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222 Reserve F/a's Out Sick

This is why you are going down the toilet. Instead finding a way to keep passengers, you just find a way to drive us away. I feel no pity on your souls for what you are doing to yourself. Don't worry, managment will always find the next job. Most of the inconsiderate employees will be someone else's problem real soon.
Pacemaker said:
"I hope the f/a know are proud of what they did today. It was one of the worst days I've ever worked. The f/a not only hurt the passengers but the gate and ticket agents as well. I can tell you this... I will not forget this day... When a f/a tried to non-rev.... and i check them in i will see to it that they do not get on... i will forget to board them or we will have a weight restriction.. I hope ALL agent follow me on this.... This was terrible and I hope everyone is fired...."

I know I speak for most of my felllow pilots when I say that if we get wind of a situation like the one you describe, the plane is not leaving the gate until the person's travel benefits are honored in proper fashion.

So go ahead make my day it's your delay.

ps - the Pilot In Command is responsible for determining weight & balance limitations.

I have to commend the ALPA group today. Not one of you guys no-showed a trip... was all back-end crew..even the whinnest pilots I know were apauld by this today.... Most comments were.. I THOUGHT THEY HAD A TENTATIVE..

Hey you f/a.s out there...not ever show up at my gate wanting any spcial favors as an early board or a choice seat assignment...my paying customers are first and foremost...you AFA pukes are you-know-what stuck to my shoe from here on out..

Pacemaker said:
I know I speak for most of my felllow pilots when I say that if we get wind of a situation like the one you describe, the plane is not leaving the gate until the person's travel benefits are honored in proper fashion.

So go ahead make my day it's your delay.

ps - the Pilot In Command is responsible for determining weight & balance limitations.

WOW, can you say God complex or what! How pompous, of course we all know that You Pilots are responsible for determining everything in airline world. Are you sure you are not related to what's his name (you know, the other pilot who owns these boards??)
USUA- you're nothing without us passengers. I hope Southwest turns you down for your bad attitude.(when you are forced to apply after US liquidates because or YOUR customer service) :down:
StatioRat said:
I hope the f/a know are proud of what they did today. It was one of the worst days I've ever worked. The f/a not only hurt the passengers but the gate and ticket agents as well. I can tell you this... I will not forget this day... When a f/a tried to non-rev.... and i check them in i will see to it that they do not get on... i will forget to board them or we will have a weight restriction.. I hope ALL agent follow me on this.... This was terrible and I hope everyone is fired....
Merry #$%#$ Christmas to all you #$%hole f/a's
:down: :down: :down: HOW F%7#^ EVIL>>> dont blame her or him for the actions of others. >>>Ur stupidity and lack of information is pathetic!!
livingontheedge said:

Travel benefits are a privilege.....anyone who pulls a childish stunt like today should have that privilege terminated, or better yet, should have employment terminated.
:shock: :shock: :shock: WRONG>> where did u get that of crap! This is not 1950, travel is NOT a privelege...How silly, it is part of a compensation for working for an airline, Just like the people who fly on us and REAP the benefits from their companies, (e.g.- MAJOR CORPORATIONS) they are part of the perks/compensation. W e are NOT slaves or servants who grovel to get some privelege. Most of us are hard working folks, just like the paxs, NONE of us are any better. STOP please with this stupid notion of being GRATEFUL for anything the judge or the CEO ( du Jour ) decides we should get. Get over this notion of willing do to ANTHING just to be an airline employee. Your remarks degrade and minimize all of us!!!
4merresrat said:
WOW, can you say God complex or what! How pompous, of course we all know that You Pilots are responsible for determining everything in airline world. Are you sure you are not related to what's his name (you know, the other pilot who owns these boards??)
😀 😀 Thanks for ur sane remarks!! Yeah agents believe it or not THE CPT is STIL and will always be in command of their ship. Do ur job, board the a/c and send the people on their way, and then let the cabin and flight crews DO THEIR job - taking the paxs safely to their desination. Maybe if anyone of u every worked as a crew member ud get it..I think not, most of u have never left ur on station or town. Sorry but the truth hurts!!
So it was basically around 4% sick rate.
i didn't mean for this topic to turn the way it did. i feel that 222 is a very low number considering how many f/a's we have. for the retard who posted that he/she is gonna deny us f/a's boarding i say you need jesus in your life. a i am trying to be really nice here. its only a handfull who abuse the system ,not all .
I'll pay close attention to the Space Avail List when I come through CHS then. The personal vendetta of StatioRat will result in their loss of employment in the end.
Is it 222 reserve F/As out sick or 222 total F/As out sick? If it is reserves, how many line holders are out sick or out of time?
Sorry 4merresrat the PIC is God when it comes to responsibilty for anything and everything pertaining to the flight. And if anything goes wrong, guess who they go after. Don't like it, call the FAA.
Info: Someone on the American Airlines Board claims that they currently have 2,000 F/As on the sick list.
"I hate the F/As, blah, I'll deny them seats" Nice try. The crews won't allow it and won't leave non-revs at the gate. And since when do agents determine the weight and balance?

What about the F/As that did go to work? Or the ones that were deadheading and took jumpseats to accomodate more passengers? Targeting an entire group of people is a misguided move that will come back and bite you.

The company knows that there are sick calls every hear at the holidays, just like there are at any company. Add to the fact that benefits and pay are now laughable, holiday pay is gone, the folks in charge publicly ridicule and put down the employees and the airline. On top of that, all they do is blather on about the airline's upcoming demise, blaming it on the employees when in reality it's the employees who have kept what has to now be the most needless, useless mess of an "airline" an ongoing entity. Are they that stupid to think that this wouldn't happen?

Apparently our partner United is experiencing the same... 747s are going out with 8 F/As. At some of our class act Express carriers, F/As got thier schedlues changed for Xmas and just quit on the spot.

There is a limit to the abuse, and it looks like it's been reached.

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