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18 Year Mainline Pilot, $58k/year

El Gato said:
Pacemaker, can I have your job? I will gladly do it for $40k a year. I promise to work 85 hours a month and not ask for a "pension"(nobody new to the workforce nowadays even gets one!). I ask for no more than $80k a year top out, and I am willing to wait 20 years for that. 401k, profit sharing, basic med coverage all work good for me.


Probably can't do his job since you are undereducated and unmotivated and why you are where you are life. Maybe if you had spent you energy in investing in your talents and capability and put frth more effort you could actualy do his job. He probably sacrifices twice as much time at work "flying 85 hrs", as you do in your pilot envy position.
El gato,

You're interested in a pilot career! Welcome to the profession! A few quick things before you get started.

Plan on a military career. You do already have your 4-year degree, and 20/20 uncorrected vision, right? If so, you should have no trouble securing a training slot in one of the services pronto! We'll all see you back here in 5 years when your commitment ends.

No? No problem; just a simple matter of writing a check for around 50 grand to fund the various ratings you're going to have to amass over the next couple of years, while you study full-time, leaving no time for earning an income.

Fine! It's now 2006. You're well on your way. Of course, you will need a couple more years' experience before you'll be considered for a "real job" (you know, the one you said you'd do for 40k). As a Mesa F/O, you'll earn enough to qualify for food stamps as you move up the ladder on your way to prestige and riches!

And of course as you know, along the way your career may fall by the wayside if you get sick or can't pass a 1st class physical, or wash out of training, or fail a line check, or decide you're sick of living in a trailer eating noodles every night.

What; changed your mind? You mean those FAA ratings don't just come in the mail? You can't just walk off the street into the cockpit of a 757? It takes work, and time, and great sacrifice?

Thought so; back to Jerry Springer.
Bud8EE said:
Probably can't do his job since you are undereducated and unmotivated and why you are where you are life. Maybe if you had spent you energy in investing in your talents and capability and put frth more effort you could actualy do his job. He probably sacrifices twice as much time at work "flying 85 hrs", as you do in your pilot envy position.

A) I am quite capable of doing his job. Some initials to upgrade from the Amazon, and I am there. And happy.

B) I have spent my energy much more wisely then him or you. I am not facing the financial disaster that you are, and I sure as hell am not the one who is moaning like baby about $58k a year.

C) Your good with the insults there....are you going to be one of the guys holding up those "We won!" signs on the last day?
sure you can have the job....but first you have to be motivated to get to the point to where you have the experience to DO the job.......amazingly enough...the cry baby pilots you talk about have put their time in. One way or another. They didn't just walk off the street, fill out a resume and get hired. Generally from the time you take your first flight lesson or so......expect a time frame of 10 yrs or about there before you can be looked at by the majors. Sure there are some exceptions to that (guys getting hired at 23-25) but even in that case they had already been flying for close to 5 or more years. Somebody has posted the little paragraph on what it takes to be a pilot, the time, money, put into it........as soon as your willing to do such...then roll the dice and see what happens....Oh....lets not begin to talk of the odds of actually getting hired by one of the majors..... And as for those companies listed in the first message in this thread....the majority of them are 3rd 4th tier companies...non skeds...and well not even close to the size of US....
El Gato said:
A) I am quite capable of doing his job. Some initials to upgrade from the Amazon, and I am there. And happy.

B) I have spent my energy much more wisely then him or you. I am not facing the financial disaster that you are, and I sure as hell am not the one who is moaning like baby about $58k a year.

C) Your good with the insults there....are you going to be one of the guys holding up those "We won!" signs on the last day?

Well if your more than capable of doing the job..then why aren't you??? Seeing as how you'd say you'd do it for only 58/yr......then hell you've been missing out..where have you been??? Oh yeah..it's that initial dedication and such that your missing.....go figure.........
Pacemaker, it's all be done already, exculding the military portion(it's not a requirement). 4 year degree, 20/20 vision, better heath than you, been flying the 145 for a few years now.....Yes sir, I am ready to take your job for half your pay!

It's your attitude that is going to cause that to happen. Quit whining about the pay, and start working harder. You mentioned the pay rates earlier at those other carriers....ask yourself how many of them actually PROFITED within the last year? Only four carriers made profits really. And nearly all of them pay much less than what you earn right now.

Try to remember that this business is about one thing: Profit. Make the money, give some to the stockholders, then to the employees. That is it. You don't make a profit, you don't have a reason to exist. So when was the last time you helped to generate a profit, eh?(Selling airplanes does not count!)
Crzipilot said:
Well if your more than capable of doing the job..then why aren't you??? Seeing as how you'd say you'd do it for only 58/yr......then hell you've been missing out..where have you been??? Oh yeah..it's that initial dedication and such that your missing.....go figure.........

Crzipilot, in a way, I already am doing his job. You guys are the biggest whiners when it comes to the RJ's. You scream that we are stealing your routes, your jobs, your pay, and "ruining the profession". I am so sick of the BS I hear you talking up. Come over and fly a 50 seater for $38k a year. You are making insane amounts for doing the same work I do(just different numbers of seats in the back), and you have the nerve to whine about a measly pay cut?
$58,000 for a 7 year pilot and $18,000 for a 7 year agent. That sounds like it use to be. Pilots made about 3 times what we ground workers made. That’s back when they’d stop by the counter and speak too you and invite you over to watch the game on Sunday and have a beer with you on their day off. How in the world they ended up making 6 to 8 times what we make has always been a mystery to me. I guess I shouldn’t complain, after all I did receive a .01% raise every time they got a 10% one.
El Gato said:
And nearly all of them pay much less than what you earn right now.

LUV 737 C/O

$177. 00/hr $180,000 Anually

Airtran B717 C/O

$156.00/hr $158,000 Anually
El Gato said:
Crzipilot, in a way, I already am doing his job. You guys are the biggest whiners when it comes to the RJ's. You scream that we are stealing your routes, your jobs, your pay, and "ruining the profession". I am so sick of the BS I hear you talking up. Come over and fly a 50 seater for $38k a year. You are making insane amounts for doing the same work I do(just different numbers of seats in the back), and you have the nerve to whine about a measly pay cut?

Actually, I am flying a 50 seater..and at less pay. I'm sick of the BS of the little regional pilots saying...OH OH ...I'll fly something big for 58k/yr.....go spend some time in the offices of a non-sked...and see how the whole pay thing works......Profits...Kalitta..ya they made a profit, but it's prolly shown as a loss.

There is a thing called holding up the profession....it's not that the majors are paid to much, it's that regionals are paid too LOW. As to why I'm flying a 50 seater for less....well I'm on my second furlough now...in 3 yrs....tried to hold out as long as I could from succombing to flying for some regional....but alas...I couldnt do it. though as I have just found out I'm getting recalled to one of the airlines I hold a seniority number to, and at 90/hr.....or about 90k a year, in the left seat. Funny thing though...it's a POS scumbag operation that treats their pilots like ####...and under pays them as well.
Either way...quite your whining about how much the major pilots are making..and start whining about how little you are making....what are you doing to change that????
El Gato said:
Pacemaker, it's all be done already, exculding the military portion(it's not a requirement). 4 year degree, 20/20 vision, better heath than you, been flying the 145 for a few years now.....Yes sir, I am ready to take your job for half your pay!

It's your attitude that is going to cause that to happen. Quit whining about the pay, and start working harder. You mentioned the pay rates earlier at those other carriers....ask yourself how many of them actually PROFITED within the last year? Only four carriers made profits really. And nearly all of them pay much less than what you earn right now.

Try to remember that this business is about one thing: Profit. Make the money, give some to the stockholders, then to the employees. That is it. You don't make a profit, you don't have a reason to exist. So when was the last time you helped to generate a profit, eh?(Selling airplanes does not count!)

Pretty simple as far as I can see Cat. You know what you are worth. And you accept it. Good for you! You pilot you. You are a credit to the profession.

Flying airplanes making less than a car salesman. Yep, you really got a great career going there Sparky. AND willing to do it for less than half of what the MDA guys are getting. Congrats. You have the puzzle all figured out. You are getting precisely what you are worth. I'm very pleased you are a pilot. Keep up the good work and good luck in the future.

Crzipilot said,

Either way...quite your whining about how much the major pilots are making..and start whining about how little you are making....what are you doing to change that????

I am at peace with what I earn. I do not make little, I make a fine salary and am proud of it. You are infected with greed it seems, and are bent on taking others with you.

I have no reason to complain. And neither do you.
gso-crew said:
$58,000 for a 7 year pilot and $18,000 for a 7 year agent. That’s sounds like it use to be. Pilots made about 3 times what we ground workers made. That’s back when they’d stop by the counter and speak too you and invite you over to watch the game on Sunday and have a beer with you on their day off. How in the world they ended up making 6 to 8 times what we make has always been a mystery to me. I guess I shouldn’t complain, after all I did receive a .01% raise every time they got a 10% one.

Two words to explain the mystery to you, gso-crew. ALPA, and GREED.
El Gato = another 145 wonder boy/girl

I guarentee if you were ever flying (and you never will) a 767 or A320 your attitude towards this once fine career would be a lot different. But you don't have to worry because you are an average person who accepts below average pay for flying a jet. You get what you deserve.

fatburger said:
El Gato = another 145 wonder boy/girl

I guarentee if you were ever flying (and you never will) a 767 or A320 your attitude towards this once fine career would be a lot different. But you don't have to worry because you are an average person who accepts below average pay for flying a jet. You get what you deserve.


Probably a marginal pilot with marginal piloting skills and situational awareness and posesses the job because of thel desperation regionalss use in staffing at times. Probably knows this and on some level admist it thus the apologist attitude.

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