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2345 Crystal Drive, Anyone Home?


Apr 26, 2003
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ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 28, 2003 -- US Airways Express carrier PSA Airlines Inc. today took delivery of its first new 50-seat Bombardier CRJ-200 regional jet. The aircraft is scheduled to enter service on PSA’s route network on Dec. 14, 2003.

I just checked the UAIR press release and found this, part of which I copied above. No notice about the supposed 'crown jewel' of the company under attack. Yet LUV is all over.

Does anyone even work in Crystal City anymore? You can bet if another airline lauched service into DAL, at MINIMUM the corporate spokesman for LUV would be in public about how we will fight.

The silence is deafening.
it would be nice if there were some real top level mgmt who would know how to fight SWA, especially if and/or when they would come into our PHL turf.
Siegel did respond in one of the many articles I read. Basically said that US will strongly defend it's position in PHL. But, really, what else is there for them to say at this point?? US will still benefit from the increased European and Carribean network. Were it not for this growth in the past 5 years, PHL wouldn't last in U's business plan.
flynomore said:
Does anyone even work in Crystal City anymore? You can bet if another airline lauched service into DAL, at MINIMUM the corporate spokesman for LUV would be in public about how we will fight.

It would appear that they need a few people...

I want to know how US is going to find the precise mix of lowering fares, changing fare rules and allocating flight inventory which has to be the first step in their fight to compete with WN when they need lots of people in Pricing and Inventory, Revenue Management and Yield Management.
Yea, there home in CCY. They are sitting there scratching thier heads among other things, pondering what to do. Maybe we can crank up the RJ's and run them out of town...or maybe we can leave town a little bit at a time as we did in BWI.....maybe we can move the PHL hub to TTN or ABE....or maybe they will just go away and leave us alone. Please realize that the word "Compete" is not in their vocabulary in CCY....it hasn't been since way back in 1989 or so. Maybe we can get our folks in PHL to work for $13 and hour to help matters a bit, you know like the Express people get. In the mean time SWA will pay over $20 to their ramp and C/S people and still manage to make a profit...how do they do it???? Good pay, Happy Employees, low fares and profits...Go figure...Maybe Competent Management and a lot less of it... 🙁
They are still trying to figure out how to get the extra range out of the new RJ so it can make the West Coast with minimal fuel stops. After all that is the future of the new and improved U!!!!!
I figured if an rj is to do a west coast trip. why try phl-stl-sfo or lax-dfw-phl?
i wouldnt be surprised to see an rj or two doing over the atlantic ocean trip with the way this oufit has been mismanaged!
"They are still trying to figure out how to get the extra range out of the new RJ "

I saw an RJ getting inflight refueling over STL the other day! So it must have worked.

PHL-PHX flights starting in March with one airbourne refueling delay over Hot Springs. Y8 Tickets for $800, F for $1800. The F tickets are for those customers who don't know better. They will find out when they get on.

Was the flight from phl to phx going to be a MAA flight? Just curious ...any other routes that you know about that MAA will be operating to and from? I am furloughed and most likely be called soon for the MAA training classes. But, most of us furloughees havnt a clue on the route structure???? :unsure:
MAA is to be based in PIT.

My above comment was just a joke about long haul in a RJ/SJ.....