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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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I think your ticket has shied away from you because ur a "hot tomale". Problem is the cornmeal is going bad!
WeAAsles said:
I'm gonna enjoy every second of this. I get my kicks from this kind of stuff.
we both do. Now back to the dol rerun. The evil doers will pay for their transgressions against the members. I love putting cases together. These are exciting times as we drew blood on the leaders and they had no choice but to hit the smary bomb that sabotaged the election.
mike33 said:
I think your ticket has shied away from you because ur a "hot tomale". Problem is the cornmeal is going bad!
I can see it now. Tim tries to go up to these people and they put there head down, hand on the side of there face and start trying to beat a hasty retreat.

I saw their qualifications and some of them had some pretty good experience working for the members. I'm sure they've all seen this guy on here and thought "What the F were we thinking?"

2nd qtr results should be out soon, they're spending money like water going over Niagra Falls.
the question still remains. A simple yes or no will suffice please. Why are you avoiding the question anyway? Afraid your HONEST answer will expose you?
Tim Nelson said:
i just like calling the shot like Ruth. Prolly a bit more arrogant than i should be but there will b no stopping a rerun. Its the sound of inevitability. We would have whipped their asses if they didnt violate all the laws. So thats still coming as well. Quite frankly, it will be better politically to just replace all of them in the true american way of "2 for 1" grab.

All they did was extend their termination by digging a deeper hole for us to bury their political lives in.

I know this sounds sick but since they exposed themselves further, im going to enjoy sending all of the idiots packing. As far as the case, ill post it in its entirety here. Implicitly, im saying they cant touch it. Its a rerun fellas and i think the leaders should flip the entire bill due to their transgressions. Any other leaders want to say these charges wont stick? Hurry up and lay your claim. Hey im the baby face and enforcing the rights of the members is what i do.
the enforcer cometh
Have you taken your meds today? You are spinning out of control with the most recent defeat. Now you are proclaiming to be the "Enforcer" of the rights of the members? You're losing what little credibility you have left with each post. Food for thought... next election endorse the candidates you don't want elected. Maybe that will work if you choose not to run.  
Tim Nelson said:
yeeeeessssss. In 3.5 years. Tick tock....

Hell even delaney fessed up about how great our current health care is with premium caps. Our health care will b gone but not forgotten in T minus 3.5 years.
The prophet speaks. Hear oh members on this forum. "Our health care will be gone but not forgotten in T minus 3.5 years." Folks we can expect more doom and gloom prophecies from the chosen, the self proclaimed "enforcer" until the next election. So much for a gracious concessionary statement acknowledging the will of the membership. A defeated candidate spinning out of control. A defeated candidate with a never ending eye on the "next" election. The membership has spoken Tim. You lost again. Despite your strategy of trying to ride the anticipated dissention vote at UA; the US members showed up and voted. The U4C slate was not their choice by an overwhelming margin. A vote of "no confidence" in the US candidates on the U4C Slate. This is what your fellow U4C UA candidates should acknowledge from the election results when considering the 2016 election.

the same kinda doom n gloom this board got when asked for the term sheets....... that was to be released june 1.....
Tim and his slate:
I don't see why CLT and PHL are stuck voting on the contract, at the Local, when 29 other stations vote at the airport conference rooms, etc.  At some point we should get that fixed to be as convenient as possible for everyone.
Tim Nelson said:
I don't see why CLT and PHL are stuck voting on the contract, at the Local, when 29 other stations vote at the airport conference rooms, etc.  At some point we should get that fixed to be as convenient as possible for everyone.
It's got to be some kind of conspiracy Tim. LMAO!  Maybe it has something to do with the potential volume of voters and logistics. In the end; members who wish to vote will get to their respective polling locations to insure their vote is cast. Next allegation "enforcer"? 
Tim Nelson said:
I don't see why CLT and PHL are stuck voting on the contract, at the Local, when 29 other stations vote at the airport conference rooms, etc.  At some point we should get that fixed to be as convenient as possible for everyone.
As far as clt goes. We were trying to find a place at the airport outside of the security area because we had been notified that several people from other stations would be voting in clt. We couldn't find a space in time for it to be posted, so we just decided to hold it at the local to make sure everyone had access to vote. As you know the local is very close to the airport.
I think in my station there will be a very good turn out  and most of the folks seem like they'll vote yes  given that this is going to last til we get a JCBA   Also during the meeting with union reps the percentage following the 2017? or where it states to be TBD  they believe it will be higher percentage raises.. only time will tell (wages)
robbedagain said:
I think in my station there will be a very good turn out  and most of the folks seem like they'll vote yes  given that this is going to last til we get a JCBA   Also during the meeting with union reps the percentage following the 2017? or where it states to be TBD  they believe it will be higher percentage raises.. only time will tell (wages)
September 2015 Robbed. Should equal somewhere in the range of $24 per hour give or take. The unknown is due to non union Delta that won't be determined until that year.
yes youre correct WeAAsles  according to what was said  it should be at minimum of 2.1% or higher and they'll shoot for higher  of course if DL does go union that cld also really be a big help
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