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222 Reserve F/a's Out Sick

Well, since we have berated all the 222 reserves for calling in sick ( and we don't know what the block holders numbers are) Let's all give a big THANKYOU to these reserves!!! They are the ones that are away from their families and out flying today :

181 - PIT, 249 - PHL, 95 - PHW, 295 -CLT, 20 - CLW, 26 - BOS, 11 - LGA,
73 - DCA.

Thank you, all of you and all the block holders that are out there flying and doing their jobs!
NAPAUS said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: WRONG>> where did u get that of crap! This is not 1950, travel is NOT a privelege...How silly, it is part of a compensation for working for an airline, Just like the people who fly on us and REAP the benefits from their companies, (e.g.- MAJOR CORPORATIONS) they are part of the perks/compensation. W e are NOT slaves or servants who grovel to get some privelege. Most of us are hard working folks, just like the paxs, NONE of us are any better. STOP please with this stupid notion of being GRATEFUL for anything the judge or the CEO ( du Jour ) decides we should get. Get over this notion of willing do to ANTHING just to be an airline employee. Your remarks degrade and minimize all of us!!!

I know a few people who have had their travel privileges suspended for less than abusing sick time, so call it what you want it can be revoked for good cause. And that is made perfectly clear when you accept employment.

I am not a slave or a servant, I am an employee at will. just like everyone else that chooses to work here. I am not willing to do anything just to be an airline employee, with the new contract I will receive a 24% pay cut after 10 years of service. I am not grateful for anything the CEO decides we should get. I voted no on the contract proposal because I am against outsourcing of any kind. However, as a mature and responsible adult, I understand that as long as I CHOOSE to work here I am expected to do my job and not stomp my foot like a child because I did'nt get my way and get to keep my job at a salary I could live with. I work just as hard or harder as many of my fellow employees, I work 6 to 7 days a week, every week and more than 8 hour days.

My remarks are not meant to minimize or downgrade anyone. However, some people are under the impression that USAirways owes them something. What that is, I'm not sure. We, as part of a union, decide our own fate. True, we can only vote on what the union presents to us, but if we don't think it is fair, then we can vote no. The fact that so many CWA members decided not to exercise their right to vote is very sad.

So, when the ink is dry on the contract you have two options. One, stay...if you can live with the terms of the contract. Leave, if you can't. But if you CHOOSE to stay do it because you WANT to work here not because you are bitter and spiteful.

As for me? I don't feel that $13.73 is a fair wage for my job(another reason I voted no) along with all the awful vacation, holiday, and sick time. So I will leave. But as long as I am here, I will do my job to the best of my ability, because it is STILL my job and just because I choose to not accept the new compensation rules it does not give me the right to not perform the job I was hired for.

I wish everybody luck in making their decision.........
PSA1979 said:
Well, since we have berated all the 222 reserves for calling in sick ( and we don't know what the block holders numbers are) Let's all give a big THANKYOU to these reserves!!! They are the ones that are away from their families and out flying today :
Thank you, all of you and all the block holders that are out there flying and doing their jobs!

I agree, those that have a work ethic and showed up to perform their duties are the ones to be thanked. Those who have a beef with the company and those who don't need the money who feel like calling in sick or walk off the job, please just quit............ You've inconvenienced a lot of passengers, ruined many family gatherings, and caused a lot of grief for the people who are on the job. Just this afternoon I took a baggage claim from a soldier who will be deployed to Iraq in a couple of weeks and he will not have his presents on Christmas day to give to his family. How sad........ Who knows what is in his future? However you justify what you are doing I find it selfish. :down:
"I wish you could come listen to the poor grandmother crying because she lives alone and cannot be with her children and grandchildren on Christmas morning because YOU are selfish and selfcentered. I wish you could listen to the woman screaming and yelling because she will not be able to participate in her singing groups performance."

You know what I always say.....if you just HAVE to be somewhere today, you should have left yesterday. Believe it or not, public transportation is not 100% dependable.
Seatacus said:
I agree, those that have a work ethic and showed up to perform their duties are the ones to be thanked. Those who have a beef with the company and those who don't need the money who feel like calling in sick or walk off the job, please just quit............ You've inconvenienced a lot of passengers, ruined many family gatherings, and caused a lot of grief for the people who are on the job. Just this afternoon I took a baggage claim from a soldier who will be deployed to Iraq in a couple of weeks and he will not have his presents on Christmas day to give to his family. How sad........ Who knows what is in his future? However you justify what you are doing I find it selfish. :down:

100% AGREED!

I too, want to say "Great Job," and offer a sincere and heartfelt, "Thank You" to all those who DID go to work today, and even more so to those who made themselves available to pitch in on what was undoubtedly the WORST Operational day that I've EVER borne witness to since being around US Airways.

As for those who DID call in "Sick", I think it's been made abundantly clear by the majority...Either DO THE JOB OR JUST GET OUT! Enough is enough, you've made a difficult day much worse for Heartbroken/Upset Passengers including their Children and Families, your own Co-Workers who you should be standing by in Solidarity, and made yourselves look like fools, not to mention jeopardizing your very own livelihood and that of your own children and families...I hope it was worth it. :angry: :down: :angry: :down:
livingontheedge said:

Travel benefits are a privilege.....anyone who pulls a childish stunt like today should have that privilege terminated, or better yet, should have employment terminated.

The point is though someone deciding on their own who deserves that benefit and who doesn't is as bad as the offenders, NO? :down:
Travel is a privelage and when it is abused the privelage is taken away. It is NOT something that is taken away for anything other than travel abuses. It is a company policy and you can't take it away, because you "suspect" he/she abused sick time..

So forget taking the privelage away in these cases, it won't happen.

Calling in sick around a holiday is nothing new at U, it happens every holiday. So does bad weather, which also played a part in the debacle. We can't get you there is if the aiport is closed and our crews are out of position, because of that.

There are thousands of F/A's and you pass judgement because of 222..?
StatioRat said:
I hope the f/a know are proud of what they did today. It was one of the worst days I've ever worked. The f/a not only hurt the passengers but the gate and ticket agents as well. I can tell you this... I will not forget this day... When a f/a tried to non-rev.... and i check them in i will see to it that they do not get on... i will forget to board them or we will have a weight restriction.. I hope ALL agent follow me on this.... This was terrible and I hope everyone is fired....
Merry #$%#$ Christmas to all you #$%hole f/a's
Oh Boy !!! You're such a BIG SHOT!!!!! HAHAHA , Guess again !!!! :shock: :up:
700UW said:
How many total F/As are active employees at US?
i'd bet you're thinking on the same lines as me.......a close vote and these 222 plus some sympathetic others and your t/a goes in for a hard landing...
this is very interesting.... 😉
PITbull said:
approx 5,300

There are f/as who are making themselves available, and thank you.

The employees have been beaten up very badly for the past two years. Work ethic won't buy a cup of coffee when you know no matter what, you won't make your bills.

To those who went that extra mile for the customer....you are THE BEST!
The sickout continues Christmas morning as flights are being canceled all over due to lack of f/a.
StatioRat said:
I hope the f/a know are proud of what they did today. It was one of the worst days I've ever worked. The f/a not only hurt the passengers but the gate and ticket agents as well. I can tell you this... I will not forget this day... When a f/a tried to non-rev.... and i check them in i will see to it that they do not get on... i will forget to board them or we will have a weight restriction.. I hope ALL agent follow me on this.... This was terrible and I hope everyone is fired....
Merry #$%#$ Christmas to all you #$%hole f/a's

And I will remember to turn you in. I am working! I am away from my family!
You can't blame all for the actions of a few.
air chief said:
I have to commend the ALPA group today. Not one of you guys no-showed a trip... was all back-end crew..even the whinnest pilots I know were apauld by this today.... Most comments were.. I THOUGHT THEY HAD A TENTATIVE..

Hey you f/a.s out there...not ever show up at my gate wanting any spcial favors as an early board or a choice seat assignment...my paying customers are first and foremost...you AFA pukes are you-know-what stuck to my shoe from here on out..


I know of MANY gate agents, rampers, cleaners, caterers that called in sick in PH. You better point the finger at your own group too.
NAPAUS said:
:down: :down: :down: HOW F%7#^ EVIL>>> dont blame her or him for the actions of others. >>>Ur stupidity and lack of information is pathetic!!

If I catch a gate agent lying about weight restriction to keep a non-rev f/a off an a/c, I'll have your job.

How'se that for pompous!

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