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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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What's with the lastest rumor down the pipeline that the new TWU president doesn't want to go thru with the iam alliance? How much of a bribe is it going to take for the iam to back off?
also there are clp tests in the computer loggin in with AA ID and its my understanding that we must complete that before we are allowed to touch AA metal..   Is that accurate?    Orgac  good luck in your station with the insourcing  
Kev3188 said:
So be it.

If it's a company mandate, then I see no reason why employees shouldn't expect to be given the proper time to accomplish it. If any given station can't (or won't) make that happen, then there needs to be a discussion about why employees are being set up to fail.
As I have stated earlier; the members in my station are more than willing to take on the insourced work. They want to make this work. With that being said... their success will be dependent on local management and corporate. There are many issues that need addressed and ultimate decisions that must be made by management and corporate prior to the cut over date. If this is not accomplished in a timely manner; then the transition of work will not be seamless.  If that is the case; then there needs to be an investigation and discussion about where the breakdowns were. Are we being set up for failure regarding insourcing work? I wouldn't rule it out. Keep in mind... as we enter into JCBA negotiations, scope and the protection of work and jobs are sure to be a high priority of the Association. Recent failures to successfully insource work would be counter productive, regarding this issue, in future negotiations. Kind of makes you wonder if there is a hidden agenda. Would be interested to hear how the transition went in some of the other stations, who insourced the work already. FLL? This issue needs to be kept on the radar folks!  
Black Magic said:
What's with the lastest rumor down the pipeline that the new TWU president doesn't want to go thru with the iam alliance? How much of a bribe is it going to take for the iam to back off?
my understanding is that TWU local presidents are sort of an IAM agc think 100k salary. as such some of the locals that are going to change to IAM that is an issue to those local presidents esp in BOS where the count is very close.
cltrat said:
my understanding is that TWU local presidents are sort of an IAM agc think 100k salary. as such some of the locals that are going to change to IAM that is an issue to those local presidents esp in BOS where the count is very close.
There is no Local President in TWU Fleet who makes anywhere near that amount. Depending on the size of the membership yes some Presidents make more than others. In regards to that President his Union salary is only about $500.00 per month or an extra $6000.00 per year above his Crew Chief base. As a matter of fact he also works CS's and OT after his Presidential duties to support his family.

There are 3 issues that are either being or will be discussed and they have already been placed in the hands of our Union's top leaders to be resolved. I personally believe that will not take much time to be accomplished. 
WeAAsles said:
There is no Local President in TWU Fleet who makes anywhere near that amount. Depending on the size of the membership yes some Presidents make more than others. In regards to that President his Union salary is only about $500.00 per month or an extra $6000.00 per year above his Crew Chief base. As a matter of fact he also works CS's and OT after his Presidential duties to support his family.
There are 3 issues that are either being or will be discussed and they have already been placed in the hands of our Union's top leaders to be resolved. I personally believe that will not take much time to be accomplished.
You are just upset you don't have one of the appointed TWU positions, face it.

737823 said:
You are just upset you don't have one of the appointed TWU positions, face it.
No. All those people wind up getting really fat after they get one of those gigs. Besides the new leadership threw out most of those chairs.
737823 said:
Look no further than Robert Roach and Sito Pantoja (literally) at the IAM or the rest of the executive council. Same with the TWU look at John Samuelsen especially.

WeAAsles said:
No. All those people wind up getting really fat after they get one of those gigs. Besides the new leadership threw out most of those chairs.
Look no further than Robert Roach and Sito Pantoja (literally) at the IAM or the rest of the executive council. I don't think Roach is in physical condition to work the ramp-lifting, climbing and stooping on the ground and into the aircraft pit. Would love to be proven wrong and see him work the ramp but he wouldn't last a day at AA JFK if he ever came back. Same with the TWU look at John Samuelsen especially.

Kev3188 said:
What makes you say that?
Bob Owens said:
Unfortunately for you there are a lot more suck asses than spots, just ask Todd or Sydney. Keep on plugging away for this BS Alliance and against Union democracy but I wouldn't bank on the spot if I were you, perhaps that's why you play it safe and do it all from behind an alias. So none of your peers know what you are.
737823 said:
That comment from Bob was directed at me because we disagree on a few things. My next post as you saw was my name. Very funny how he pretended to ignore that when I said be careful who you call out publicly because they may check you on it.
WeAAsles said:
That comment from Bob was directed at me because we disagree on a few things. My next post as you saw was my name. Very funny how he pretended to ignore that when I said be careful who you call out publicly because they may check you on it.
And I was addressing Kev not you. I know and have known who you are didn't need to re-read that thread. Maybe BLUTO feels that way too, wonder what the implications of the alliance are for him.

737823 said:
Look no further than Robert Roach and Sito Pantoja (literally) at the IAM or the rest of the executive council. I don't think Roach is in physical condition to work the ramp-lifting, climbing and stooping on the ground and into the aircraft pit. Would love to be proven wrong and see him work the ramp but he wouldn't last a day at AA JFK if he ever came back. Same with the TWU look at John Samuelsen especially.

He actually lost a lot of weight, but hey you are an anti-union and anti-worker person and you love to attack people you dont know.
So now you are an expert in a person's physcial ability along with your know it all legend in your own mind airline/aviation expert?

He is probably in better shape than you.
737823 said:
And I was addressing Kev not you. I know and have known who you are didn't need to re-read that thread. Maybe BLUTO feels that way too, wonder what the implications of the alliance are for him.
I'm fine with anyone knowing who I am but you continue to hide behind your Nom De Plume. Your choice. Doesn't affect me or what I do one way or the other.
700UW said:
He actually lost a lot of weight, but hey you are an anti-union and anti-worker person and you love to attack people you dont know.
So now you are an expert in a person's physcial ability along with your know it all legend in your own mind airline/aviation expert?

He is probably in better shape than you.
Still doubt he could lift, stoop and climb into the pit of an aircraft. I'd love to be proven wrong but I doubt he will ever work another day on the ramp. And your picture proves my point thanks for posting!

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