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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
It appears that I agree with everyone else here.
Instead of your short sentence answers could ply us with positive aspects of the IAMPF?
How is it protected?
Why does the union need to be involved?
Your wasting your time replying to the IAm tool boy, he has IAm logo sheets he sleeps in, and pajamas with pics of Buffy on them. Nothing but an paid IAm stooge, discount all he says. Such as the IAmPF is "101% funded and in no danger". That's why they need our money.
NO Possible way we will let ANY union be in control of our pension, especially the IAm. If they want a large majority of us at the door with pitch forks and torches, force the IAmPF on us.
There is already anger after they forced the ASSociation, it won't be pretty.  
I am bouncing a little, but who is Larry Pike? A few users of the forum are quoting him on iformation he said about a RIF in TUL. I would like to see a document, this BS of throwing scare shots by playing one station against the other. We have asked the TWU for communication for years, will they discount thisor is there some fact to it?
Traymark said:
Also, when you speak of the benefits of the IAMNPF, please speak to the 40% benefit cut the members got handed, and also speak to the fact that they can cut benefits , again, at any time they see the need to without any say by the members.
Lets remember the TWU held back 14% of our equity from us, because they decided to. I trust AA more then I trust either union, or this unholy alliance!!!
Dale just responded in Facebook. For those who don't know him, he's the TWU 514 president


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Buck said:
I am bouncing a little, but who is Larry Pike? A few users of the forum are quoting him on iformation he said about a RIF in TUL. I would like to see a document, this BS of throwing scare shots by playing one station against the other. We have asked the TWU for communication for years, will they discount thisor is there some fact to it?
It is interesting that Larry Pike who is/was the local prez at AFW has information about Tulsa that nobody in Tulsa has.  Presently there are about 2700 Title 1 in Tulsa.  Of course that includes machinists, welders, cleaners, etc.  To lay off 1200 would be about 40%.  Could it happen?  Sure.  Will it? I'm sure there will be some layoffs but 800 to 1200 seems a bit much.  We shall see what happens eventually but if the numbers are significantly less or if there is no layoff then Larry Pike needs to be made and example of.  I for one have had more than enough of the scare tactics used by AA and the TWU.  Also you have to realize that if they were to lay off 1200 the seniority on the top end of that would be around 1988 or 89.  Those guys would be bumping all over the system and with that seniority they would get shifts they want never mind the disruption of the whole system.  Normally I would call BS on this but Parker is such and idiot anything is possible. Isom is a hatchet man who once said "We are in the people moving business not the aircraft maintenance business."  so I do believe the end result will be lots of job loss in Tulsa but I doubt it will be all at once like Pike is saying.  
Does the ASS. even need for you guys to vote on the contract?
Can't they just bypass the middleman (you) and pass any contract that they want?
Traymark said:
Also, when you speak of the benefits of the IAMNPF, please speak to the 40% benefit cut the members got handed, and also speak to the fact that they can cut benefits , again, at any time they see the need to without any say by the members.
Not one mechanic had his pension cut under the IAMNPF, tell the whole story.

The ramp had future accruals reduced.
700UW said:
Not one mechanic had his pension cut under the IAMNPF, tell the whole story.

The ramp had future accruals reduced.
coming to a mechanic near you......
700UW said:
Not one mechanic had his pension cut under the IAMNPF, tell the whole story.
The ramp had future accruals reduced.
whats your point because it happened to fleet means that it could happen to anyone
700UW said:
The IAMNPF is funded to 101% and in no danger, it's not just US in the fund.

You all act like the fund is on its last legs.

Hopefully you all will have a choice of being in the pension or the 401k, that's seems like the logical solution
So what "choice" were you given when the IAM slipped it into a post-BK TA? Did the members have the ability to scrape this proposal independantly or would it have required the entire TA to be voted down? One I'm sure included some juice for the Members to salivate over and not be very attentive to the Pension issue.
Also, I guess it's not what you choose to say here but what you choose not to express to us?
1. "Why the change to Schedule B if the National
Pension Plan is in the “Green Zone” and is
over 96% funded?
The funded percentage is but one of several diffe
rent measurements used to evaluate the overall
financial strength of a defined benefit pensi
on plan under “The Pension Protection Act of 2006
(PPA),” a Federal law. Some measurements are
performed on a current basis (like the funded
percentage) and some measurements involve
projections. Although the measurements on a
current basis appear strong, the longer-term projections show that, over time, the Plan will not
meet the law’s requirements if those particip
ants currently earning benefits under Schedule A
continue to do so.
2. Have similar future serv
ice benefit schedule changes been made before?
Yes. There is precedent for the Trustees taking si
milar decisive action to preserve the Plan’s
ability to pay benefits to retirees and beneficiar
ies, and to current and future Plan participants."
OldGuy@AA said:
It is interesting that Larry Pike who is/was the local prez at AFW has information about Tulsa that nobody in Tulsa has.  Presently there are about 2700 Title 1 in Tulsa.  Of course that includes machinists, welders, cleaners, etc.  To lay off 1200 would be about 40%.  Could it happen?  Sure.  Will it? I'm sure there will be some layoffs but 800 to 1200 seems a bit much.  We shall see what happens eventually but if the numbers are significantly less or if there is no layoff then Larry Pike needs to be made and example of.  I for one have had more than enough of the scare tactics used by AA and the TWU.  Also you have to realize that if they were to lay off 1200 the seniority on the top end of that would be around 1988 or 89.  Those guys would be bumping all over the system and with that seniority they would get shifts they want never mind the disruption of the whole system.  Normally I would call BS on this but Parker is such and idiot anything is possible. Isom is a hatchet man who once said "We are in the people moving business not the aircraft maintenance business."  so I do believe the end result will be lots of job loss in Tulsa but I doubt it will be all at once like Pike is saying.  
Let's not forget the last 2 times when the TWU put the word out about a number of lay-offs and then they reported how they saved the world and had the numbers reduced lower. It's a game people. Get a freakin clue.  The TWU or now the association/TWU and IAM, is once again putting out a certain number of rifs and will yet again nego a much, much lower number of rifs and say they saved the day. It worked last time guys, the question is, will you all fall for it again. When the numbers get reduced (planned from the get go) the union will brag how they "saved the jobs" once again, when all along they agreed and planned for from the very beginning. I warned of this when it happened last time and it looks like it is fixin to happen yet again.  Yea, the union really saved jobs, whatever...
SWAMT "You can't fix Stupid"!!!
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
JABORD said:
So what "choice" were you given when the IAM slipped it into a post-BK TA? Did the members have the ability to scrape this proposal independantly or would it have required the entire TA to be voted down? One I'm sure included some juice for the Members to salivate over and not be very attentive to the Pension issue.
Also, I guess it's not what you choose to say here but what you choose not to express to us?
1. "Why the change to Schedule B if the National
Pension Plan is in the “Green Zone” and is
over 96% funded?
The funded percentage is but one of several diffe
rent measurements used to evaluate the overall
financial strength of a defined benefit pensi
on plan under “The Pension Protection Act of 2006
(PPA),” a Federal law. Some measurements are
performed on a current basis (like the funded
percentage) and some measurements involve
projections. Although the measurements on a
current basis appear strong, the longer-term projections show that, over time, the Plan will not
meet the law’s requirements if those particip
ants currently earning benefits under Schedule A
continue to do so.
2. Have similar future serv
ice benefit schedule changes been made before?
Yes. There is precedent for the Trustees taking si
milar decisive action to preserve the Plan’s
ability to pay benefits to retirees and beneficiar
ies, and to current and future Plan participants."
Thanks for the link, every TWU member needs to read this so they can understand that the IAMPF is 
nothing but a glorified pyramid scheme. They can claim it is 100% funded because all they need to do
lower future payouts when the amount of new members drops below the required amount needed to
maintain the old payout level. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out if the plan is willing to
vest you into the plan from day 1 that it is desperate and worried about the short term only.
Dale Danker, head of TWU 514 says it's a scare tactic. Don't be fooled by scare tactics and settle for less to save jobs
Badwlmson said:
Dale Danker, head of TWU 514 says it's a scare tactic. Don't be fooled by scare tactics and settle for less to save jobs
The md80 is going away next year or so, Tulsa isn't getting the Airbus, and usair doesn't do the osm thing so you can make your own opinion.

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