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I was just sitting here thinking....

wouldn;t it be a scream if they parked the A320s and kept the 737s?
Well 320 look at it this way......when they shut the doors and we are all at the unemployment office, we will all be eligible for the max benefits for 26 weeks and maybe a 13 wk extension or two!!! Please don't be scared it will be alright!!! You seem to have made so many friends in the industry you should have no problem finding employment. 😉
USA320Pilot said:
What' going to be interesting is when the judge drops the gavel and says motion approved, the S.1113(e) cuts are imposed, and then the S.1113(e) cuts become permanent plus deeper pain during the S.1113© hearing.

Then the union leaders who lead employees down this path of self destruction will blame management versus their own incompetence.

Tic...Toc...Tic...Toc -- 2.5 days remaining because here comes "imposition".



Can you believe USaviation once let this child do commentary for them?
USA320Pilot said:

That's why you live with your parents or is that with your in-laws? It's not Brookman and Freshwater...


I am really lost on this one...so from here on out is entertainment only. My dad is dead. My mother lives alone. My inlaws were nice enough to grant my family residence over 2 years ago, for over three months, while we relocated in the south hills of Pittsburgh from my lifelong residence of Atlanta (minus about 13 years in the AF). I restored a 75 year old home, with the help of contractors, in about 3 months. I am 48 years old now, have all my hair, a lot of old and new friends, and a wonderful life in PIT, despite U or the problems of PIT. Sorry to the rest of you, but 320 has been drinking again...despite warnings from his friends and family. I wish him nothing but the best in his battle against the bottle vs the throttle. Please all, wish him well. Best to 320 and you all . Greeter.
That explains many things!!!!!! Does ALPA have EAP avaliable to the membership? 😉
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
I was just sitting here thinking....

wouldn;t it be a scream if they parked the A320s and kept the 737s?

I've thought that same thing. Airbus will have a much easier job releasing those 320s at market rates, whereas GECAS, RSA, BoFA, and whoever else owns EETCs on the Boeing fleet probably won't get squat (and thus want US around to keep paying anything for them).

Of course, in the interest of being fair (as opposed to a spinmaster), it could be that Airbus is the only creditor who actually wants to play ball. If that's the case, the entire RJ fleet is toast, the boeings are toast, and any pilot who crosses the line to fly the Airbus fleet will suddenly find him/herself on the next iteration of the ALPA "scab" list.
USA320Pilot said:

That's why you live with your parents or is that with your in-laws? It's not Brookman and Freshwater...



So sad. The group hug is OFF. Best to you and yours. Greeter.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
I was just sitting here thinking....

wouldn;t it be a scream if they parked the A320s and kept the 737s?

Or, to really stick a pin in a certain pilot's balloon...
What if they keep a mixture of a/c, reduce the fleet to 150, BUT they decide to follow the contract and long-established practice and furlough strictly by seniority. 😱
jimntx said:
Or, to really stick a pin in a certain pilot's balloon...
What if they keep a mixture of a/c, reduce the fleet to 150, BUT they decide to follow the contract and long-established practice and furlough strictly by seniority. 😱
ought to try and determine exactly how many rj's we have(and who owns them),how many 37's rsa holds...how many 37's gecas has...and who owns the buses...and see if we can come up with a 150 number.....
i was hearing news that one of the creditors wanted his a/c back but don't know who it is.
I dont think that any creditor or lessor can get aircraft back unless and until U defaults on that aircraft, unless there are specific terms in the lease/agreement that provides repossession rights short of default.
RowUnderDCA said:
I dont think that any creditor or lessor can get aircraft back unless and until U defaults on that aircraft, unless there are specific terms in the lease/agreement that provides repossession rights short of default.
they just gave back several recently in pit.....i don't have tails numbers..
RowUnderDCA said:
I dont think that any creditor or lessor can get aircraft back unless and until U defaults on that aircraft, unless there are specific terms in the lease/agreement that provides repossession rights short of default.

As we are all very aware "rules change in bankruptcy". Maybe the company could motion to the judge to take back the aircraft. After all, they ARE a creditor. Time will tell.
How about this scenario: since management will probably decide to shrink the fleet at some point in bankruptcy and they cannot outsource the Airbus work after the IAM arbitration decision, they may just park the Airbus fleet as they come up for checks and return them to the lessor. As the fleet shrinks, they will need to furlough pilots and will want to avoid retraining cost, so they will get ALPA to allow out of seniority furloughs to furlough Airbus pilots.

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