A few weeks ago, didn't somebody post a Monster.com job posting for customer service positions in an Alabama call center. Do they already have agents trained to do reservation transactions, just waiting for the signal to start?
700UW said:An abrogation is not a slam dunk. Go ask United Airlines when they tried.
Trin03 said:They can't just hire anyone off the street or out of a temporary agency , right?
tadjr said:********* Update from CWA 9/24/04
Additional stories are available on www.CWA.net
Negotiations scheduled for Monday...
The CWA local presidents bargaining committee is preparing for three days of bargaining to begin at 1 PM, on Monday, September 27, with US Airways management. The goal of the CWA'ers is to reduce the company's demands for an emergency Bankruptcy Court order to impose devastating wage and benefit cuts, including the proposed 23 percent cut in pay.
Also, the CWA'ers have called on management to detail the non-labor cost savings and cost savings from management and administrative employees, as well as changes to the executive compensation plan that should be a part of the airline's restructuring.
CWA Local Officers and Staff