NAPAUS said:

WRONG>> where did u get that of crap! This is not 1950, travel is NOT a privelege...How silly, it is part of a compensation for working for an airline, Just like the people who fly on us and REAP the benefits from their companies, (e.g.- MAJOR CORPORATIONS) they are part of the perks/compensation. W e are NOT slaves or servants who grovel to get some privelege. Most of us are hard working folks, just like the paxs, NONE of us are any better. STOP please with this stupid notion of being GRATEFUL for anything the judge or the CEO ( du Jour ) decides we should get. Get over this notion of willing do to ANTHING just to be an airline employee. Your remarks degrade and minimize all of us!!!
I know a few people who have had their travel privileges suspended for less than abusing sick time, so call it what you want it can be revoked for good cause. And that is made perfectly clear when you accept employment.
I am not a slave or a servant, I am an employee at will. just like everyone else that chooses to work here. I am not willing to do anything just to be an airline employee, with the new contract I will receive a 24% pay cut after 10 years of service. I am not grateful for anything the CEO decides we should get. I voted no on the contract proposal because I am against outsourcing of any kind. However, as a mature and responsible adult, I understand that as long as I CHOOSE to work here I am expected to do my job and not stomp my foot like a child because I did'nt get my way and get to keep my job at a salary I could live with. I work just as hard or harder as many of my fellow employees, I work 6 to 7 days a week, every week and more than 8 hour days.
My remarks are not meant to minimize or downgrade anyone. However, some people are under the impression that USAirways owes them something. What that is, I'm not sure. We, as part of a union, decide our own fate. True, we can only vote on what the union presents to us, but if we don't think it is fair, then we can vote no. The fact that so many CWA members decided not to exercise their right to vote is very sad.
So, when the ink is dry on the contract you have two options. One, stay...if you can live with the terms of the contract. Leave, if you can't. But if you CHOOSE to stay do it because you WANT to work here not because you are bitter and spiteful.
As for me? I don't feel that $13.73 is a fair wage for my job(another reason I voted no) along with all the awful vacation, holiday, and sick time. So I will leave. But as long as I am here, I will do my job to the best of my ability, because it is STILL my job and just because I choose to not accept the new compensation rules it does not give me the right to not perform the job I was hired for.
I wish everybody luck in making their decision.........