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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Tim Nelson said:
What is stopping Lus or LAA from recalling LAA and offering them Clt or Phl, and allowing them to do our work without going to the bottom of the list?

Tell us in your mathematics how the company gains a cost advantage from that?
WeAAsles said:
I know it didn't fit in to what some wanted or think they deserve but it's a move in the right direction and sometimes it's better to make steps than trying to make one huge leap.
As stated in a previous post; this CBA is not everything for everybody. No CBA ever is. This CBA is a good step forward as we enter into JCBA talks. It is not only better to make steps than trying to make one huge leap; it is the only reasonable option. In negotiations neither party gets everything they want or feel they deserve. Not even opposition candidates and slick politicians. The real battle now lies ahead in JCBA talks. A united membership behind the Association and the new NC will be needed. Let us move forward, in the best interest of the entire membership, together. 
Tim Nelson said:
What is stopping Lus or LAA from recalling LAA and offering them Clt or Phl, and allowing them to do our work without going to the bottom of the list?
um money... 
why would you pay LAA to come in when you have employees there already?  
Timmy get your story straight first you say the company is so cheap they will take away our health care and then your other scare tactic is that they are so generous they will bring in LAA employees to do work while our guys sit on their ass in the break room...
you really dont think these things through do you?
PHXConx said:
um money... 
why would you pay LAA to come in when you have employees there already?  
Timmy get your story straight first you say the company is so cheap they will take away our health care and then your other scare tactic is that they are so generous they will bring in LAA employees to do work while our guys sit on their ass in the break room...
you really dont think these things through do you?
I was waiting for Tim to express his thoughts on this. If there is a courtesy recall to those stations for our members and they're at the top rate, where is the savings in having them work more than people working there currently. I'm sure that you have plenty of people in those two hubs who are not at the top rate yet, so Tim's scenario makes no sense economically.
PHXConx said:
um money... 
why would you pay LAA to come in when you have employees there already?  
Timmy get your story straight first you say the company is so cheap they will take away our health care and then your other scare tactic is that they are so generous they will bring in LAA employees to do work while our guys sit on their ass in the break room...
you really dont think these things through do you?
What has been in the dark is being brought to the light. As we go forward... many will try to encourage solidarity; others will encourage division. One cannot escape their footprint in history. The self proclaimed "enforcer" is one with a history of spreading division among the membership. Although his viewpoints are not shared by the masses; he will try to deceive that they are. One thing is certain. He will continue his agenda of division. The membership needs to be aware of the history... and consider the source. 
Tim Nelson said:
What is stopping Lus or LAA from recalling LAA and offering them Clt or Phl, and allowing them to do our work without going to the bottom of the list?
How many are on the list?....
TN is becoming a non-factor and that is too bad because smarts is something you should not flush!
PHXConx said:
um money... 
why would you pay LAA to come in when you have employees there already?  
Timmy get your story straight first you say the company is so cheap they will take away our health care and then your other scare tactic is that they are so generous they will bring in LAA employees to do work while our guys sit on their ass in the break room...
you really dont think these things through do you?
So other yhan your rant about what you think the company will do, there is no language preventing the company from doing it.
WeAAsles said:
I was waiting for Tim to express his thoughts on this. If there is a courtesy recall to those stations for our members and they're at the top rate, where is the savings in having them work more than people working there currently. I'm sure that you have plenty of people in those two hubs who are not at the top rate yet, so Tim's scenario makes no sense economically.
Timmy wants to spread fear... he doesnt care about accuracy he already said he doesnt care about his own credibility...  on one hand he wants us to believe that the company is stingy(i can agree on this for most things as hard as we fight for over time and decent equipment yea id say they are very stingy)  but he turns around and says out of the kindness of their heart we are to believe that the company is now going to bring back LAA peeps to do the job of people already on the property,  he is absolutely batty 
it makes no sense to bring in people with higher pay to a station where there are already people there to work...  
he is trying to scare people thats it 
to what end now?  whats his agenda now?
Tim Nelson said:
So other yhan your rant about what you think the company will do, there is no language preventing the company from doing it.
There is no language to prevent the Company from...
Going Bankrupt and liquidating...
Suffering accidents...
Making unwise business decisions...
Moving the HQ to West Virginia...
Replacing Airbuses with 707’s...
The list is infinite...
Tim Nelson said:
So other yhan your rant about what you think the company will do, there is no language preventing the company from doing it.
theres no language that prevents them hiring a bunch of clowns either... obviously because they hired you..
you asked what would stop them i told you, money it makes no sense monetarily  none 
PHXConx said:
Timmy wants to spread fear... he doesnt care about accuracy he already said he doesnt care about his own credibility...  on one hand he wants us to believe that the company is stingy(i can agree on this for most things as hard as we fight for over time and decent equipment yea id say they are very stingy)  but he turns around and says out of the kindness of their heart we are to believe that the company is now going to bring back LAA peeps to do the job of people already on the property,  he is absolutely batty 
it makes no sense to bring in people with higher pay to a station where there are already people there to work...  
he is trying to scare people thats it 
to what end now?  whats his agenda now?
His agenda is the same as it always has been...
Discredit the IAM... divide the Membership, and make himself look like a superhero in the process! 
Tim Nelson said:
So other yhan your rant about what you think the company will do, there is no language preventing the company from doing it.
Looking at it I don't think I see anything in language that prevents the company from doing it?

But on the other hand there is ZERO reason to do so and drive up unneeded costs. There simply is no practical purpose for your hypothesis becoming reality.
Tim the problem you seem to have is in pairing your thoughts with the underlying business reasons that have to be factored into things.

Take Shift Changes as an example. Our policy is better than your contractual language because it makes more financial sense for there to be more CS' s rather than less. More lower paid people work for higher wage people by far. Those cost savings fall back to the company.

It's not done because the company likes us. It's done as an economical decision that makes good business sense and nothing more.
When you're on the outside looking in it's easy to see the glass as half empty. It's what the opposition seizes upon. The Grand Lodge election lost by the opposition. The District 141 Officers election lost by the opposition. The ratification vote passed, by an overwhelming margin, despite the unelected candidate's opposition. Rerun elections all you want... it doesn't change the truth and the memberships' choice. If there was a way to protest the ratification vote I'm sure that would be pursued, as well, by certain individuals. Game over. it's time to unite and move forward. 
WeAAsles said:
Looking at it I don't think I see anything in language that prevents the company from doing it?

But on the other hand there is ZERO reason to do so and drive up unneeded costs. There simply is no practical purpose for your hypothesis becoming reality.
there is only one reason the company might do it, to give their tool timmy credibility because its obvious left to himself that will never happen 
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