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2015 AMT Discussion

OldGuy@AA said:
It is interesting that Larry Pike who is/was the local prez at AFW has information about Tulsa that nobody in Tulsa has.  Presently there are about 2700 Title 1 in Tulsa.  Of course that includes machinists, welders, cleaners, etc.  To lay off 1200 would be about 40%.  Could it happen?  Sure.  Will it? I'm sure there will be some layoffs but 800 to 1200 seems a bit much.  We shall see what happens eventually but if the numbers are significantly less or if there is no layoff then Larry Pike needs to be made and example of.  I for one have had more than enough of the scare tactics used by AA and the TWU.  Also you have to realize that if they were to lay off 1200 the seniority on the top end of that would be around 1988 or 89.  Those guys would be bumping all over the system and with that seniority they would get shifts they want never mind the disruption of the whole system.  Normally I would call BS on this but Parker is such and idiot anything is possible. Isom is a hatchet man who once said "We are in the people moving business not the aircraft maintenance business."  so I do believe the end result will be lots of job loss in Tulsa but I doubt it will be all at once like Pike is saying.  
I like how you Tulsa like to threaten line stations with your seniority. Once you get to the line station you'll realize working for an airline means days with weekends off rarely happens. Use to happen for senior guys, but all the shops that use to be at line stations moved to Tulsa.

You guys will soon learn that pay is the most important thing, because you can always CS. especially for the guys trying to commute home. So welcome when you finally get to a line station.

S80 going away, lite C being done during phase insp, Airbus being done somewhere else, iam not selling out AMTs with OSMs, DWH getting another 100 mechs doesn't look good for TUL
layoffs Scare tactic or reality. It depends how the scope is (negotiated) or agreed to by this TWU (Totally Worthless Union) and IAM.
I guess only time only time will tell only only time will tell about the Tulsa base. As far as not having weekends off I say better than half if not two thirds of the people at Tulsa don't have weekends off now. I'm on the transfer lists of a couple of line stations so it matters not to me. But don't be surprised if you see more work and people coming to Tulsa.
It's surprising these so called TWU leaders open their mouth and say things without any regard on how it can impact members lives.  We as members certainly don't need the additional stress that this causes.
I think it's time these "leaders" represent us in a responsible, professional and compassionate manner not as fear mongers.
Roadking5560 said:
I think it's time these "leaders" represent us in a responsible, professional and compassionate manner not as fear mongers.
You're out of order Brother!
OldGuy@AA said:
It is interesting that Larry Pike who is/was the local prez at AFW has information about Tulsa that nobody in Tulsa has.  Presently there are about 2700 Title 1 in Tulsa.  Of course that includes machinists, welders, cleaners, etc.  To lay off 1200 would be about 40%.  Could it happen?  Sure.  Will it? I'm sure there will be some layoffs but 800 to 1200 seems a bit much.  We shall see what happens eventually but if the numbers are significantly less or if there is no layoff then Larry Pike needs to be made and example of.  I for one have had more than enough of the scare tactics used by AA and the TWU.  Also you have to realize that if they were to lay off 1200 the seniority on the top end of that would be around 1988 or 89.  Those guys would be bumping all over the system and with that seniority they would get shifts they want never mind the disruption of the whole system.  Normally I would call BS on this but Parker is such and idiot anything is possible. Isom is a hatchet man who once said "We are in the people moving business not the aircraft maintenance business."  so I do believe the end result will be lots of job loss in Tulsa but I doubt it will be all at once like Pike is saying.

That would be even worse if you guys had seen "juniority" for the concession it is/was.

At NW, we could bump anywhere on the system our seniority could hold. That absolutely made the company think twice before any RIFs took place.

Rogallo said:
You're out of order Brother!
Lol. You beat me to it...
OldGuy@AA said:
 Also you have to realize that if they were to lay off 1200 the seniority on the top end of that would be around 1988 or 89.  Those guys would be bumping all over the system and with that seniority they would get shifts they want never mind the disruption of the whole system.
They're gonna have to bring more then that to affect most people in some of the senior stations like DFW
Badwlmson said:
Dale Danker, head of TWU 514 says it's a scare tactic. Don't be fooled by scare tactics and settle for less to save jobs
Well you can look at this in a few ways. First and most obvious is you guys better vote yes to save your union brothers jobs at Tulsa. Another might be that in order to save jobs AA and the union may have another deal up their sleeves. Another classification of AMT'S with no benefits is possible we will save jobs but we can only offer part time work since there will be less work. Just watch how this folds out to save union dues and keep cheap labor in Tulsa.
DallasConehead said:
They're gonna have to bring more then that to affect most people in some of the senior stations like DFW
The sad thing about all this is how are these people going to survive long term at another station?  Double single double really gets old along with hoping and praying you get that flight  home to spend a few days with family only to have to do it all over again.  This is in addition to bunking with other guys in a crash pad.  A very depressing situation to say the least.    
Time to take some action. Another record quarterly profit posted. No profit sharing. No JCBA and excuses coming from the association.

Dear Bothers and Sisters;

I assume that everyone has read the Associations Oct 20 Update by now. The Association is trying to turn the membership against our President Gary Peterson. They are doing this because Gary is pressuring them to pick up the pace of the reconciliation process and engage the company in negotiations to bring our compensation up to what was promised, this is what the membership has stated they wanted repeatedly across the system for many months.
In their Oct 20 Update, the Association admits that they were certified around 22 weeks ago, they further state that over those 22 weeks they have only met 6 weeks. The Association determines the time, place, frequency and duration of all negotiations, including the "reconciliation " process. The membership has spoken to Gary, they told him to push to start the negotiations process with the company. He has done that, now they are attacking him. The question now is what are YOU going to do about it? Are you going to stand behind Gary or accept the Associations "lets meet every month or so over the next few years" timeline? If you feel that instead of meeting just 6 out of the last 22 weeks that they should have met, and stayed till they were finished then you need to let the Association know that. Gary needs our support and he needs it now.

As someone who was elected to the position of President twice I understand the pressures and uncertainties that come with such a position and I cant overstate the importance that letting Gary know that you support his attempts to pick up the pace will mean to him going forward. So I would encourage each and every one of you to get each and every member of 591 to send a quick email to Harry Lombardo stating that meeting just 6 out of the last 22 weeks is not a serious attempt at getting us where we need to be in order to engage in negotiations, that we stand behind our President and that we expect the Association to put a full time effort at reconciling the agreements and being prepared to negotiate with the company. I'm not saying that we need to rush into a TA, but we do need to at least get to the table and tell the Association to stop treating this as a secondary part time side job where they only meet 6 out of 22 weeks!

Harrys email is : h-lombardo@twu.org

Copy in Gary Peterson as well so he knows that his Brothers and Sisters have his back. gpeterson591@gmail.com
Why did you remove Bob Owens signature as he wrote the letter?
Although it's important that Bob gets credit for writing the letter, I think the real need here is to get the information out to all of us who are affected by this lack of action on the part of our "leaders". 
Bob is the same guy who said AA is bluffing and wont file bankruptcy, how did that turn out for you all?