I would pull someone off a trip with out notifying them, odds are I would get a call saying they wanted the trip back. So I started to cal a few days out and leave a message. Now, someone called in because they got calls previously and this one time they did not. They were pissed because they did not know their legalities and thought we should have called because we always called before. So, I now have an email sitting in my inbox telling me I cannot advise of 30/7 problems. How stupid is that? You all get screwed because some half wit with an entitlement mentality pitched a fit because they are an idiot. So when you loose your OE that you paid for or that TT that you wanted so you could see your folks in LAX or where ever because of a 30/7 that you did not now about. Thanks one of your colleagues.

When someone does you a favor one time, do not expect it to be done every time. Whether it be at AA or any where else. I would like to say I will not do anymore favors again but I know that is a lie. I was raised better. If someone asks nicely and I have time I will try and help if I can.

If this makes me bitter, I will wear that badge with honor.

If I am bitter, you are the equivalent of a rabid dog that needs to be put down"

Speaking of bitter, garfield, what was/is your position of this event ?

Ready ?,
here goes.

While YOU and ME, and every other member of AA(excluding SENIOR management), were "taking it in the shorts" ($$$$$$$$$), our illustrious leader(Gerard Arpey), along with Don Carty, (And GOD knows who else),were FAST at work, BURYING/HIDING millions of dollars, for their own GREEDY PERSONAL gain !!!!!!!!

Again garfield,
"WHAT SAY YOU" ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Garfield1966 said:
If I am bitter you are the equivalent of a rabid dog that needs to be put down.

Your posts are like a 2 year old baby who gets no attention from Mom. That was an unprofessional and immature comment on your part. :down: I doubt that NHBB comes to work foaming at the mouth. I have to support my fellow NH'er on this.

I can only imagine how you treat flight attendants on the phone.
Unprofessional and immature? Being told that I need Prozac is not? Being told that I am drinking “Kool Aidâ€￾ is not? I just dish back what I get. So unless you plan on criticizing your colleagues as well your view is loosing credibility as we speak. And by the way, I still fail to understand how voicing my frustrations about having things thrown back in my face makes me bitter. Frustrated? Hell yes. Bitter? No, I don’t think so.


Short answer is that is abhorrent what management did.

Longer answer. I am not sure how old you are but I have reached the point where I can see a wind mill for a wind mill. I no longer have the urge to tilt at them that I once did. I do not know weather that means I have given up or if I have the ability to determine (at least in my own mind) what battles can and cannot be won or if it is even worth the fight (there are battles worth fighting if they are not winnable).

Let me preface this with the admission that I am a cynic. Government and management have always been corrupt. We have created a country based on the green back. Turn on the television and you are inundated with garbage that no one needs but everyone wants so that they can keep up with the Jones. We the people have made our bed now we must sleep in it. The way I see it is that this is capitalism at work. You want integrity in management? I want world peace. I fear that neither of us is likely to get what we want. Do you really feel that striking or having a sick out will change their greed? When you sit back and think about it do you really think your actions will change thousands of years of history? Civil rights was a battle worth fighting, sexual freedom is a battle worth fighting and continuing to fight. I guess where we differ is that this fight, as far as I am concerned, is not winnable and not worth fighting. I make a fair living for what I do. I think most of us do. It is irrelevant what some one else is some other company is making because you do not work for that other company. You want what they make, go work for that company. Being a FA or a Crew Skd or a ramper is not rocket science. You want more money? People in hell want ice water. Just because you want something or think you have earned it does not (in my opinion) entitle you to it. You don’t like how you have been compensated for your work? Find someplace where you feel you are being treated fairly.

Something just occurred to me. The same people who are hiding money from the rank and file now are probably the same people who would or have abused sick time, stolen company property, lied on their tax returns, took longer breaks than they were supposed to. These people did not just turn bad when they entered senior management. They walk among us. Some of them are us.

One final thing and I must head of to work. When the pension “scandalâ€￾ broke in the news I detected a sense of amazement and shock that a company in such dire straights would have management that would do something so dishonest. Have you people been sleeping under a rock? As many promises that have been broken by people in power, whether it be politics or management is astounding. I have one response for you shocked folks. DUH!!!!!!