My station is insourcing the below wing, former envoy work, November 10. Local management has authorized OT coverage to allow employees the opportunity to keep up with the increased electronic training requirements. Had an employee today who sat at the computer for 5 hours completing the required electronic training. We have been told this training must be completed before we touch AA metal. Although, I fully understand and appreciate the need to have everyone trained, I don't understand how this can be accomplished without consideration of OT. There is only so much down time between flights. There are limited company computers to access. An employee is not contractually obligated to complete training from home. Many do not have this ability. Could it be, the company is setting unachievable goals and timelines, in their quest for single carrier status? Their anxiousness to return profit to the shareholders kind of reminds me of a hormone driven agenda on prom night! Disturbing and should be duly noted by all.