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2014 maintenance talks

700UW said:
How if Fleet has a better CBA than M&R can they be riding coat tails?
Simple, majority rule and unskilled controlled the negotiations.
Are you really that ignorant?
The coat tails are being the majority and at the same time hanging on the back of the unreplacable skill that is the minority.
Get a clue
The ramp has NOTHING to do with your CBA.
Blame your negotiators, including Bob Owens.
700UW said:
The ramp has NOTHING to do with your CBA.
Blame your negotiators, including Bob Owens.
You best educate yourself about the TWU structure and the power of the Presidents Council.
You have no clue what you are talking about, you just throw around uneducated BS.
No fleet member votes on your CBA, they are not in the same class and craft.
700UW said:
No fleet member votes on your CBA, they are not in the same class and craft.
Please get a clue and learn the facts.
Fleet members via their majority on the negotiating team and/or Presidents Council vote on what I even get to see and vote on period. If it doesn't favor fleet, I don't even get a ballot, much worse the negotiations are kept secret to prevent this truth from being exposed.
You are a waste of my time, because you are closed minded, have no clue what you are talking about, and you are basically just plain ignorant.
MetalMover said:
Just remember, fleet can be easily replaced. Easier than any other work group.
The real reason you hate AMFA is the same reason the TWU as a whole hates AMFA.....If you lose the mechanics, no more coat tails to ride on.
Don't hate AMFA, don't really care actually. Absolutely don't hate mechanics. Think you absolutely deserve more money. Don't like to fly on any airplanes that are not serviced and maintained by a skilled and licensed, FAA certified and monitored mechanic here in the USA.

 "The (mechanics) in particular have just had delusions of grandeur," he said. "They think they're irreplaceable, and they're not."

No one rides your coat tails but it's comments like that where the above quote makes itself pretty true now doesn't it?
700UW said:
How if Fleet has a better CBA than M&R can they be riding coat tails?
I have a better CBA then Maintenance? Wait a minute, something must be wrong here? I'm going to have to get a hold of payroll then because my paycheck seems to be a lot less then a Mechanic?

(As of course it should be) 
Well the pro-amfa mechanics on here say you have a better CBA so it must be true!
TWU informer said:
This is total brainwashed ignorance.
The AMFA idea of yes so-called isolation and ALL AMT's in one union has not failed, because it still has yet to be tried, because industrial unskilled labor unions have succeeded in anti-union, unethical political activity to keep the mechanics tied to the unskilled.
If you disagree, being the fool that you are, then give me the dates in the 50 year history that ALL AMT's were in one single union. Please tell us?
In contrast, the AMT's being divided up amongst several industrial unskilled unions has for more than 50 years, left them the minority within the representation and has failed the craft or class miserably. That's factual history right there, not some brainwashed fear mongering kool-aid that you like to spew.
The median annual wage for aircraft mechanics and service technicians was $55,210 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent of aircraft mechanics earned less than $35,190, and the top 10 percent earned more than $76,660.


Are BLS reports brain washed, fear mongering kool aid too?
700UW said:
Well the pro-amfa mechanics on here say you have a better CBA so it must be true!
Because I get paid in full for my first sick day or something like that I think is why they're saying it? Hey I'll trade that off for their pay if they'd like it so bad?
TWU/IAM Alliance Update
December 23, 2014

Last month, we posted a bulletin concerning the meeting of the negotiations committee for the joint contract talks with the merged American Airlines. As a result of that bulletin, we did receive some comments concerning the make-up of the committee, specifically, the lack of members from different groups covered by the agreement. I’d like to explain the process for the joint negotiations with the TWU/IAM Alliance and the new American Airlines.
In the Alliance documents, we established that both sides would have an equal presence at the table. The joint negotiations team will have equal numbers of representatives from the IAM and the TWU – two mechanics from Line Maintenance, two from Heavy Maintenance and one Stores representative. That team will negotiate all common language in the joint collective bargaining agreement.
While the committee that will be at the table has already been named, what hasn’t been explained is that we plan on forming sub-committees of our accreted groups to provide specific guidance to the negotiation team. These sub-committees will be formed in the coming weeks and will include members from each of the accreted groups. We will also be asking for contract proposals once we get the single carrier ruling from the NMB. Once the proposal submission period has closed, we will bring another set of members from the accreted groups to work on the screening committee. These sub-committees will help in the negotiations by letting the negotiation committee know the specific issues that are important to each group and, if needed, could be brought to the table to address work specific issues.
I hope this explanation of our plans for negotiations helps everyone understand we intend on including all groups in the next round of talks with the new American Airlines. Should you have questions regarding the process, please contact your local Grievance Rep or General Chair.

WeAAsles said:
I have a better CBA then Maintenance? Wait a minute, something must be wrong here? I'm going to have to get a hold of payroll then because my paycheck seems to be a lot less then a Mechanic?

(As of course it should be) 
i have referred to fleet service pay as near the top. For that reason alone, you have a better CBA.
WeAAsles said:
Don't hate AMFA, don't really care actually. Absolutely don't hate mechanics. Think you absolutely deserve more money. Don't like to fly on any airplanes that are not serviced and maintained by a skilled and licensed, FAA certified and monitored mechanic here in the USA.

 "The (mechanics) in particular have just had delusions of grandeur," he said. "They think they're irreplaceable, and they're not."

No one rides your coat tails but it's comments like that where the above quote makes itself pretty true now doesn't it?
And who is the author of this quote? 
Who ever said mechanics think they are irreplaceable? If a mechanic is easily replaced, what do you think of the fleet service group? I would say you are the easiest replaced.
Let me explain to you the history of the "coattails" comment. I don't know about you, but I have been in this industry BEFORE deregulation. When all the major carriers, with the exception of Delta, were dominated by the IAM and the TWU. Mostly the IAM. Unless it was a main maintenance base, no line stations could get a mechanic elected. Was usually a cabin service cleaner or fleet service clerk getting elected because they came from the majority. So guess who did the negotiations? FLEET SERVICE.......they got the hirgher pay at the expense of mechanics. We all voted on the SAME CONTRACT!  So guess what? No big license pay, not much greater base pay as a result!
It only began to change when maintenance got our own locals and negotiations.
But go ahead, tell us how good the TWU has been for the mechanic?

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