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1st Q Numbers look great!

sorry, but there was incorrect information posted and when that takes place, no one should be surprised when it is corrected.

WN will do fine in Latin America and grow there, but they certainly won't be the first to offer bags included in the price (nothing in life is really free) and they certainly won't be the only carrier who doesn't charge for carry-ons.
does this plane go to paris said:
Yet another topic taken over by the board hog, (for those that remember "Dont be a bin hog"). 
You can only be talking about 1 or 2 people out there.  Glad I cannot no longer read what the twins post as I have them on ignore, and it makes for a much, much better read without their complete false, incomplete, and mis-information coming across my screens for reading.
  On a more positive note, and moving forward, ran across this article and I am very impressed with the numbers and %'s of increases since last year same Q.  Looking forward to many, many more positive earnings reports in the future, happy reading to all, and the numbers look great:-
Must-know: Key drivers of Southwest’s second quarter margin expansion
Given that WN has had many positive quarters so far, it is doubtful that they will lose their way at this point.

However, if shutting out anyone who says anything you don't want to hear, including correcting your inaccuracies is the way you operate, then I truly feel sorry for you.

You made several inaccurate statements about baggage carry-on charges.

We don't disagree about WN's long-term prospects or the success of its DAL, DCA, or Latin expansions. I have repeatedly said WN would do well in all of those areas.

Note, however, that the report you cite (section 6) that WN's labor costs increased 8.7% including 0.33 cents/ASM to costs.

WN's costs are growing and are being driven by labor costs.

As much as I know how much you want to see resolution to many of the labor negotiations, the fact that WN's costs continue to increase at the rate they are shows the company cannot give raises that will further increase those costs and allow WN to maintain its cost advantage.
swamt said:
You can only be talking about 1 or 2 people out there.  Glad I cannot no longer read what the twins post as I have them on ignore, and it makes for a much, much better read without their complete false, incomplete, and mis-information coming across my screens for reading.
  On a more positive note, and moving forward, ran across this article and I am very impressed with the numbers and %'s of increases since last year same Q.  Looking forward to many, many more positive earnings reports in the future, happy reading to all, and the numbers look great:-
Must-know: Key drivers of Southwest’s second quarter margin expansion
You certainly are obsessed, you constantly mention me in your posts.
does it hurt your feelings if you ignores you?

can you contribute something to the thread which is about WN's profitability and his claims about WN's product advantages - true or false - relative to the competition?
I'm glad that WN and DL could come up with a deal that was mutually beneficial to both parties. WN's contribution of $100M to the conversion surely helped make the deal more palatable to DL.

While the 717 might not have been ideal for WN's homogenous fleet of 737s, DL's network is far more sophisticated and complex and can justify the use of the 717. The 717 is heavily being used to replace small RJs, a line of business which WN never chose to serve but which the legacy carriers have. Compared with small RJs, the 717 is economical and the smaller size provides the opportunity to serve routes which WN isn't interested in serving - yet FL in the past and now DL do serve. Surely you can accept that FL was profitable and DL is now despite having different strategies than WN.

Further, DL's rich experience with the DC9 family of aircraft provides commonality for DL to maximize.

Again, WN will succeed and I have repeatedly noted that, esp. with their new growth to DCA, DAL, and in Latin America; if getting rid of the 717s is part of what they needed to do to reach their goals, hopefully you can accept that different strategies necessitate different resources.
looks like WN's great numbers involve further pulldowns at ATL and SEA(from WN's schedule blog)

We will also eliminate nonstop service between Atlanta and three airports: San Juan, Aruba, and Montego Bay. - See more at: http://www.blogsouthwest.com/march-2015-base-schedule-available/#sthash.SV3aI6D1.dpuf</i>

AS moved into SEA-ABQ and WN moved out
Nonstop service between Albuquerque and Seattle/Tacoma will end, after nearly 16 years of operation - See more at: http://www.blogsouthwest.com/march-2015-base-schedule-available/#sthash.SV3aI6D1.dpuf</i>
from the article:

"But among major domestic carriers, Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) remains the standout. Delta had an 82.9 percent on-time arrival performance in August, followed closely by U.S. Airways with 81.2 percent."
an accurate reading of the article and the facts would have to include congratulations to the DL and US folks for running a better operation.

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