2015 Pilot Discussion.

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I'ld believe my own BS too if I found I could sell $20 ties for $675 (to 1,800+ pilots... Do that math!!!). But my conscience would prevent me from getting a good night's sleep. Integrity matters, etc.
Claxon said:

Simmons told them it was a Federal Arbitration......
Hence the Federal Crime rant.
I can't even begin to describe how pathetic it is that somebody took the time to not only make this video, but record this song. 
To make matters worse, the schmuck who put this together spelled wouldn't 'wouldent'.  
Maybe a college education would have helped.
Hatred clearly consumes whoever was behind this.  Is there LSD in the water in PHX?
Claxon said:
Simmons told them it was a Federal Arbitration......
Hence the Federal Crime rant.
Anymore rumors when the list is going to be out?

Have not seen this video, to think they will be on the internet forever.........guess they will be good entertainment in years to come.
Phoenix said:
I'ld believe my own BS too if I found I could sell $20 ties for $675 (to 1,800+ pilots... Do that math!!!). But my conscience would prevent me from getting a good night's sleep. Integrity matters, etc.
No worries there really, since it's been made clear that any issues of conscience can be fully eschewed through donning an "Integrity matters" T-shirt...and presumably undergoing a pre-frontal lobotomy as well. I've no other explanation for the following example alone:
Walleye said:
I can't even begin to describe how pathetic it is that somebody took the time to not only make this video, but record this song. 
To make matters worse, the schmuck who put this together spelled wouldn't 'wouldent'.  
Maybe a college education would have helped.
Hatred clearly consumes whoever was behind this.  Is there LSD in the water in PHX?
LSD?...Nah, I'm guessing more an issue of indigenous-peyote-fueled, double-secret "spartan" sweat lodge rituals held out in the deep desert. I could be wrong of course. It might just be LSD in the water.
luvthe9 said:
He is at crew news in PHX today. He was told that the crew news is in PHx today in order to announce the Nic is it.

Kinda like a victory lap is starting PHX today!!

All the Cactus tie folks will be here as soon as crew news is over!
Phoenix said:
He is at crew news in PHX today. He was told that the crew news is in PHx today in order to announce the Nic is it.
Kinda like a victory lap is starting PHX today!!
All the Cactus tie folks will be here as soon as crew news is over!
. Actually he was told they are shutting down the PHX training center, first step in that valuable base being reduced to a "focus" city! The first step in base reduction, for an extremely valuable hub," not!"
. Actually he was told they are shutting down the PHX training center, first step in that valuable base being reduced to a "focus" city! The first step in base reduction, for an extremely valuable hub," not!"

Oh no, say it ain't so!
Claxon said:
Commander Cleary indeed carpet bombed those desert Casa s
I am starting to worry that your friends CB53 and NoNic4 us did indeed shower with their toasters
Be not overly judgmental there. They've already "self-identified" as supposed "spartan soldiers", so it little behooves any of us to disparage equally meaningful fantasies/relationships with household appliances they may hold dear...
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