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2015 AMT Discussion

December 4, 2015
To the Membership,
By now I expect that all of you are aware that the TWU/IAM Association and American engaged in the opening of negotiations for a joint collective bargaining agreement (JCBA). The opening of the meeting was initially delayed by the late arrival of Robert Isom. Once the meeting began, the Association leadership, Sito Pantoja and Harry Lombardo, expressed their discord regarding the treatment of their “collective” union’s members. Both union leaders also made it very clear to American that the Association is expecting a negotiating process that recognizes the years of sacrifices union members have made, both personally and financially, which have led to American’s record profits.
Sadly, American came to the meeting with no written proposal in hand. Unfortunately it seems they did not feel compelled to exchange any offer of good faith, in order to set the tone for a collaborative negotiation. American did continue to express the company’s wage offer of what is now Delta +3%, and they stated that they had a willingness to accept current contract language, along with being open to adding minor changes where they felt they made sense. American also announced, as has been the case with their other negotiations, that their chief negotiator will be Jerry Glass of F&H Solutions, an extension of the Law Firm - Ford & Harrison. While not an attorney, Jerry Glass has a long history of negotiating labor agreements for Doug Parker: just Google “Jerry Glass or F&H Solutions” for more information. The unions negotiating teams and the Association leadership were prepared and American was given a presentation of the union’s opening positions. While the Associations presentation was not a comprehensive section six proposal, it clearly articulated nearly all of the negotiating committees positions on the JCBA. In some areas of the presentation the Association chose not to spell out the specifics of the union’s position, and in other areas the proposal definitively expresses the expectation of the Association.
In the end, I do not know how long these negotiations will take, but I do expect them to be difficult. I still consistently hear from our member’s expressing their concern that morale continues to erode, and for every day that a JCBA is not reached, and then ratified, things are only getting worse. A long protracted negotiation is not good for us as union members, and it certainly is not in the best interest of American. All of us want improved union/management relations and a contact that we can be proud of, but that change can only come from in the form of a JCBA. In the end, this Agreement will not be grounded on whether pay is Delta +7 or Delta +3, but what is found written into every other page of the JCBA.
Remain Unified,
Gary Peterson
I posted Gary Petersons letter for those who have not read it yet. You can come up with your own conclusions. The company is in no hurry, they don't seem to take the Association seriously. Sadly we have ourselves to blame. We are more divided now than ever before. Thanks on behalf of the parties that shoved the Association down our throats. The longer we continue without a JCBA the more fustrated we become and desperate to accept any proposal that has more money with no regard towards protective language. I always said "ONE UNION, ONE VOICE". The Association is not one union so here we are wondering what the hell are we going to do? Good luck to all members of the Association. We need it.
Glass is a snake and a labor buster, he was EVP of Labor Relations during both US chapter get 11s.

He makes his living busting unions.

The Association should force the company not to use him.
dfw gen said:
word today is that the company told the union they have no conference rooms available until after the holidays in January.....so any further negotiations will have to wait. did i mention that its been a year, that is 12 months since everyone EXCEPT association members got a  4% raise? that is what WE MEAN to the company....hosed for another TWO holidays.
goes hand in hand with the above 
What's sad is the main individual representing the company shows up late for the first meeting.  This shows in no uncertain terms the level of respect he has for "his people".  
We were recently blessed with his appearance in MIA and people here were falling over themselves to meet him.
Maybe he got an RL for that one. 
Isom isn't the point man for negotiations and his plane from MIA took a mechanical, how is that his fault?
So maybe just maybe he could have taken an earlier flight to ensure he would be there on time?  Wouldn't we do that if we had to positively be somewhere on time?  Oh, but he is such a busy man!
Wow, you sure do work both sides of the fence. 
Not defending anyone, just explaining what happened, and he was presenting at an airline conference the day and night before in FL.

He probably took the first flight out.

And what don't you understand that Glass is the point man, not Isom?
700UW said:
Isom isn't the point man for negotiations and his plane from MIA took a mechanical, how is that his fault?
700UW said:
Isom isn't the point man for negotiations and his plane from MIA took a mechanical, how is that his fault?
You watched the Town Halls, 700, if it's not Parker babbling, Isom is most definitely the mouthpiece for a JCBA!
Stop trying to make everyone see things from your perspective. We have much at stake and see things completely
different than you (as we should)
He is the one of the top people in the company and is one of the main deciders of what we ultimately end up with.  Sure, Glass presents and negotiates the company side but he does not make the decisions.  He is overseen by the COMPANY.
700UW said:
Isom isn't the point man for negotiations and his plane from MIA took a mechanical, how is that his fault?
You defending his actions for being late to a important meeting? Wow you really hate AMT'S. You have issues.
dfw gen said:
word today is that the company told the union they have no conference rooms available until after the holidays in January.....so any further negotiations will have to wait. did i mention that its been a year, that is 12 months since everyone EXCEPT association members got a  4% raise? that is what WE MEAN to the company....hosed for another TWO holidays.
That's not official until it goes through WeAAsles and he is officially authorized to post it at the request of the TWU...
That's not official until it goes through WeAAsles and he is officially authorized to post it at the request of the TWU...
its not easy on the campaign trail....
1AA said:
• Adopt Legacy US IAM Pension Plan and increase for all classifications
• Adopt and Modify Legacy AA 401K plan contribution.
• Adopt and Increase Legacy US Sick time pay out at retirement.
• Adopt and Increase Legacy US Sick bank to bridge medical to Medicare.
• Modify Legacy AA frozen defined benefit pension plan to eliminate any penalty for early 
• Other language related to Retirement will be discussed during the negotiations process. 
So is it the LAA plan or the LUS plan? Who is proposed to be in which plan? No assuming here. If AA says only one plan will be accepted who decides which plan is in and which plan is out? The association knows the AA guys want no part of this IAMPF. So let the head games begin. This is not specific language in the proposal. One should not assume the AA guys keep the 401K match and the USAIR guys keep the IAMPF.
It looks to me like the Association is asking for all 3 retirement vehicles to be in place.
AA style 401 with match
AA defined pension plan

Here's my question,
For those of us from LAA, that already have 2 of those, and want very much to keep them, and enhance them,
Can we choose to opt out of the IAMNPF and by doing so, receive larger enhancements to our 401k match???!!!

THAT would be the desired course for 99% of us from AA.

So , will we get a choice?
Right now, it doesn't seem so.
This is Fail #1.
It looks to me like the Association is asking for all 3 retirement vehicles to be in place.
AA style 401 with match
AA defined pension plan

Here's my question,
For those of us from LAA, that already have 2 of those, and want very much to keep them, and enhance them,
Can we choose to opt out of the IAMNPF and by doing so, receive larger enhancements to our 401k match???!!!

THAT would be the desired course for 99% of us from AA.

So , will we get a choice?
Right now, it doesn't seem so.
This is Fail #1.
My fear is they try to split us by age. 50 and above 401K. 49 and younger IAMNPF. Much like they tried in the 2010 failed contract. I want NO PART of the IAMNPF.

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