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2015 AMT Discussion

xUT said:
Why are you obsessed with your self?
yes he is he is rude a jerk mister no it all. He thinks he is a big shot because he negotiated for the iam industry losing contracts . Thinks people have no say if they disagree with him . Loves the line have you negotiated a contract before .
conehead777 said:
yes he is he is rude a jerk mister no it all. He thinks he is a big shot because he negotiated for the iam industry losing contracts . Thinks people have no say if they disagree with him . Loves the line have you negotiated a contract before .
IMO he has not adjusted well to his self-imposed retirement and needs to reaffirm at least to himself that he made a big (inflated) difference as a steward or whatever position he held when he was in the industry.  We are all "clueless" as he likes to put it.
BigMac said:
Boohoo..you were cold. Boohoo you were hot.
Back in the day I washed AC in negative 20 degrees and 50mph winds..sometimes scrubbing the top (on 3 wheels in a JLG. Our weight plus the 4 four inch and 2 2.inch hoses which exceeded way over 500lbs..hence only 3 wheels of 4 on the ground) of the vertical of 777s. In snow, ice, sleet. Soaked for days. I cleaned inside A300, MD11s, 777s, 767s DC10s, 737s, 727s, fokkers 757s cargoes with the tarmac temps reaching 140 degrees. Up to my ankles in ceebee high concentrate citrus and skydrol while people were passing out and rushed to the ER. We were also.labor loaned to the terminal (while others were inside under blakets drinking hot cocoa) de-icing planes. My old shop had the highest injury rate of any AA shop worldwide because back in the day you weren't given PPE. And the sever weather was a factor.
And you wrenched? Wow my hero. I hope Im bumped to.your station. Not to bump anyone out but hopefully fill a slot. Be interesting to see your working conditions and environment. Be safe wrenching out in that severe weather. A the vote is now in your hands..lets see how you'll do.
BTW if "you don't care" why are you responding to my posts. Go get some hot chocolate and a blanket so you can respond back.

Too bad we can't all work in SAN, no? 🙂

Buck said:
Get your RED markers out: The only way to rid ourselves of the ASSociation is is to rid ourselves of the AFL-CIO....
I'm not sure you even need to go that far; just doing away with the no-raid clause would go a long way...
Kev3188 said:

Too bad we can't all work in SAN, no? 🙂

I'm not sure you even need to go that far; just doing away with the no-raid clause would go a long way...
Yes, I have always thought that, why is it that beyond the No Raid clause, that the TWU at least must have a closed shop? If I hire someone to do a job and they do not, then I should be able to fire them. If they perform, then I would pay them as required. 
To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. – Thomas Jefferson
This will be the line's first chance to vote on a contract. For those who are getting thier feathers ruffled, change sucks for some and is a welcome change for others. Presidents in Tulsa have delivered contracts on roll call votes and with with other groups help to be rewarded with international positions. As I said before that arrogant phrase just move to Tulsa does not carry the same weight anymore. Think about it, some may soon have to leave Tulsa. Now is the time to think ahead and get some provisions in the contract that would be a benifit those having to move to a very expensive new beginning as well as those who have struggled at those locations for years. If all you have to respond with is hate so be it, hate on that's all some have.
Show me the money said:
This will be the line's first chance to vote on a contract. For those who are getting thier feathers ruffled, change sucks for some and is a welcome change for others. Presidents in Tulsa have delivered contracts on roll call votes and with with other groups help to be rewarded with international positions. As I said before that arrogant phrase just move to Tulsa does not carry the same weight anymore. Think about it, some may soon have to leave Tulsa. Now is the time to think ahead and get some provisions in the contract that would be a benifit those having to move to a very expensive new beginning as well as those who have struggled at those locations for years. If all you have to respond with is hate so be it, hate on that's all some have.
Sad but true..That catch phrase, "Well, if you don't like it, just move to Tulsa" still stings and still rings in most of our ears. Regardless, I sympathize with ANYONE who may have to relocate. Many of us have been around long enough to be affected by layoffs. It sucks, plain and simple. But in the old days, you would eventually get recalled to your original station. But now? The chances of a recall are becoming nil.
The industry has changed drastically. And those who are affected will find commuting to be the most stressful times in their lives. They should consider permanently locating. They may be accustomed to an easier way of life, better quality of life and yes a far more affordable one at that. But the stress of being away from family and the anxiety and stress of trying to get home to maximize family time and then do it all over again trying to get back to work on time will take its toll undoubtedly. Just look to the ex TWA people who still commute to Missouri. 
Well said metal,

Watched lax townhall, the mech union rep seemed uninformed and certainly didn't seem to phase Scott. Scott did say that there are NO plans to layoff at TUL. Good news for all especially TUL mechs.

The only reason I can think of for a union rep to spread false rumors is that he's trying to make himself out to be a hero when AA doesn't layoff 800 mechs out of TUL.

Based on that and that union rep from LAX, and GP says we have this contract until 2018, it appears that 591 is being kept in the dark.
bigjets said:
Well said metal,

Watched lax townhall, the mech union rep seemed uninformed and certainly didn't seem to phase Scott. Scott did say that there are NO plans to layoff at TUL. Good news for all especially TUL mechs.

The only reason I can think of for a union rep to spread false rumors is that he's trying to make himself out to be a hero when AA doesn't layoff 800 mechs out of TUL.

Based on that and that union rep from LAX, and GP says we have this contract until 2018, it appears that 591 is being kept in the dark.
No plans NOW....
Everything is subject to change. I don't know why he even bothered to ask that question.
MetalMover said:
No plans NOW....
Everything is subject to change. I don't know why he even bothered to ask that question.
When the company is ready to turn it into a ghost town, they will. But until then, there's no plans.
Lets vote in the IAM bump in roll into this contract and close Tulsa and let the fun begin.
ATD said:
Lets vote in the IAM bump in roll into this contract and close Tulsa and let the fun begin.
You do understand that there is a no raid clause with in the AFL-CIO, so having a vote to do away with the TWU or the IAM can't happen, unless either union made it happen by decertification. That is why we have the ASSOC. Now, both want to continue to collect dues.
Unless it becomes financially worth it for AA to shut down Tulsa, is not going to happen.
If you are a line guy and want payback now that the numbers have turned as far as voting to wish the base to close is Stupid. If you are a line guy and feel that way then you are no better than the misguided guys we as line guys talked about over the yrs. O/H vers Line needs to stop as well as shops vers any one else it should be us as A&P's at both US & AA working together to improve our class and class now and for the men/women who will follow.
It's time to get back what so many of the past fought hard for,  walked picket lines to get.
Time for title 1, title 2,  Utility, all in our class and craft to become one voice...
ATD said:
Lets vote in the IAM bump in roll into this contract and close Tulsa and let the fun begin.
Joking or not, sarcasm or not. Just because the TWU lovers at TUL smarted off over the years concerning the ability to vote one way or another, the Line has allies in TUL, be careful who you piss off. Your issue might require you to have allies here, if you are not 100% on that issue. I will be turning off the lights if they close TUL. so it does not bother me either way
Did you not read the 3rd QTR Earnings report on JetNet? TUL will be open for decades to come.
You do understand that there is a no raid clause with in the AFL-CIO, so having a vote to do away with the TWU or the IAM can't happen, unless either union made it happen by decertification. That is why we have the ASSOC. Now, both want to continue to collect dues.
Unless it becomes financially worth it for AA to shut down Tulsa, is not going to happen.
If you are a line guy and want payback now that the numbers have turned as far as voting to wish the base to close is Stupid. If you are a line guy and feel that way then you are no better than the misguided guys we as line guys talked about over the yrs. O/H vers Line needs to stop as well as shops vers any one else it should be us as A&P's at both US & AA working together to improve our class and class now and for the men/women who will follow.
It's time to get back what so many of the past fought hard for,  walked picket lines to get.
Time for title 1, title 2,  Utility, all in our class and craft to become one voice...

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