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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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737823 said:
So you are to the IAM/US as WeAAsles is to TWU/AA.
... and... you are to the Airline Industry, as Ed Norton is to Tyler Durden in the movie “Fight Club”... 
to this day still cannot figure out why a "banker" knows a helluva lot more to the inner workings of the IAM and unions in general as well as the airlines  yet he makes no mistakes and very loud n clear his complete and utter hatred of both US and the IAM  his posts says it all
WeAAsles said:
Hey phony profile guy (Doosh) what are you calling me out for?
In February you posted this:

WeAAsles said:
Tim you know who I am. I don't think I have to give you a road map to figure that one out, do I? But hey say hello to Josh the Janitor and the Informer for me. Sounds like a cool name for a rock band.

Hi ho, Hi ho, off to work I go.
to which BLUTO/Dave responded:

BLUTO said:
He was comparing you and the TWU to Roabilly and the IAM.
robbedagain said:
Tim  I do not know what more you want in sect 6 talks  but in this case what we have here is at least 1000% better than what UA and HA had received in the past.  This alone tells me that our NC heard us loud and clear.   And to top it off the scope was enhanced in this TA not to mention the AA metal is now included.   This TA will pass (my own opin of course) and I think its not just the signing bonus or the wages but the scope has definitely been improved in this TA.   The Health thing does not take affect til sometime in 2018 and we got what 4 yrs to go for that..  not to mention by then we COULD have a JCBA by then that cld cover the Health Care   In short theres a lot that cld and will happen btwn now and 4 yrs later.  Personally I voted YES for our TA bec of the Scope    While I do think the signing bonus and the wages cld of been brough up higher  I am for one happy the SCOPE was improved much more significantly.  To me that was more important than anything else  and yes Wages are important but what good would that do if you don't have scope
Scope wasn't improved, unless you are talking about your own station.  6 stations improved, 12 eliminated.  Doesn't matter if you work 5 flights a day or 100, if another union can waltz right in and do your work and it's not exclusive to you then it's not your scope.  Personally, I have never seen a union give work to another union, but with the association coming, I guess the dues are a wash.
Harry Callahan said:
Tim I'm going to try and give you advice you didn't ask for.
Away from here & all the union stuff which I'll never agree with you on & of course I couldn't vote for you. With that said I consider you to be my friend. I think you need to just retire & get away from all this stuff & let it go. IMO God could use you in ministry & of course He will supply your needs. Something to pray about.
Ministry is a daily thing Harry. I take no offense that you didn't vote for me.  Part of ministry is fighting injustice.  And the blatant violation of worker rights by our union bosses is a bit disappointing that we shouldn't tolerate. As long as I'm in this union, I will not fear the injustice but fight freely against it.  It's actually exciting.
let me ask you this Tim  lets say we are in say RNO  and US and AA each have say 4 mainline jets a day  lets take AA ramp is mainline as is US  How would this contract affect that?   Granted in my station AA has something like 10 mainline a day the ramp is farmed out to AE so under this TA if ratified we stand to gain  but I have to wonder about other stations etc
737823 said:
In February you posted this:
to which BLUTO/Dave responded:
He was comparing you and the TWU to Roabilly and the IAM.
And I'm pretty sure that I've stated numerous times that I am an active employee and not a retiree?

And also really Tim can only speculate who I am since I've never outright told him. But I have told most others on here exactly who I am.

And on Bluto it is you who are speculating who he is.
robbedagain said:
let me ask you this Tim  lets say we are in say RNO  and US and AA each have say 4 mainline jets a day  lets take AA ramp is mainline as is US  How would this contract affect that?   Granted in my station AA has something like 10 mainline a day the ramp is farmed out to AE so under this TA if ratified we stand to gain  but I have to wonder about other stations etc
Like I repeatedly said Robbed, if I'm in RNO or JAX or one of the other 4 small stations, I vote yes and don't even think about voting no. Ole AH and JG didn't mind tossing scope to those small 6 stations with few employees because he got the golden slipper when he got cross utilization at other airports.  He can now realize the merger synergies without even bothering with a fence agreement or less.
robbedagain said:
let me ask you this Tim  lets say we are in say RNO  and US and AA each have say 4 mainline jets a day  lets take AA ramp is mainline as is US  How would this contract affect that?   Granted in my station AA has something like 10 mainline a day the ramp is farmed out to AE so under this TA if ratified we stand to gain  but I have to wonder about other stations etc
Any issues that MAY come about due to your first quoted scenario may be worth it as a whole since as I read it the company is going to get rid of sub-contractors who are performing work in our former cities or even cities we never had.

Unless there is some type of agreement extended over to the TWU at a later date this will provide more work for you in the system and may even assist wanted movement, (transfers)
Tim Nelson said:
Like I repeatedly said Robbed, if I'm in RNO or JAX or one of the other 4 small stations, I vote yes and don't even think about voting no. Ole AH and JG didn't mind tossing scope to those small 6 stations with few employees because he got the golden slipper when he got cross utilization at other airports.  He can now realize the merger synergies without even bothering with a fence agreement or less.
What Tim does is only point out the bad rather than painting the other side of the picture. Although I can understand his trepidation on this one only because he works in ORD where we have a pretty large presence.
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